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分析了当天线斜视角增大时,导致传统距离-多普勒成像算法性能下降的主要误差来源.提出了一种适合大斜视角星载SAR系统的改进距离-多普勒算法,并给出了处理仿真点目标数据得到图像质量的比较.结果表明,在大斜视角情况下,改进算法的性能远大于传统的距离\|多普勒成像算法.  相似文献   
专业集成电路(ApplicationSpecificIntergratedCircuit,ASIC)设计中的三次多项式计算,存在着一类典型的应用问题,即自变量是累积形成的,待自变量完整形成后再行直接计算是低效的。提出一种改进的三次多项式算法,在保证和直接算法相同精度的条件下,以较少的电路元件实现计算功能。同时,本算法从自变量完整形成到给出最终结果的延迟很小。  相似文献   
A new method for targeted heating of deep tissue was developed by using an ultrasound phased-array system which can generate various multiple foci patterns by electronically changing its amplitude or phase pattern. This method involves using a technique of combining switching and rotating of multiple foci patterns to create a uniform temperature over tissue volumes in various size. Using this method, the target tissue deep in the body can be heated to a specified temperature, which gives conditions for thermo-sensitive liposomes release. A simulation study for a 108-element, spherically sectioned array was performed to determine an optimal heating scheme from a set of multiple focus fields which were produced by inputting different combinations of phases and amplitudes. Comparisons of a static multiple foci field, the switched fields and the switched-rotated fields indicated that the technique of combining switching and rotating of multiple foci patterns has advantages of both lowering the peak temperature and evening the temperature distribution. The simulation results also show that the therapeutic heating zones in various size employing the combined method. These results offer significant data for designing thermotherapy equipment for tumor-specific drug release with thermo-sensitive liposomes.  相似文献   
对钢筋混凝土结构进行非线性分析,可以认识结构在各类荷载作用下的受力性能和破坏机理;可以为结构进行合理的设计和施工提供依据和参考。运用fortran90编制程序计算普通混凝土及预应力混凝土梁式桥弯矩-曲率和荷载-位移关系曲线,模拟其从加载、开裂直到破坏的全过程结构反应,从而对其进行非线性分析,该计算结果与相关试验结果较为吻合,对于梁式桥非线性分析具有足够的精度性和适用性。  相似文献   
An Fe-based amorphous alloy was found to significantly enhance the reductive degradation of an azo dye in aqueous solution. The surface-area normalized rate constant was up to 2.0 L m-2 min-1 at room temperature,an order of magnitude larger than any previously reported value. The activation energy of the degradation process was calculated according to the Arrhenius equation,and a much lower value than those previously reported was obtained. Valence band measurement indicated that a depressed valence band maximum and a widened empty band were established in the amorphous ribbon. The unique structure of the amorphous alloy is important-it may reduce the activation energy of the degradation process and enhance the activity of the electrons,thus accelerating the degradation process.  相似文献   
船闸一次过闸平均吨位计算模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为研究内河船闸通过能力,对其关键参量一次过闸平均吨位的计算方法进行改进,建立了基于船舶吨位与面积关系的一次过闸平均吨位计算模型.结合实测资料,对模型的船舶吨位与面积关系以及闸室利用率进行了分析.船舶吨位与面积关系可采用线性、二次多项式等函数进行回归分析得到,闸室利用率可采用其年平均值,一般在0.5~0.7之间.验证表明:该模型结构简单,能够得到令人满意的结果;较之规范(JTJ305—2001)推荐的方法,回避了过闸设计船型的选取及其组合等不确定性因素,能够动态地反映船舶大型化和标准化趋势的影响,根据实际或预测的船舶平均吨位即可连续计算一次过闸平均吨位,为船闸通过能力计算提供了新思路.  相似文献   
黏土坡稳定性的断裂力学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用线弹性断裂力学方法分析了黏土坡的断裂机理,结合有限元模型,对黏性土坡顶裂缝进行计算.分别得到了黏性土坡顶最易开裂位置和坡顶不同位置处裂缝的临界缝长随坡高和坡角的变化曲线以及坡顶裂缝的倾斜角与缝端等效应力强度因子关系曲线.结果表明:最易开裂位置随坡高或坡角的增加移向坡背一侧;离最易开裂位置越远,临界缝长越长;同一位置倾斜角不同的裂缝对竖向裂缝端部等效应力强度因子偏差微小,倾斜裂缝可以近似作为等长竖向裂缝处理.在此基础上给出了评价坡顶裂缝稳定性准则.实例显示,断裂力学方法能够简单、有效地分析黏土坡稳定性,为黏土坡的设计运行提供指导.  相似文献   
低碳氮比垃圾渗滤液处理工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡颉  张丽丽  毕雪玲 《河南科学》2010,28(10):1334-1336
针对低碳氮比垃圾渗滤液提出了科学合理的处理工艺,采用加碱调节pH值再用机械搅拌和空气扩散搅拌相结合的方式大大降低氨氮的含量,然后用MBR生化反应器,结合高效碟管反渗透膜处理系统,终端出水达到了国家一级排放标准.  相似文献   
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