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The structure of a hollow spindle wrap spun yarn depends greatly on the steadiness of bindertension and of balloon rotation.The two commonly used binder bobbin forms,the cop type andthe flanged type,both as sources of spinning condition fluctuation,are examined in order to revealtheir effects on the wrap spun yarn structure.False twist is introduced on hollow spindle spinningmachines in order to avoid strand breaks before it is tightly wrapped up.However,an investigationof the false twisti g-wrapping process shows that this inevitably causes irregular yarn tortuosity.  相似文献   
首先引入了饱和系统平衡点的分类.在此基础上,论证了单饱和输入下,开环,闭环均稳定或其一稳定时的平衡点的分布规律及判别准则;最后指出,当原点全局渐近稳定时,其余非零稳定平衡点均为伪平衡点的必要性.  相似文献   
本文建立了固定假捻器的简化模型,根据微分几何原理推导出理想纱条的平衡方程,并得到扭矩的计算式.  相似文献   
传统的灰度级压缩算法存在无法自动识别感兴趣灰度范围,并且经过压缩后图像必然丢失一部分信息的问题. 文中针对高位灰度图像提出了一种假彩色显示的方法,对高位图像的灰度级采样,并映射到HSV颜色空间中H通道;压缩图像灰度级使其包含在0~255内,并将其映射到V图层;对图像进行归一化处理,并将其映射到S图层;最后将图像从HSV颜色空间转换到RGB颜色空间进行显示. 主观和客观评价结果显示,该方法能最大限度显示高位图像包含的细节.   相似文献   
为了解决有序统计恒虚警(order statistic constant false alarm rate,OS-CFAR)、有序统计最大选择恒虚警(order statistic greatest of-constant false alarm rate,OSGO-CFAR)和有序统计最小选择恒虚警(order statistic smallest of-constant false alarm rate, OSSO-CFAR)检测算法在非均匀噪声环境下检测性能严重下降的问题,基于威布尔分布模型和模糊量化的软决策方法,提出了一种加权有序统计量的模糊恒虚警(weighted order statistic and fuzzy rules constant false alarm rate, WOSF-CFAR)检测算法。通过计算 Leading和Lagging子窗口对应的模糊隶属函数值,采用代数积、代数和、最大选择和最小选择4种融合规则对2个子窗口的模糊输出量进行融合,并与比较门限进行比较判别目标有无。仿真表明,提出的检测方法与OSGO-CFAR, OSSO-CFAR算法相比,在均匀噪声、杂波边缘干扰和多目标干扰环境下均具有较好的检测性能,尤其是采用代数积融合规则时,检测性能最优,且提出的检测算法在均匀噪声环境下也具有最佳的检测性能。  相似文献   
现有的自适应门限判决PN码捕获方法在低信噪比条件下的检测概率较低.针对这一问题,文中提出一种考虑噪声功率的改进算法.该算法首先通过参数设置对基于信噪比的门限进行调整,然后利用中值滤波平滑门限波形,减少了由于起伏波动引起的错误捕获,最后通过限幅滤波降低因毛刺造成的虚警概率.理论分析以及蒙特卡罗仿真表明,改进算法较现有算法能够获得更高的检测概率和更低的虚警概率,同时对窄带干扰有较强的抑制能力.  相似文献   
20世纪20年代,约有数百方三体石经残石先后在洛阳附近出土,由于当时国运多舛,多数残石出土后并没有得到妥善保存,有的甚至流落海外,至今下落不明.所以孙海波<魏三字石经集录>一书中所收部分拓本的真实性曾一度受到质疑.如商承祚先生便曾撰文指称<君奭>、<多方>残石为伪刻.实际上,被商承祚先生斥为伪刻的<君奭>、<多方>残石与其他残石所刻的<尚书>文字相比,结构、用笔、字体风格并无二致,许多字甚至是出于同一人的手笔.因此,被商承祚先生斥为伪刻的<君奭>、<多方>残石其实不伪.  相似文献   
Many QTL mapping methods have been developed in the past two decades.Statistically,the best method should have a high detection power but a low false discovery rate (FDR).Power and FDR cannot be derived theoretically for most QTL mapping methods,but they can be properly evaluated using computer simulations.In this paper,we used four genetic models (two for independent loci and two for linked loci) to illustrate power and FDR estimation for interval mapping (IM) and inclusive composite interval mapping (ICIM).For each model,we simulated 1000 populations each of 200 doubled haploids.A support interval (SI) was first defined to indicate to which predefined QTL the significant QTL belonged.Power was calculated by counting the number of simulation runs with significant peaks higher than the logarithm of odds (LOD) threshold in the SI.Quantitative trait loci not identified in any SIs were viewed as false positives.The FDR is the rate at which QTLs are identified as significant when they are actually non-significant.Simulation results allowed us to estimate power and FDR of IM and ICIM for two independent and two linkage genetic models.Our estimates allowed us to readily compare the efficiencies of different statistical methods for QTL mapping,including the ability to separate linkage,under a wide range of genetic models.We used IM and ICIM as examples of how to estimate power and FDR,but the principles shown in this paper can be used for power analysis and comparison of any other QTL mapping methods,especially those based on interval tests.  相似文献   
提出了一种恒虚警检测信源数的方法,该方法通过定义一个由观测协方差矩阵相邻特征值之差统计量构成的五维矢量序列,并利用K均值(K-means)聚类算法将所定义的五维矢量序列分成两类,且视为信号和噪声子空间.当将噪声予空间所对应的特征值序列描述成一个统计分布,并通过期望最大(expectation maximization,...  相似文献   
飞机尾流雷达探测的时-频-空域联合处理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对相参多普勒雷达,提出了一种表征飞机尾流时-频-空域特性的雷达回波信号模型. 导出了飞机尾流最佳似然比检测器及其在大脉冲数、小信噪比条件下的准最佳形式,证明了后者为时-频-空域联合处理结构,并具有不依赖于信号功率的恒虚警特性. 导出了准最佳检测器检测概率和虚警概率的解析表达式及其近似形式. 实验结果表明,时-频-空域联合处理技术可有效增强飞机尾流的雷达探测性能.  相似文献   
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