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陕南降水变化时空差异分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
陕南地处南水北调中线工程水源地,降水量变化对该区域以及调水工程和受水区影响深刻.利用陕南及周边气象站点近30年的降水资料,运用经验正交函数法,分析获得陕南降水变化的空间分布特征和时间系数.结果表明:(1)陕南降水变化的特点主要表现出南北差异、东西差异和相对一致性的特点;(2)陕南降水变化的时间系数表现出明显的年内变化.  相似文献   
以观测到的一个在较长时间存在的滩角为研究对象,研究了常浪条件下滩角的变化过程。选取其代表性的凸部和凹部剖面数据,应用经验特征函数分解的方法,结合现场观测的地形动力要素和现象,得到滩角地形变化的时空特征:①滩角的凸部是滩角形态的控制因素,对外动力的响应最为敏感。凸部的顶点是凸部形态变化的一个转折点,凹部的形态变化表现出一种线性特征;②常浪条件下,近岸水下沙坝运动过程对滩角变化起主要控制作用,表现为海滩的蚀积变化;③滩面冲流变化过程和波浪变化过程是滩角地形变化的次要模式,将水下沙坝带来的泥沙在滩面上重新分布,促使滩角地形不断地调整。  相似文献   
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Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis and the related Principal Components (PC) analysis are used to extract valuable vegetation cover derived information from the National Oceanic and Atmos-pheric Administration (NOAA-AVHRR)'s Leaf Area Index (LAI) satellite images. Results suggest that from 1982 to 2000 global climate change has contributed to an increase in vegetation cover in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The correlation between rainfall and LAI EOF PC1 and PC2 indicates that rainfall is the major climatic factor influencing interannual variations of average vegetation cover throughout the entire Plateau. However, annual mean vegetation cover trends in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau are mainly out of phase with air temperature increasing, which is primarily responsible for nonsynchro-nous changes of vegetation cover. In the southern ridge of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, recent warming trends contribute to humid weather and favorable conditions for vegetation growth. By contrast, higher temperatures have led to arid conditions and insufficient rainfall in the northern part of the Plateau, leading to drought and other climatic conditions which are not conducive to increased vegetation cover.  相似文献   
Preliminary results of a new global ocean reanalysis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Using a new global ocean reanalysis of the second generation Global Ocean Data Assimilation System of the Beijing Climate Center(BCC_GODAS2.0) spanning the period 1990-2009,we firstly quantify the accuracy of BCC_GODAS2.0 in representing the temperature and salinity by comparing with OISST and SODA data.The results show that the assimilation system may effectively improve the estimations of temperature and salinity by assimilating all kinds of observations,especially in the equatorial eastern Pacific.Moreover,the root mean square errors of monthly temperature and salinity are respectively reduced by 0.53℃ and 0.28 psu,compared with the model control simulation results.Then,the applicability of this ocean reanalysis for sea surface temperature(SST) anomaly variability in the tropical Pacific is evaluated with the observational HadISST data.The NINO3 index of the new reanalysis shows a good agreement with that of HadISST,with a correlation of 93.6%.Variations in SST from BCC_GODAS2.0 are similar to those obtained from HadISST data along the equator,showing the major large zonal-scale features such as the strong magnitude of seasonal cycle.The amplitude of SST anomaly standard deviation in the equatorial eastern Pacific is also closer to observations(HadISST) than NCEP GODAS does.Besides,the first two leading empirical orthogonal function(EOF) modes of the monthly SST anomalies over the tropical Pacific region are explored.The EOF1 pattern of BCC_GODAS2.0 captures a traditional El Ni o pattern,which improves magnitudes of the positive SST anomaly in the cold tongue of the eastern Pacific.The EOF2 pattern exhibits a El Ni o Modoki pattern.Comparatively,the EOF2 pattern of BCC_GODAS2.0 extends more strongly toward the subtropics.It also overcomes the problem that negative loadings are confined in the narrow equatorial eastern Pacific.Consequently,the magnitude and spatial distribution of the leading EOF patterns of BCC_GODAS2.0 are well consistent with those of HadISST.  相似文献   
2008年2月浙闽沿岸流的冷水异常地入侵台湾海峡澎湖水域,造成大量损失.为明确其发生过程中海表温度场、流场及风场间的相互关系,通过总结浙闽沿岸流两种流态变化特征,利用经验正交函数法(EOF)和矢量经验正交函数法(VEOF)分析NGSST的海表温度资料、数学模式的海表流场数据和Mercator的海表风场数据,从海表流场和风场角度讨论寒害事件发生的原因.结果表明,在长时间、高强度的东北季风驱动下,强大的浙阅沿岸流把大量冷水带到台湾海峡,从而引起寒害事件的发生.  相似文献   
山东春季降水的时空分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据1961~1998年共38年的山东省81个地面站的降水资料,应用自然正交函数展开(EOF)方法,分析了山东省38年春季月、季降水量.根据总体累积贡献率和空间分布特征,发现前1个典型场就基本能全面地反映山东省春季降水分布的主要特征,其贡献率高达92.27%,据得出山东省春季降水分布类型:总体一致型.山东3、4、5月份降水第2特征向量的变化特征反映了山东春季季节转换的特点.山东春季易出现干旱.山东春季降水有明显的年际变化,存在4.8年的周期振荡。  相似文献   
Theory and controls parameters affecting the output pressure and flow rate of the packed-bed electroosmotic pump (p-EOP), including zeta potential ξ, electric intensity E, length of the column L, cross-section area of the column A, dielectric constant ε and viscosity coefficient η of the liquid being pumped, are discussed concisely. And also, the fabrication and application of the p-EOP are introduced.  相似文献   
针对京津冀地区日益严重的大气污染问题,采用逐像元法对2001-2019年MCD19A2与MOD04气溶胶数据进行融合,并基于AERONET地面站点数据对其在京津冀地区的适用性进行验证后,采用EOF、ISODATA以及回归分析等方法,分析了京津冀地区气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)时间序列的时空演变过程,同时采用地理探测器对其演变过程进行气象解释,对京津冀地区大气污染的防治工作具有重要意义。具体结论如下:(1)从年际演变来看,AOD在2001-2013年绕平均值上下波动,2013-2019年迅速下降。空间分布模式以全局一致型为主,南北分异型为辅,且空间分布与高程呈明显的负相关性。(2)从季节演变来看,夏季AOD较其他季节高,春季和夏季的变化幅度较大。研究期内AOD整体呈减少不显著趋势,其中春季和夏季主要趋势是减少不显著,而秋季和冬季减少不显著和增加不显著比例大致相等。(3)在选取的五个气象因子中,气温对AOD变化的解释力最强。多个气象因子之间会相互影响,对AOD变化具有更强的影响力。气温和湿度对AOD的解释力最强,是主导交互因子。  相似文献   
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