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运用模糊统计对10个持续时间词进行了初步研究,然后选出其中2个,让不同个性特征的男女被试对其赋值。结果表明:在时间词的估计值和估值范围上,A型行为类型者的赋值都小于B型行为类型者;低焦虑者的时间词的估值范围大于高焦虑者;在赋值特征上性别差异不显著.  相似文献   
综合智能系统框架的研究及其实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前人工智能(AI)正处在一个转折时期,无论是基于符号推理的专家系统(ES),还是基于网络推理的人工神经网络(ANN)在使用过程中都已暴露出了不可克服的缺点。因此,将ES与ANN结合起来构成混合系统(Hybrid System)已经成为大势所趋,同时考虑到人在智能模拟中的不可替代作用,又应将人的因素与混合系统进行综合集成从而构造综合智能系统(Integrated Intelligent Sysrem)。本文探讨了一个基于人,神经网络,专家系统集成的综合智能系统框架,并给出了一个基于此框架而开发的组合机床流水线智能报价系统的实例,  相似文献   
本文在微分几何理论基础上,通过非线性方程求根与数值积发相结合的方法给出了回转抛物面、回转椭球面、单叶回转双曲面、圆环面等常见回转曲面上短程线的计算方法及其计算机绘制。计算机绘制短程线,在工程实际及数学、物理、力学理论中都是很重要的。  相似文献   
本文报道了用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法分析比较了新疆常见五种芫菁血淋巴蛋白质的谱带.研究结果表明,血淋巴蛋白质谱带具有明显种属特异性,属间差异明显大于种间差异.  相似文献   
探讨胶片处于复斜位置拍片及其在三维评片仪上测片时建立数学模型的方法.测试结果表明,该方法可以满足工业探伤“三定”分析的要求  相似文献   
1.INTRODUCTION Dempster Shafertheoryiswidelyusedinmanyfields suchasinformationfusionanddecision making[1,2].Anditisaverysimpleandstraightforwardwayofex tendingclassicalprobabilitytheory.However,Demp ster’scombinationoperatorisapoorsolutionforthe managementoftheconflictbetweenthevariousinfor mationsourcesatthenormalizationstep.Severalau thorshavecriticizeditandsomehaveproposedother solutions[3,4].InRef.[4],Lefevrehaspointedout thatthecoreofalotofmodifiedmethodistheassign mentoftheconfli…  相似文献   
Porous spherical cellulose composite (PSCA) coated by aluminum (III) oxide was prepared and modified by organosilicone. SEM images of the surface morphology of the bead cellulose shows that it has spherical shape and abundant porous structure on its surface. The mapping images, of aluminum and silicon of the composite (PSCAS) present aluminum (III) oxide and silicone are uniformly dispersed on the surface. The adsorption behavior of PSCAS toward metal ions was determined. Foundation item: Supported by the Scientific Committee of Hubei Province (20001P1903) and Scientific Committee of Wuhan (20006010106) Biography: Meng Ling-zhi(1947-), Associate professor, research direction: polymer ligand catalyst and ligand adsorption.  相似文献   
In occupational therapy education in South Africa, community service (CS) focuses learning opportunities during fieldwork placements. CS therefore enabled the researcher to utilise successive small scale research projects to guide learning of students during fieldwork while simultaneously developing the occupational therapy service at a residential care facility. This community setting provided a powerful environment through which research, in combination with opportunities for reflection, contributed to nurturing skills needed by these future health professionals. A technical action research (AR) approach incorporated AR cycles and opportunities for structured reflection. Therefore situations were created for the students to embrace experiential learning. Experiential learning in the form of anticipatory reflection, reflection-in-action, reflection on reflection and retrospective reflection impacted on the quality of the students’ work. Besides encouraging unique leaning opportunities for students when engaging in research during their fieldwork placement, engagement in AR cycles simultaneously improved service delivery to residents in the facility. Key benefits of this investigation were that fieldwork education utilising AR cycles within a CS situation promoted students to identify voids in their theoretical background as well as practice skills; to apply reflective practice that could contribute to their personal and professional development; and to utilize learning opportunities optimally. Despite positive gains showed by this study, the role of power relations between the researcher as fieldwork educator and the students prohibited the AR cycles from being more emancipatory in nature and should be addressed in follow-up studies.  相似文献   
针对陆军部队维修作业仿真评估需求,提出了一套仿真模型设计方案。分析了部队维修作业能力仿真评估原理,进而明确了评估模型需求;给出了维修任务生成、维修保障系统建模方案;结合备件调度和保障设备使用过程,设计了维修保障资源模型。为陆军部队装备维修作业能力评估提供建模基础,用于支撑部队维修作业能力仿真评估系统的设计和应用案例研究。  相似文献   
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