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Validation of MODIS aerosol products by CSHNET over China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Chinese Sun Hazemeter Network (CSHNET) provides the necessary ground-based observation to validate and assess the applicability of MODIS aerosol optical depth (AOD) products over different ecological and geographic regions in China for the first time. The validation results show that the comprehensive utilization ratio and applicability of MODIS products varied very much over different regions and seasons from August 2004 to July 2005. On the Tibetan Plateau, the comprehensive utili- zation ratio of MODIS data was low: MODIS products only accounted for 16% of the ground-based observation; on average, 31% to 45% of MODIS products fell within the retrieval errors issued by NASA. A similar result was found in northern desert areas with the ratio of MODIS to observation ranging from 15% to 55%, with 7% to 39% of MODIS products within errors. In the remote northeast corner of China, low ratios of MODIS to observation were also found ranging from 14% to 46%, with 49% to 69% of MODIS within errors. The forested sites exhibited moderate ratios of MODIS to observation ranging from 46% to 65%, with 30% to 59% of MODIS within errors. This was similar to numbers observed at sites along eastern seashore of China and inland urban sites with the ratio of MODIS to observation between 63% to 75%, with 25% to 67% of MODIS within errors for sites along eastern seashore of China and 43% to 78%, with 35% to 75% of MODIS within errors for inland urban sites. The ratio of MODIS to observation over agricultural areas ranged from 61% to 89%; 59%-88% of MODIS fell within the retrieval errors. At homogeneous and well vegetated areas, the comprehensive utilization ratio of MODIS products was over 80% and above 70% of MODIS products fell within the retrieval errors in growing season.  相似文献   
近年来,随着单片毫米波集成电路(MMIC)技术的迅速发展,焦平面阵列接收机开始在被动毫米波成像系统中应用。该文介绍典型的毫米波焦平面阵列接收机,并进一步分析混频式和直接检波式辐射计接收机特性。混频式接收机的中频放大比较容易实现,而直接检波式辐射计具有更好的灵敏度。同时详细讨论焦平面阵列成像系统的信噪比特性。该文的分析结果有利于毫米波焦平面阵列成像系统的设计及其性能评估。  相似文献   
在分析合成孔径微波辐射计成像理论的基础上,发展了一个切合实际的成像模拟系统,针对成像模拟实验结果,分析了辐射计的一些主要技术参数对成像性能的影响,结果表明,选择最佳合成孔径微波成像辐射计系统的技术参数是保证实际系统具有最佳性能的关键.  相似文献   
 静止轨道微波大气探测是被动微波遥感领域和气象研究领域亟待解决的一个技术难题,也是国家发展的一项重大需求。基于综合孔径成像技术的中欧静止轨道毫米波大气探测仪样机的成功研制为实现这一目标扫清了技术障碍。本文介绍了静止轨道微波大气探测技术的研究背景和发展现状、中国在此领域的探索以及该样机的研制历程,阐述了该技术获得突破的重要意义,并对该技术未来在风云四号气象卫星上的应用进行了展望。  相似文献   
近程毫米波被动扫描成像特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对近程毫米波辐射计扫描成像分辨率低、图像模糊的问题,采用天线近程辐射特性融合极大似然估计方法对图像进行高分辨率恢复.首先分析了系统天线的近程辐射特性,它是影响成像质量的最主要因素.分析表明近程条件下天线辐射特性大大改变,增益减小,尺度变大,在此基础上估计了扫描体制下图像的点扩散函数,最后用极大似然估计方法对金属环的被动毫米波图像进行了高分辨率恢复.结果表明经过恢复的图像提高了分辨率和目标识别率.  相似文献   
在深入了解超综合孔径辐射计的工作原理和成像性能的基础上,首次推导了超综合孔径辐射计在近场条件下采用傅氏反演方法进行成像的基本理论,并给出了超综合孔径辐射计的空间分辨率和灵敏度公式。随后,研制了由两个天线单元组成的最简单的毫米波超综合孔径辐射计原理样机,并分别用傅氏反演法和传统的匹配滤波法成功地反演得到了一维噪声点源的图像。实验结果验证了傅氏反演方法的正确性以及毫米波超综合孔径辐射计的成像能力,最后对超综合孔径辐射计和干涉式综合孔径辐射计的工作特点进行了比较。  相似文献   
The blackbody calibration targets applied for microwave radiometer's prelauneh calibration are opti-mized with its electromagnetic and thermal characteristics. Based on the method of emissivity optimization with radar cross section (RCS) simulation and the method of subgrid finite difference time domain (FDTD), the following design rules are summarized: that the round wedge is better than the square one, the best ratio from height to bottom radius is 4:1, for wide band calibration, the multilayer absorbing material coating is efficient to increase the emissivity, and the gradual thickness absorbing material coating is helpful to guarantee the uniform distribution of surface temperature even as it keeps a higher emissivity. Finally following the above conclusions, a new type of blackbody calibration target with the cellular array is preferred to improve the uniformity of polarization, which will increase the performance of the calibration targets further.  相似文献   
被动毫米波探测巡航导弹研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文介绍了一种圆锥扫描体制的被动毫米波探测识别巡航导弹的方法。在分析被动毫米波探测目标工作原理的基础上,建立了被动毫米波探测目标的数学模型,根据波形特点给出目标识别的实现方案,这种毫米波被动敏感器可以较准确地探测识别巡航导弹,技术较成像探测方法成熟低廉,适合于智能地雷应用。  相似文献   
为探究联合MERSI和MODIS多角度观测数据遥感反演地表参数的可行性,本文首先利用MERSI观测几何角度信息(太阳天顶角、卫星天顶角、太阳-卫星相对方位角)对MODIS地表反射率进行各向异性校正,之后选取2010年6-7月期间共24个晴空对比区域,对6组具有良好光谱对应关系的地表通道中的MERSI反射率,以及经过各向...  相似文献   
正弦信号与随机噪声的检波特性分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
分析了平方率检波管的瞬时响应、对标准正弦信号的响应和对随机噪声信号的响应特点 ,研究了不同类型的输入信号通过检波管的作用过程和平方率检波管输入功率 -输出电压曲线的非线性因子对这种响应的影响。在上述分析的基础上提出了微波辐射计系统中检波管选择的指导性原则。  相似文献   
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