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以聚乙二醇为引发剂,以Al-Salen为催化剂,催化己内酯的开环聚合,研究了时间、温度及单体与引发剂的比例对产率和分子量的影响。采用红外、GPC和DSC等手段对聚合物结构和热性能进行分析。实验结果表明:要得到分子量较高的三嵌段共聚物,最佳聚合条件为:聚合时间17h,聚合温度180℃,单体与引发剂的质量比为20:1;要得到较高产率的三嵌段聚合物,最佳聚合条件为:聚合时间14h,聚合温度140℃,单体与引发剂的质量比为24:1。  相似文献   
内蒙古能源发电投资有限公司准大发电厂采用的是烟台龙源电力技术有限公司的等离子燃烧器,在使用过程中出现了烧坏,结焦等故障、文章总结了部分使用经验,并介绍了等离子燃烧器和发生器的结构原理.  相似文献   
文章从施工温度控制,混合料的拌和运输、摊铺以及接缝处理等6个方面介绍sMA路面施工工艺要点,对指导SMA路面施工,提高工艺水平具有实际意义.  相似文献   
Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a form of inherited retinal degenerative diseases that ultimately involves the macula,which is present in primates but not in the r...  相似文献   
Rapid economic development and industrialization have left many risk sites around the world with significant or potential soil contamination due to industrial p...  相似文献   
Photocatalytic reduction of carbon monoxide (CO) is a promising route to the production of high-value chemicals and fuels,as a supplement to high energy-input F...  相似文献   
共轭帽分子分割法研究蛋白质的电荷密度   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
共轭帽分子分割(MFCC)法将蛋白质处理为一系列加了适当的共轭帽的单个的氨基酸片断,各片段的物理量可以用量化软件算出,整个蛋白质的物理量由各片段的物理量组合而得到.本文将加MFCC法应用于生物大分子的研究,得到了现在抗肿瘤研究中具有重要意义的p53蛋白的电荷密度和静电势.  相似文献   
Confined low dimensional charges with high density such as two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) at interfaces and charged domain walls in ferroelectrics show gre...  相似文献   
In this paper, generalised estimators are proposed to estimate seasonal indices for certain forms of additive and mixed seasonality. The estimators combine one of two group seasonal indices methods—Dalhart's group method and Withycombe's group method—with a shrinkage method in different ways. Optimal shrinkage parameters are derived to maximise the performance of the estimators. Then, the generalised estimators, with the optimal shrinkage parameters, are evaluated based on forecasting accuracy. Moreover, the effects of three factors are examined, namely, the length of data history, variance of random components and the number of series. Finally, a simulation experiment is conducted to support the evaluation. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Aqueous zinc-based batteries (ZBBs) have great potential as commercial energy storage devices.However,the poor cycling stability of zinc anode under high areal ...  相似文献   
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