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正在北非国家摩洛哥的东南部沙漠地带,全球规划装机容量最大的太阳能发电站——瓦尔扎扎特-努尔太阳能发电站,已于不久前正式投入使用。据悉,目前使用的只是第一期工程,而第二期和第三期工程已在同日开工建设。根据规划,该电站首期工程装机容量为160兆瓦,第二期和第三期工程的装机容量为200兆瓦和150兆  相似文献   
“世界冻土工程博物馆” 青藏铁路格尔木至拉萨段,是目前全球穿越永久性冻土地带最长的高原铁路,这条铁路处于多年冻土区的线路就长达550公里.而冻土对温度极为敏感,随着温度的变化,它会“发胖”或“变瘦”.  相似文献   
“中国北方长城地带”青铜时代居民的人类学资料表明。匈奴人的人种构成具有突出的地域性,不同地区的匈奴人基本延续了较早时期的人种类型。“中国北方长城地带”东周时期南下的牧人在人种类型上属于“古蒙古高原类型”,来源上应与蒙古高原以及外贝加尔石板墓的居民有一定的渊源关系。到战国晚期以后,当长城以北强大的匈奴联盟形成的时候,这部分古代居民很有可能最终加入到了匈奴联盟当中。  相似文献   
正滥用毒品对人类生理、心理健康的影响是巨大的,且毒品的买卖往往是黑社会甚至毒枭、军阀们争相垄断的财源,并孪生有黄、赌、暴力犯罪、经济犯罪等诸多社会弊端,吸毒贩毒严重的国家、地区,劳动力严重匮乏,社会治理软弱无力,全境陷入一种病态状况。毒品是华语世界的特有名词专称,国际间通常称为"娱乐性药物",即通过影响人类中枢神经系统,造成人类意识、情绪状态改变的  相似文献   
龚正 《世界知识》2014,(15):42-43
<正>对久经战火的巴以双方来说,这注定又是一个太不平静的夏天。6月12日,三名以色列少年在约旦河西岸突遭绑架并被"撕票";7月2日,一名巴勒斯坦少年遭报复性虐杀,巴以局势随之骤然紧张。占据加沙地带的哈马斯武装"重操旧业",开始向以境内发射火箭弹。7月8日,以色列军方对加沙地带发起"护刃行  相似文献   
郭渊 《世界知识》2014,(8):64-67
<正>20世纪50年代,美国、日本、法国等国出于遏制社会主义中国的需要,屡次侵扰南海诸岛,不断制造事端,南海地区遂成为敏感的"边缘地带"。为捍卫南海权益,中国政府采取主权宣示、抗议等方式捍卫南海诸岛主权;与此同时,中国政府在海洋立法、内政建设等方面也加强了对海疆国防的建设,从而揭开了新中国捍卫南海诸岛主权的序幕。  相似文献   
The geological characteristics of ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic belts formed by deep subduction of oceanic crust are summarized in this paper. Oceanic-type UHP metamorphic belt is characterized by its protolithlc assemblage of typical oceanic crust, the peak metamorphic temperature 〈600℃, P-T path undergoing blueschist facies during prograde and retrograde metamorphic evolution, reepectively, with low geothermal gradient of cold subduction. The further study of oceanic-type UHP metamorphic belt is very significant for constructing metamorphic reaction series of cold subduction zone, for understanding how aqueous fluids were transported into deep mantle and for classifying the types of UHP metamorphism in cold subduction zone. The uplift and exhumation mechanism of oceanic UHP metamorphic rocks is one of the most challenging problems in the study of UHP metamorphism, which is very important for understanding the geodynamic mechanism of solid Earth. As a traveler eubducted into the mantle depth end then uplifted to the surface, oceanic-type UHP metamorphic belts witness the bulk process from the subduction to exhumation and is an ideal target to study the geochemical behavior end cycling of elements in subduction zones. The tectonic evolution of one convergent orogenic belt can be usually divided into two stages of oceanic subduction and followed continental subduction and collision, and the two best-established examples of orogenic belts are Alpa and Himalaya. Therefore, the study of oceanic-type UHP metamorphic belt is the frontier of the current plate tectonic theory. As two case studies, the current status and existing problems of oceanic-type UHP metamorphic belts in Southwest Tianshan and North Qaidam, NW China, are reviewed in this paper.  相似文献   
The Xiaotian-Mozitan fault (XMF) located north of the Dabie orogenic belt separates the North Dabie complex to the south from the Beihuaiyang low-grade metamorphic rocks to the north. It comprises several NW-striking ductile shear zones and brittle faults. The brittle faults obviously overprinted on the ductile shear zones and promoted the development of the volcanic basins in early Cretaceous to the north, which suggests that the brittle faults were normal faults formed in early Cretaceous during doming of the Dabie orogenic belt. The ductile shear zone superposed on the north Dabie gray gneiss, and it is an important channel where the Dabie HP-UHP rocks exhumed. For obtaining new structural constraint on exhumation of the HP-UHP rocks, we present here experimental results on the microstructure, quartz C-axis fabrics and the microprobe analyses of phengite. The ductile shear zone was determined to be formed at a temperature of 600-650 ℃ and pressure of 1.1 GPa by the mineral deformation, microprobe analyses and geobarometry of Si-in-phengite of the mylonite, the results suggest that the mylonite now exposed on the surface experienced an upper amphibolite-facies metamorphism in the lower crust. The mineral stretching lineation varies from horizontal in the east segment to sub-dip in the west. Shear sense indicators from outcrop and thin sections of orientated specimen and quartz C-axis fabrics suggest that the XMF is a sinistral normal fault. The kinematics analysis of the ductile shear zone indicates that the exhumation of Dabie HP-UHP rocks is the results of a SE-directed extrusion and an anticlockwise rotation around its eastern pivot simultaneously.  相似文献   
对燕山地带的河北兴隆蓝旗营冶铁遗址、河北滦平东沟冶铁遗址、河北赤城上仓冶铁遗址进行了田野调查,对采集的炉渣、炉壁、矿石等进行了实验室分析.通过初步研究发现三处冶铁遗址的性质比较接近,主要技术为生铁冶炼和炒铁,证明燕山地带的辽代居民掌握一定的生铁冶炼技术,并掌握了添加石灰石和白云石等作为助熔剂的技术,但综合冶炼技术不成熟.通过对比发现燕山地带辽代冶铁遗址的冶炼技术比较接近,随着遗址所处矿区的不同有一定的差异,初步印证了辽代的统治者对当时冶铁业进行了集中的管理,并且采取就近进行冶炼的作业方法.  相似文献   
正"审时度势,当机立断"是沙龙这位以色列著名战将的一贯风格。他在"赎罪日战争"后步入了政治生涯。阿里埃勒·沙龙走了,这位第二次世界大战之后,最擅长采用"闪电战"战术、最钟爱装甲部队突击的将军在与死神搏斗了八年之后,走了。然而正是这位一直主张对阿拉伯强硬的以色列的军事和政治领袖,在晚年的执政生涯中当机立断,促使以色列撤出了占领38年的加沙地带,让中东的和平进程前进了一大步。沙龙1928年2月26日出生于特拉维夫附近的马拉勒村。沙龙的父母沙廖尔和维拉原籍俄罗斯,1922年迁居巴勒斯坦。沙龙14岁时参加了以色列建国前的犹太军事  相似文献   
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