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琉球是中国明、清两代的藩属国,二战前被日本吞并,改为冲绳县。二战期间,中、美、英、苏签订《开罗宣言》、《波茨坦公告》间接地对琉球处置作出原则性规定,日本以日本《投降书》的书面形式明示接受上述两国际条约。本文考察历史史实及对上述三个条约进行国际法解读,推论出"日本不具有琉球主权"这个结论,以正视听、扶正压邪。  相似文献   
唐淳风 《世界知识》2013,(11):14-29
5月15日,一个旨在探讨冲绳从日本独立的“琉球民族独立综合研究学会”在冲绳成立。此事提醒人们,在被日本窃据的一些列岛屿上(不局限于冲绳),曾经存在过一个千年古国——琉球王国,而琉球人民要求复活独立的呼声从未停止过。  相似文献   
江淮 《世界知识》2010,(21):67-67
<正>回顾日本窃占钓鱼岛的历史,国人不禁把目光投向琉球群岛,投向历史上的琉球王国。琉球群岛位于日本九州岛与中国台湾岛之间,从东北向西南呈弧形分布着大隅诸岛、吐噶喇列岛、奄美诸岛、冲绳诸岛和先岛诸岛,蜿蜒达1000多  相似文献   
吉林海沟金矿控矿构造特征及其演化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对海沟金矿是大型石英脉型金矿床 ,矿体严格受走向NE -NNE的断裂构造控制 ,控矿构造应力作用方式有三种这一状况 ,阐述了其成矿期最大主压应力方向为NE向。说明控矿断裂构造在成矿阶段的应力处于张扭性状态 ,此应力状态有利于矿液充填、沉淀。并指出该区NE -NNE向断裂北端—海沟背斜的倾伏端是进一步工作的方向  相似文献   
Based on an analysis of full-cover multi-beam bathymetric data, seismic and sub-bottom profiling data, and other geological-geophysical data sets, the geomorphologic features of the Ryukyu trench-arc-backarc (T-A-BA) system are delineated, and a geomorphologic map of the system is compiled. The results show that the evolution and spatial distribution patterns of the geomorphologic types of the Ryukyu T-A-BA system are controlled mainly by tectonic movements. The tectonic geomorphologic characteristics of the Ryukyu Arc (RA) differ distinctly from those of the East China Sea (ECS) continental shelf and slope. In term of geological structures, RA consists of the Tokara volcanic ridge, the Ryukyu folded ridge, the fore-arc accretion-wedge ridge and the Amami Depression and the fore-arc depressions between the ridges, which is composed of a complex of alternating island-slope ridges and fault basins. The slope of the ECS is a passive continental margin with stepwise faults. The Okinawa Trough (OT) is a backarc rift in which tectonicmovements are intensive, with active volcanic and hydro-thermal eruptions and sea floor spreading. The development of geomorphic features of the OT is controlled by the central en echelon spreading axes, the faults along the ECS slope and the marginal faults to the west of the Tokara volcanic ridge. The geomorphic complex of the OT is arranged in the following pattern: the en echelon grabens and volcanic chains formed by rifting and spreading lie in the central part of the trough, the turbidite plains incliningwards from the slope foot of the ECS lie in the westeru-northwesteru parts of the OT, and the volcaniclastic deposit plains inclining westward-northwestwards from the western slope foot of the RA lie in the easteru-southeasteru parts of the OT. In term of tectonic geomorphology, the OT forms a natural division between the sheff of the ECS and the RA.  相似文献   
本文考论了清周煌所撰《琉球国志略》的成书情况及其版本,简括了其内容,论述了《琉球国志略》的文献价值.  相似文献   
Indentation tectonics in the accretionary wedge of middle Manila Trench   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Based on the multibeam morpho-tectonic analysis of the Manila Trench accretionary wedge and its indentation tectonics and the contrasting researches with other geological and geophysical data, three tectonic zones of the wedge are established, faulting features, tectonic distribution and stress mechanism for the indentation tectonics are analyzed, oblique subduction along Manila Trench with convergent stress of NW55~ is presented, and the relationship of the ceasing of Eastern Subbasin spreading of South China Sea Basin to the formation of subduction zone of Manila Trench is discussed. By the model analysis and regional research, it is found that the seamount subduction along Manila Trench does not lead to the erosion of the accretionary wedge and the oblique subduction actually is a NWWtrending obduction of Luzon micro-plate that results from the NWW-trending displacement of the Philippine Sea plate.  相似文献   
2012年6—7月间,中国自主设计制造的深潜器“蛟龙”号在太平洋的马里亚纳海沟进行深海潜水试验,潜水深度达到水下7062米。这标志着中国已跻身国际“深潜俱乐部”,这个俱乐部的成员至今只有法国、美国、俄罗斯和日本。  相似文献   
<正>毛泽东在抗战时期就说过,日本没有大政治家。从今天日本对中国采取的进攻性对抗政策来看,其现代政治家们仍然战略近视。一些与二战历史相悖的言论就是最好的注脚。日本要走出日中关系困境,还需从中日两千年交往历史中汲取政治智慧。如果从16世纪后半期丰臣秀吉制定征服朝鲜、占领中国、夺取印度的计划算起,将倭寇骚扰看作对中国的窥探,而将1874年入侵台湾并吞琉球开始至1945年视作连续的军事进攻阶段,则日本从谋华到侵华,从蚕食鲸吞到大举征服历时300余年。日本一直在进攻,只有战术性停歇,并无战略性中断。在不断地夺占领土直至半个中国后,却以投降告终。  相似文献   
日本采用三段论逻辑,“钓鱼岛属于琉球,琉球属于日本,所以钓鱼岛属于日本”,论证“日本对钓鱼岛拥有主权”。本文从国际法角度,驳斥“琉球属于日本”,论证琉球二战后已脱离日本。“钓鱼岛属于日本”的结论更是站不住脚的。二战后,美国和日本私自签订片面的双边条约私相授受琉球违反抗日盟国所签订的具有普遍约束力的多边国际条约,造成现在的琉球处于美、日两国的双重殖民地状态。即使国际社会对美、日两国以前的背信弃义、违反国际条约的行为既往不咎,将错就错,现在按照最基本的国际法《联合国宪章》,美、日两国也有义务促进琉球自治或独立。文章最后指出,琉球追求自治或独立之路充满艰辛的原因。  相似文献   
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