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探寻根瘤菌诱导刺槐后根表皮细胞分化成传递细胞的特异性表达基因及其分子机制.采用抑制差减杂交(suppression subtraction hybridization,SSH)技术构建刺槐根系被接种根瘤菌和未被接种根瘤菌二者间的正反两个c DNA文库.各挑选正反文库中500个克隆进行测序,在Blastn、Blastp、Swiss Prot、KEGG、COG、Interpro以及Gene ontology(GO)数据库中进行比对注释.结合生理过程对ESTs进行分析,共获得725条非冗余序列(uni EST),正反向文库分别为385条和340条,其中包括674个单一序列(singlets),51个拼接序列(contigs).在Nt库比对中有674条uni ESTs与已知基因匹配,占比93%;在Nr库比对中有648条序列有匹配蛋白,占比89%.有正向文库213个uni ESTs和反向文库156个uni ESTs能进行Geney ontology(GO)功能注释,在细胞组分被注释了270次,分子功能被注释了448次,生物过程被注释了484次.uni ESTs的功能分析显示,正向文库中多与细胞翻译后修饰、转录因子、细胞信号通路、细胞壁/细胞膜/内膜系统以及细胞骨架相关蛋白有关,部分是结瘤相关基因.而反向文库中与细胞生长、代谢物形成的基因相关较多,这与根瘤菌处理刺槐后的生理过程一致.在根瘤菌诱导的刺槐根组织文库中发现特异性基因如MYB类转录因子、囊泡相关膜蛋白等与传递细胞相关的基因,结果有助于进一步研究此类传递细胞的形成分化机制.  相似文献   
Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a form of inherited retinal degenerative diseases that ultimately involves the macula,which is present in primates but not in the r...  相似文献   
Zhang et al.[1] reported the first direct detection of the natural supercritical CO2 (scCO2;critical point:31.1 ℃ and 72.9 atm) in a deep-sea hydrothermal syste...  相似文献   
The type III receptor tyrosine kinase FLT3 is frequently mutated in acute myeloid leukemia. Oncogenic FLT3 mutants display constitutive activity leading to aberrant cell proliferation and survival. Phosphorylation on several critical tyrosine residues is known to be essential for FLT3 signaling. Among these tyrosine residues, Y842 is located in the so-called activation loop. The position of this tyrosine residue is well conserved in all receptor tyrosine kinases. It has been reported that phosphorylation of the activation loop tyrosine is critical for catalytic activity for some but not all receptor tyrosine kinases. The role of Y842 residue in FLT3 signaling has not yet been studied. In this report, we show that Y842 is not important for FLT3 activation or ubiquitination but plays a critical role in regulating signaling downstream of the receptor as well as controlling receptor stability. We found that mutation of Y842 in the FLT3-ITD oncogenic mutant background reduced cell viability and increased apoptosis. Furthermore, the introduction of the Y842 mutation in the FLT3-ITD background led to a dramatic reduction in in vitro colony forming capacity. Additionally, mice injected with cells expressing FLT3-ITD/Y842F displayed a significant delay in tumor formation, compared to FLT3-ITD expressing cells. Microarray analysis comparing gene expression regulated by FLT3-ITD versus FLT3-ITD/Y842F demonstrated that mutation of Y842 causes suppression of anti-apoptotic genes. Furthermore, we showed that cells expressing FLT3-ITD/Y842F display impaired activity of the RAS/ERK pathway due to reduced interaction between FLT3 and SHP2 leading to reduced SHP2 activation. Thus, we suggest that Y842 is critical for FLT3-mediated RAS/ERK signaling and cellular transformation.  相似文献   
P4-ATPases are lipid flippases that catalyze the transport of phospholipids to create membrane phospholipid asymmetry and to initiate the biogenesis of transport vesicles. Here we show, for the first time, that lipid flippases are essential to dampen the inflammatory response and to mediate the endotoxin-induced endocytic retrieval of Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) in human macrophages. Depletion of CDC50A, the β-subunit that is crucial for the activity of multiple P4-ATPases, resulted in endotoxin-induced hypersecretion of proinflammatory cytokines, enhanced MAP kinase signaling and constitutive NF-κB activation. In addition, CDC50A-depleted THP-1 macrophages displayed reduced tolerance to endotoxin. Moreover, endotoxin-induced internalization of TLR4 was strongly reduced and coincided with impaired endosomal MyD88-independent signaling. The phenotype of CDC50A-depleted cells was also induced by separate knockdown of two P4-ATPases, namely ATP8B1 and ATP11A. We conclude that lipid flippases are novel elements of the innate immune response that are essential to attenuate the inflammatory response, possibly by mediating endotoxin-induced internalization of TLR4.  相似文献   
头盔系统在"眼睛转动"时的视空间性能评价对于预知其可用性具有重要意义,但目前尚无设计者给出.对一款折/衍混合投影式头盔物镜进行了"眼睛转动"时的视空间评价,给出了评价方法和计算公式.引入了视网膜分辨力所要求的调制度曲线(AIM曲线),使MTF评价有了具体的参考标准.MTF的评价结果显示:当眼睛注视0 °视场时,系统达到1 arc minute的分辨率;当转动眼睛注视 14°视场时,系统达到1.1 arc minute的分辨率.调节、像散和二级光谱在"正视"和"斜视"时都不会影响图像的清晰度,横向色差只有在"斜视"时才会在大视场略影响清晰度."斜视"时,视空间性能具有了明显的非对称性,而其对成像质量的影响需要进行实际的光线追迹才能知道.评价结果说明,当人眼在士14°范围内转动时,能很容易地分辨显示的图像.此物镜能够满足HMPDs系统的实际使用需要.  相似文献   
准时隙ALOHA-CDMA信道的检测概率   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
提出了一种准时隙ALOHA-CDMA信道,作者将其称之为应答式ALOHA-CDMA信道,给出了这种信道的模型,推导了在子系统内部由于碰撞冲突对传输性能的影响,给出了这种准时隙ALOHA-CDMA信道的检测概率.结果表明:这种系统不但可以简化设备,还可以显著提高网络的接收机检测概率和信道利用率,对于卫星VSAT系统、地面分组无线网络等具有实用价值.  相似文献   
Thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF) sensitized fluorescent organic light-emitting diodes (TSF-OLEDs) have shown great potential for the realization ...  相似文献   
低温微生物的研究进展概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了低温微生物的生态分布、适冷机制的研究进展及其在工业、生物修复等多个领域中的应用及前景.  相似文献   
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