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Cold-bonded pellets, to which a new type of inorganic binder was applied, were reduced by H2–CO mixtures with different H2/CO molar ratios(1:0, 5:2, 1:1, 2:5, and 0:1) under various temperatures(1023, 1123, 1223, 1323, and 1423 K) in a thermogravimetric analysis apparatus. The effects of gas composition, temperature, and binder ratio on the reduction process were studied, and the microstructure of reduced pellets was observed by scanning electron microscopy–energy-dispersive spectrometry(SEM-EDS). The SEM-EDS images show that binder particles exist in pellets in two forms, and the form that binder particles completely surround ore particles has a more significant hinder effect on the reduction. The reduction equilibrium constant, effective diffusion coefficient, and the reaction rate constant were calculated on the basis of the unreacted core model, and the promotion effect of temperature on reduction was further analyzed. The results show that no sintering phenomenon occurred at low temperatures and that the increasing reaction rate constant and high gas diffusion coefficient could maintain the promotion effect of temperature; however, when the sintering phenomenon occurs at high temperatures, gas diffusion is hindered and the promotion effect is diminished. The contribution of the overall equilibrium constant to the promotion effect depends on the gas composition.  相似文献   
粉粒体气力输送垂直管的压力损失   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在作者工作的基础上,对不同的固体粒子在气流悬浮下垂直管内流动阻力进行了分析和实验研究。文中提出了固体粒子稀相流垂直管内适用的压力损失计算式。  相似文献   
在当今施工行业整体内部管理水平相差不大的情况下,要保证企业的盈利,重点在于投标决策阶段和施工中的经济索赔。文章重点介绍在工程量清单模式下,施工单位在投标决策阶段和施工中的经济索赔。  相似文献   
本文给出了3种不同的Fuzzy拟阵的子结构,对子结构M(?),讨论了它的秩函数,基,圈,σ算子等性质.  相似文献   
本文介绍了一种马来酸酐—苯乙烯低分子量共聚物的接枝改性物(GMS)新型表面活性剂的合成及其溶液基本性质。  相似文献   
一类带有边值的次线性椭圆方程组,证得这样的次线性椭圆方程组存在正解.  相似文献   
Dunbar RB 《Nature》2000,407(6807):956-7, 959
针对功率n-LDMOS器件在动态应力条件下的热载流子退化恢复效应进行了实验和理论研究.电荷泵实验测试和器件专用计算机辅助软件的仿真分析结果表明,在施加不同的动态应力条件下,功率n-LDMOS器件存在2种主要的热载流子退化机理,即鸟嘴区域的热空穴注入和沟道区域的界面态产生,均有明显的退化恢复效应.对功率n-LDMOS器件施加2个连续3 600 s的不同应力,观察每个阶段结束时刻的CP电流曲线,发现该器件在应力变换期间确实发生了热空穴的退陷阱效应.然后,对功率n-LDMOS器件施加3个连续3 600 s的不同应力,观察每个阶段结束时刻的CP电流曲线,发现器件处于关断阶段时,已产生的界面态存在一定程度的复合.  相似文献   
The iron-chalcogenide high temperature superconductor Fe(Se,Te) (FST) has been reported to exhibit complex magnetic ordering and nontrivial band topology which ...  相似文献   
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