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Summary Chalcone, flavanone, flavone, and its derivatives had a certain bacteriostatic effect onSt. aureus. Flavonol has no activity and morin, a derivative of flavonol, showed only a weak inhibition of the bacterial growth.Cystein did not have any antagonistic effect.Extracts of drugs, which contain natural flavanones, flavones, isoflavones and flavonols, are more or less bacteriostatic.  相似文献   
Summary The action of DDT on honey-bees depends to a high extent on the temperature (see graph). At 36°C (breeding temperature) DDT has a far weaker insecticidal action than at 20°C (laboratory temperature). This shows that the insecticidal properties of DDT diminish with the raise of temperature.This resistance to DDT at higher temperature is most propitious for bee-keeping and also explains the fact why in agricultural practice there has been no corroborated case of poisoning of bees, though in laboratory tests DDT avered itself to be toxic to bees.  相似文献   
Summary The authors show the antibiotic activity of water-insoluble salts of hydrosoluble antibiotics in the case of penicillin G (salts of iron, copper, silver, gold, and uranium) and streptomycin (oleate).  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es wird eine neue Präzisionsmikrobürette beschrieben, die es gestattet, Lösungen, die gegenüber Quecksilber indifferent sind, bis auf ungefähr 1/10 mm3 zu messen. Im Gegensatz zu den bisher üblichen Mikrobüretten hat sie keine Hahnen und verfettet daher nicht.  相似文献   
Summary Starting fromm-trifluorotoluidine, we have prepared both the 5- and 7-trifluoroquinolines. These are the first fluorinated quinolines ever prepared, where fluorine is in the side chain.Their physical and chemical properties are described; the introduction of the trifluoromethyl group in the molecule of quinoline increases its stability and greatly diminishes the constant of ionization.  相似文献   
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Summary Reaction equilibria were established between an invert soap on the one side and carbon, lecithin, erythrocytes and yeast cells on the other side. From the parallelism of the invert soap-lecithin and the invert soap-erythrocytes curves a specific reaction of the invert soap with the lipoids of the erythrocytes may be concluded, whereas the invert soap-yeast cells curves yield a pure adsorption isotherm corresponding to the invert soap-carbon curve.  相似文献   
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