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求解约束优化问题的动量粒子群算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The strategy that two good positions in feasible region worked as attractors was incorporated into momentum particle swarm optimization algorithm in order to resolve constrained optimization problems. The resulting algorithm only requires that one of the initial particles is in the feasible region, and then all particles in the swam automatically move into the feasible region. On the one hand, in the early iterations few particles appear in the feasible region and hence all particles move toward the same attractors, so the particles soon enter into the feasible region. On the other hand, as the number of particles in the feasible region increases, each particle adopts the most near attractor so that each particle has different attractor. Therefore, the algorithm maintains the diversity of the population, alleviates the premature, and hence achieves good performance. The algorithm is compared with other particle swarm optimization algorithms on four benchmark functions. The experimental results show that the solution of the algorithm is better than that of others.  相似文献   
The key point of the study is how to solve the imbalance of supply and demand, and how to coordinate the cost and service level in the supply chain. To solve the key problems in implementing the multi-location inventory system which lie in deciding how many items to hold at each retailer and how to deal with if there is a demand for an item at a retailer that has none of them in stock. A few independent decision-making retailers are the main research objects. It was targeted to study the transfer of their inventory status, as well as the costs and service levels, and through the establishment of inventory transshipment model, three transshipment strategies, including self-based strategy, cooperation-based strategy, hybrid strategy, were suggested. Then the software of Anylogic was adopted to simulate, analyze and compare the effectiveness of the three strategies in order to obtain optimal results.  相似文献   
Modeling for Strapdown Inertial Navigation System (SINS) initial alignment with arbitrarily misalignment angles was created and simplified,and the nonlinear alignment modeling for SINS initial alignment on-move with the help of Differential GPS (DGPS) was proposed.Simulations of static-base initial alignments through linear Kalman Filtering (KF) and nonlinear Unscented Kalman Filtering (UKF) were carried out with four different weights of initial misalignment angles.Results show that the simplified nonlinear model can implement initial alignment with arbitrarily misalignment angles.The nonlinear UKF can reach minute magnitude precision as all of misalignment angles are small or only azimuth misalignment angle is large.However,if both initial horizontal and azimuth misalignment angles are large,KF is still recommended to use after UKF convergence to small scales.  相似文献   
一种空战C4KISR仿真系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
导弹制导技术和信息融合技术是C4KISR的关键技术.对导弹半实物仿真系统和C4KISR中的信息融合进行了探讨,提出了一种基于半实物仿真系统和信息融合的空战C4KISR仿真系统框架,将其分成地面指控平台、组网雷达、预警机、战斗机群和导弹等几个子系统,并对其各功能模块进行了详细地研究.仿真初步验证了框架的可行性.  相似文献   
民机飞控计算机系统虚拟样机验证平台研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了虚拟样机技术,对飞控系统虚拟样机技术的发展趋势进行了概述.为了深入分析Boeing、Airbus系列和BUAA民机型方案的余度飞控计算机系统,为我国大型民机研究提供参考,对民机非相似余度飞控计算机系统虚拟样机的验证平台进行了研究,该平台基于COTS产品、模块化组件,具有良好的人机交互界面等特征,可以实现Boeing777、A340和BUAA民机型方案的非相似余度飞控计算机系统虚拟样机.该平台具有开放性和可扩展性,支持多学科并行设计等.  相似文献   
自助式借还书系统中的多书侦测研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了尽可能减少自助式借还书过程中的违规操作,需要对操作中所借还的图书进行多书侦测进行研究,由于现有的基于磁场的多书侦测系统可靠性不够高,提出研究一种工作于可见光波段的多书侦测系统,该系统利用摄象头跟踪被借还图书,提取出图书的侧面图,并分析侧面图以判断是否存在违规操作.  相似文献   
A fuzzy particle swarm optimization (PSO) on the basis of elite archiving is proposed for solving multi-objective optimization problems. First, a new perturbation operator is designed, and the concepts of fuzzy global best and fuzzy personal best are given on basis of the new operator. After that, particle updating equations are revised on the basis of the two new concepts to discourage the premature convergence and enlarge the potential search space; second, the elite archiving technique is used during the process of evolution, namely, the elite particles are introduced into the swarm, whereas the inferior particles are deleted. Therefore, the quality of the swarm is ensured. Finally, the convergence of this swarm is proved. The experimental results show that the nondominated solutions found by the proposed algorithm are uniformly distributed and widely spread along the Pareto front.  相似文献   
长寿风险不仅使寿险公司和社会保障部门不堪重负,而且对经济和社会的发展产生严重威胁.以对冲长寿风险为目的,根据我国国情设计一种长寿债券,与债券相关联的生存指数是通过Ornstein-Uhlenbeck跳(OUj)过程刻画的死亡强度得到的.考虑到我国利率市场和保险市场的特点,利用正双曲利率模型对债券进行贴现,并通过王氏变换给出不完全市场中的长寿债券定价模型.最后,依据我国生命表数据进行实证研究.  相似文献   
水下机器人(简称AUV)的自主控制系统起着相当于人类"大脑"的作用,它是AUV的核心技术。本文在QNX操作系统下利用多线程技术设计并实现了AUV自主控制系统。介绍了AUV混杂系统结构和自主控制原理,给出了自主控制系统的多线程结构。设计了多线程同步模块,并与QNX消息传递机制相结合实现了AUV自主控制系统线程间的同步与通信。最后在半实物仿真平台上结合具体案例对自主控制系统进行了验证。仿真结果表明AUV自主控制系统能够正确协调各个线程自主完成使命。  相似文献   
一种基于网格密度与空间划分树的聚类算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于密度的聚类是聚类分析中的一种,其主要优点是发现任意形状的聚类和对噪音数据不敏感.文章提出了一种新的基于网格密度和空间划分树的CGDSFF(Clustering based on Grid - Density andSpatial Partition Tree)聚类算法.其创新点在于,将数据空间划分成多个体积相等的单元格,然后基于单元格定义了密度、簇等概念,对单元格建立了一种基于空间划分的空间索引结构(空间划分树)来对数据进行聚类.CGDSPT算法保持了基于密度的聚类算法的上述优点,而且CGDSFF算法具有线性的时间复杂性,因此CGDSPT算法适合对大规模数据的挖掘.理论分析和实验结果也证明了CGDSPT算法的优点.  相似文献   
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