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1.INTRODUCTION Quantumtheoryisoneofthemostimportantachieve mentsinthe20thcentury,anditdisclosesthestruc tures,characteristicsandmotionlawsofmatterinthe microcosmicfieldandleadsusfromthemacroscopical worldintomicrosystems.Aseriesofnewphenomena whicharedifferentfromclassicalsystemshavebeen discovered,suchasquantumentanglement,quantum coherenceanduncertainty.Meanwhile,quantum theoryandquantummethodsarealsowidelyusedin differentfieldssuchaschemicalreaction,geneticen gineering,atomicphysicsandi…  相似文献   
1.Introduction Variable structure control is well known for its robustness to system uncertainties and external disturbances and has been successfully applied to the rigid robotic manipulator systems(Utkin(1992),Zinober(1990)).Generally,a linear sliding mode is firstly designed to describe the desired system error dynamics,a robust controller drives the switching plane variables to reach the sliding mode,and the error dynamics will asymptotically converge to zero on the linear sliding mode.Si…  相似文献   
可拓神经网络在可拓专家系统中的研究与应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
将可拓学理论、人工神经网络和专家系统技术有效地组合与集成,建立了基于可拓分析与神经网络的空中目标识别专家系统,并将其应用于防空作战指挥信息系统空中目标识别。着重阐述了基于物元的知识表示方法以及空中目标识别专家系统的设计思路、总体结构和工作原理。  相似文献   
基于UML的武器装备体系需求描述   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为克服用户和分析设计人员间的交流障碍,保证武器装备需求的正确性和可操作性,在给出武器装备体系需求分析过程的基础上,分析了利用UML对武器装备体系进行需求描述的方法和步骤。以海上目标监视与打击体系为例,给出利用UML中的用例图、类图、活动图、协作图对体系顶层需求进行描述的方法。结果表明利用UML进行需求描述可确定为满足需求所需的关键系统及其相互关系,描述过程完整、易于理解和操作。  相似文献   
The problem of constructing a model dimensional parabolic system is considered in this reference adaptive control law for an uncertain 1- article. The controller designed here involves only the plant state but no its derivatives. A priori bounds on the plant's uncertain parameters are used to propose switching laws which serve as an adaptive mechanism. The exponential decay to zero of the state error with any prescribed rate is guaranteed by choosing a controller parameter correspondingly. Numerical studies are also presented to illustrate the applicability of the control law.  相似文献   
RobustStabilizationControlforaClasofNonlinearMeasureDiferentialSystemswithDelay⒇YUEDongXUShifanColegeofInformationandElectric...  相似文献   
Recent developments in computational sciences and computer modeling have allowed emergency preparedness exercises to include simulation models as supporting tools.These simulation models are generally built for predicting temporal and geographic patterns of disease spread.However sole use of simulation models in exercise design falls short in terms of incorporating policy decision makers’ preferences into decision-making processes.In this paper,a general framework for exercising public health preparedness plans with a decision support system is presented to integrate estimation of key epidemiological parameters with a system dynamics model of an outbreak.A multi-criteria decision making framework,an Analytical Hierarchy Process model,is then developed and integrated with the simulation model to help public health policy makers prioritize their response goals and evaluate mitigation strategies in a table-top exercise environment.  相似文献   
In Third World agricultural research of household-managed production units, the systems approach is applied in the form of Farming Systems Research (FSR). Several authors reviewed here have criticized the way in which this is done. It appears that most of them neglect the fact that most FSR belongs to the hard systems approach. The problem context (the household production unit and its surrounding socioeconomic system), however, consists of sense-giving subjects, which have conflicting goals and interests. Their thinking and behavior are determined largely by power relations. Therefore, in FSR, the hard systems approach should be discarded and a critical alternative approach should be developed instead.  相似文献   
由于空间环境使空间机器人具有一些地面机器人所没有的特点,研制各种空间应用机器人,不断推进空间科学技术的发展,是一个复杂的人-机-环境系统工程。本文应用系统工程的观点,初步分析了空间机器人系统,包括机器人学科层次体系,空间环境一般特点与空间机器人,人-机-环境系统,工程系统工程一般方法论,以及空间机器人系统工程步骤。  相似文献   
This brief article looks at the influence of russ Ackoff's work, using as a focus of attention a maxim of the poet and philosopher William Blake. In particular, it considers Ackoff s contribution to the development of community operational research.  相似文献   
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