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本文根据较新资料分析冀东北地区的大地构造演化规律对金矿成矿规律的控制作用。由于该区的地壳经过前地槽、地槽、地台和地洼四大不同发展阶段,因而在不同大地构造发展阶段中形成不同的金矿类型:前地槽阶段形成含金矿源层;地槽发展阶段,由于多期混合岩化、多期变质分异和侧分泌作用使矿源层中的金矿质富集溶移而在扩容构造中充填和交代形成变质热液型金矿床;地洼发展阶段,由于太平洋板块俯冲挤压而导致古地台构造岩浆活化,在巨厚的前地槽构造层的基底上形成大量的岩浆热液型金矿床和叠加(再造)富化型金矿床。  相似文献   
TTG gneiss is a common rock to outcrop in the northern part of the Dabie orogen, a few of which are closely associated with eclogites that experienced the Triassic ultrahigh pressure metamorphism. Although they were thermally metamorphosed by a large-scale magma activity in this region at the Early Cretaceous, it is unclear whether or not they are also affected by the Triassic metamorphism during continental subduction and exhumation. In order to resolve this issue, SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating was carried out for the host gneiss of eclogites in North Dabie. The results show that cores from the gneiss have an age of 746~.31 Ma, consistent with the protolith ages of granitic gneisses in the Dabie orogen. Zircon overgrowing with different U and Th concentrations give concordant ages of 212~21 and 120~11 Ma, respectively. Th/U ratios of overgrown zircons are both lower than 0.1, suggesting a metamorphic genesis. The present resuits suggest that the gneiss in North Dabie has the similar protolith ages of Neoproterozoic to those granitic gneisses elsewhere in the Dabie orogen, and experienced not only the Triassic metamorphism but also the thermal metamorphism due to the Early Cretaceous magmatism. This provides an important insight into the geodynamic evolution of gneissic rocks in the Dabie orogen.  相似文献   
通过详细的镜下矿物组合观察、单晶结构和电子探针成分测定,确定了南极拉斯曼丘陵与条带状堇青石-柱晶石片麻岩互层的片麻岩中产出的氟磷镁石Ma5bc新多型,氟磷镁石与磷灰石共生并以造岩矿物出现.贫钙不是氟磷镁石形成的必要条件,关键在于F,P和Mg供应充分,而钙对镁的活动相对不足,否则,将只能形成磷灰石.本区强烈发育的深熔作用可以造成浅、暗组分的分异和分别集中,F,P易集中于暗色富镁铁组分中,达一定浓度时即形成氟磷镁石.成分因素可能决定了氟磷镁石的出现与否,温压条件则导致氟磷镁石多型的变化:较高温环境下为无序多型,之后经历较缓慢的降温冷却过程后转变为有序多型,本区即Ma5bc多型.  相似文献   
建立了短缺量完全拖后情况下,变质物品在存货影响销售率、理论销售率为常数且使用[s,S]策略补充库存时的利润模型;应用最大值原理和最优脉冲控制理论,确定了最优订购时间点,使经营周期[0,T]内的利润最大化;并通过算例仿真进行了实证研究。为存贮管理决策提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
杨家喜  刘良 《科学通报》2003,48(22):2374-2379
超高压条件下辉石溶入石榴石使石榴石出现Si+M=Al+Al和Si+Na=Al+M偶合置换而形成超硅石榴石, 其程度随压力增高而增强. 超硅石榴石以及在减压过程中石榴石出溶辉石、金红石、磷灰石和石英的现象已在天然岩石中发现, 在幔源岩石以及与板块深俯冲有关的超高压变质作用研究方面具有重要的意义. Ti通过对Si的置换、P通过P+Na = Si+Ca偶合置换、K通过Si+K=Al+M偶合置换、水通过[(OH)4]4−=[SiO4]4−置换即[4H]4+=Si4+置换进入石榴石晶格. 单斜辉石中的Eskola辉石组分M0.5AlSi2O6可能与一般辉石组分M2Si2O6在超高压条件下一道进入石榴石, 将在石榴石中出现Si+0.5□=Al+0.5M偶合置换. 这种偶合置换的存在是导致金红石、磷灰石和石英在石榴石中出溶的关键. 根据这一新的偶合置换, 本文给出了两个新的分解反应, 作为这些矿物在石榴石中出溶的理论模型. 实际的出溶可以是多个分解反应的联合.  相似文献   
Sixty-two geologically meaningful U-Pb dates were obtained by using SHRIMP technique for the detrital zircons in three metasedimentary rocks from stratigraphically uppermost parts of the Longshoushan Group in the present study. Eighty percents of these dates range from 1.7 Ga to 2.2 Ga with a peak at 1.8-2.0 Ga and twenty percents from 2.3 Ga to 2.7 Ga. The youngest detrital zircon is dated at 1724±19 Ma which is interpreted as the maximum depositional age of the metasedimentary rocks. Therefore, the age for the diagenesis and lithification of the original sedimentary rocks of the Longshoushan Group before the metamorphism must be younger than 1724±19 Ma. Comparison of the age histograms of these detrital zircons with the ages of the igneous rocks on the surrounding older massifs suggests that the sediments of the Longshoushan Group were most likely derived from the Alaxa Block and Tarim Craton. This implies that the affinity between Alaxa Block and Tarim Craton was strong and that they might have been a unified craton during middle-early Proterozoic time.  相似文献   
在对本区航磁资料电算处理的基础上,论述了磁异常特征与断裂和隐伏岩体的分布规律,及磁异常区与煤变质特征的分布关系,对本区煤系地层中城子河组煤层变质规律进行了预测。  相似文献   
苏北超高压变质带榴辉岩型金红石矿床及其成因   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
在苏鲁超高压变质带南部数千个榴辉岩体中,已发现了40个含金红石榴辉岩体,金红石储量达数百万吨。在综述、分析该带榴耀岩的空间分布、岩石矿物学、含矿性等特性的基础上,确定了块状榴辉型和片麻状榴辉岩型两种主要矿石类型。金红石在矿石中主要呈包裹体、粒间充填、蚀变残余和热液充填四种赋存形式,分别代表了四个不同的形成阶段。电子探针分析显示,在高压、超高压变质作用期间,富含Na的深部流体对金红石的成矿可能起了重要的作用。该矿床属典型的榴耀岩型金红石矿床,在成因上与超高压变质作用有关,类似于挪威的Engebφfjellet、俄罗斯的Shubino村和意大利的Pian Paludo矿床,而不同于我国已知的主要金红石矿床。  相似文献   
复合变质剂对ZA27合金组织和性能的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究了复合变质剂对ZA27合金组织、力学性能、耐磨性和阻尼性能的影响。结果表明,加入复合变质剂能细化晶粒,显微组织由粗大的树枝状变成细小化朵状,组成相分布均匀、弥散;抗拉强度提高10%,延伸率提高47%;摩擦系数降低23.9%,磨损率降低45.9%;变质处理还能提高ZA27合金的阻尼性能,经变质处理后的试样内耗提高50%,发现ZA27合金为发挥其阻尼作用,在频率高于60Hz时,效果明显,且经变质后的试样强迫振动衰减效果比未变质的试样强。  相似文献   
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