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【目的】研究鼠尾藻(Sargassum thun bergii)有性生殖相关因子间的关系,分析鼠尾藻群体的有性生殖能力。【方法】通过统计分析方法,研究藻体长度与侧枝数、侧枝长度与生殖托数、生殖托长度与生殖托挂卵数间的关系。【结果】藻体长度与侧枝数、侧枝长度与生殖托数、生殖托长度与生殖托挂卵数间都为线性正相关,利用回归方程推算,1株成熟的鼠尾藻藻体能产生2×105~3.3×106个受精卵。【结论】1株成熟鼠尾藻的产卵量基本可满足1m2的采苗生产需要。  相似文献   
Based on the existing data concerning the evolution of the sexual reproduction, it is argued that the processes of sex differentiation and interactions play a key role in evolution. From the beginning environment and organism are unified. In a changing dynamic environment life originates and the interaction between life and environment develops from simple to more complex organisms. Sexual reproduction is introduced after the origin of meiosis and is a key process in evolution. The asexual reproduction process prepares to dispersal. Sexual reproduction process adds the genome renewal and the gamete-gamete interaction. Reproduction and dispersal are connected and the process of reproduction has similarities between asexual and sexual reproduction. Unicellular algae develop the physiological and morphological sex differentiation. Sex differentiation is connected with the way of dispersal. The step to multicellular plants introduces cell isolation after meiosis and by the stay on the mother plant within a cell or organ, plant-cell apoplastic interaction originates and by prolonged stay the plant-plant interaction. This stay influences the type of dispersal. A life cycle with alternation of generations and two moments of dispersal permits plants to go on land. In ferns a shift in the moment of sex differentiation to meiospore happens and the stay of the macrospore leads to the seed plants. In water all types of sexual reproduction, interactions and the alternation of generations are prepared and these are used to conquest land. On land the biotic dispersal is realized. The phylogeny of sexual reproduction reveals that the sex differentiation and interaction are the main causes in the evolution of sexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction shows interactions during gamete fusion, between organism and environment and in multicellular plants between organisms. With respect to other types of interaction as in symbiosis or the nutrient chain, interaction is considered as an important action which is based on a persisting cooperation and points to a push during evolution. The push is expressed as communication: the driving force in the evolution. Based on the interactions between organisms and interactions between organisms and the dynamic environment, communication is considered as a driving force leading to the evolution as explained in the development of plant reproduction. Consequences for reproduction, its regulation and the process of evolution are discussed.  相似文献   
细胞程序性死亡是植物中普遍存在的现象,并与植物的生长发育密切相关。简要综述了在植物生长发育过程中的细胞程序性死亡现象。  相似文献   
野古草(Arundinella hirta) 对水淹逆境的生殖响应   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
分析了嘉陵江边不同强度水淹后的1年生野古草个体的有性生殖和无性生殖数量特征,结果表明:野古草有性生殖植株的单株种子质量、粒数和生殖分配等随水淹强度增大而逐渐降低,高强度水淹后野古草没有进行有性生殖.在一定水淹范围内,表征野古草无性生殖的单株质量、分枝数随水淹强度的增大而呈增大的趋势,说明野古草无性生殖随水淹强度的增加呈增强的趋势.在周期性的自然水淹下,无性生殖是野古草适应自然的生殖方式.  相似文献   
到目前为止,地球上的生物一共采用丁两种生殖方式:无性生殖和有性生殖。前者比较简单,它的一个例子是细菌。细菌繁殖的办法是搞分裂,让自己一分为二,一个变两个,繁殖就此完成。高级一点儿的比如生活在撒哈拉沙漠和近东地区的大蜥蜴,该添新丁的时候,就会有一个卵细胞承担起使命,独自发育成胚胎。由于没有生殖细胞相互结合的染色体交换过程,新生儿的基因全部来自母体,是母体的完拿翻版。  相似文献   
崔岫 《科学世界》2003,(3):57-61
人们有这样一种传统的观念:与男性相比,女性缺乏科学头脑。这也是女性在科学研究领域里所占比例极低的一个原因。刚刚获得“女性诺贝尔奖”的5位科学家的经历告诉我们:女性完全有能力接受高等教育,她们能够完成科学知识的传承并最终实现创新。给予女性科学家应得的认可,将给人们的心理带来深深的震撼。  相似文献   
Plant eliminates unwanted cells by means of programmed cell death(PCD)in many developmental processes including suspensor degeneration during early embryogenesis.Suspensor is an important and terminally differentiated structure that connects the embryo to maternal tissues during embryogenesis in seeds,which was discovered almost 170 years ago.How the suspensor is eliminated and how the elimination is triggered have been attractive questions to plant scientists for many decades.Funded by NSFC and973 project,Prof.  相似文献   
应用DAPI荧光染色术对冠突伪尾柱虫有性生殖过程中两种结构演化最复杂的核现象进行了观察。在“降落伞”的形成并向第一次成熟分裂中期转变期间,“伞盖”和“重物”染色质团之间自始至终由DNA荧光丝状物相联,“重物”染色质团随着“伞盖”部染色质丝缩短变粗而逐渐变小,并在中期染色体形成的同时消失。为解释上述演变过程,在讨论中提出了一个细胞学动态模型。在大核原基的发育过程中,于染色体多线化之前先由染色质丝转变为短杆状染色体。这些染色体移向核的一极,然后从一端开始解螺旋并向核的另一极伸展。在此期间,可以观察到某些染色体成双存在。  相似文献   
<正>上世纪80年代以来,分子生物学研究飞速发展,对传统的生物学研究领域产生了深远的影响。与此同时,一批分子进化和群体遗传分析方法与技术涌现。分子生物学技术在轮虫适应性进化研究中得到广泛应用。生物进化是指生物种群多样性和适应性的变化,或是一个群体长期遗传组成上的变化。它的核心是适应进化机制和选择作用,其中,适应进化是生物在分支发展过程中,局部结构和功能发生了变化,以适应特殊的环境。轮虫是一类微小的多细胞生物,广泛分布于淡水、海水和内陆盐水水体中,是水域生态  相似文献   
中华半管藻繁殖生物学研究:Ⅳ.有性生殖与生殖调控   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中华半管藻有性生殖是一个卵配过程,在培养种群细胞宽4 ̄50μm时,性细胞在4 ̄30μm宽的细胞中产生。精子发生过程较为罕见,精原孢囊形成合胞体,每个孢囊产生32或64个精子,复大后藻细胞最大宽度可增至12.5倍。整个生殖过程需经历一周左右,在弱光.短日照与正常盐度获得最高性分化率。  相似文献   
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