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Potok RM  Rau IG  Shtrikman H  Oreg Y  Goldhaber-Gordon D 《Nature》2007,446(7132):167-171
Some of the most intriguing problems in solid-state physics arise when the motion of one electron dramatically affects the motion of surrounding electrons. Traditionally, such highly correlated electron systems have been studied mainly in materials with complex transition metal chemistry. Over the past decade, researchers have learned to confine one or a few electrons within a nanometre-scale semiconductor 'artificial atom', and to understand and control this simple system in detail(3). Here we combine artificial atoms to create a highly correlated electron system within a nano-engineered semiconductor structure. We tune the system in situ through a quantum phase transition between two distinct states, each a version of the Kondo state, in which a bound electron interacts with surrounding mobile electrons. The boundary between these competing Kondo states is a quantum critical point-namely, the exotic and previously elusive two-channel Kondo state, in which electrons in two reservoirs are entangled through their interaction with a single localized spin.  相似文献   
Coulomb blockade and the Kondo effect in single-atom transistors   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Using molecules as electronic components is a powerful new direction in the science and technology of nanometre-scale systems. Experiments to date have examined a multitude of molecules conducting in parallel, or, in some cases, transport through single molecules. The latter includes molecules probed in a two-terminal geometry using mechanically controlled break junctions or scanning probes as well as three-terminal single-molecule transistors made from carbon nanotubes, C(60) molecules, and conjugated molecules diluted in a less-conducting molecular layer. The ultimate limit would be a device where electrons hop on to, and off from, a single atom between two contacts. Here we describe transistors incorporating a transition-metal complex designed so that electron transport occurs through well-defined charge states of a single atom. We examine two related molecules containing a Co ion bonded to polypyridyl ligands, attached to insulating tethers of different lengths. Changing the length of the insulating tether alters the coupling of the ion to the electrodes, enabling the fabrication of devices that exhibit either single-electron phenomena, such as Coulomb blockade, or the Kondo effect.  相似文献   
DNA synthesis and hormone-induced elongation in the cucumber hypocotyl   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Y Degani  D Atsmon  A H Halevy 《Nature》1970,228(5271):554-555
Minot ED  Yaish Y  Sazonova V  McEuen PL 《Nature》2004,428(6982):536-539
The remarkable transport properties of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are determined by their unusual electronic structure. The electronic states of a carbon nanotube form one-dimensional electron and hole sub-bands, which, in general, are separated by an energy gap. States near the energy gap are predicted to have an orbital magnetic moment, mu(orb), that is much larger than the Bohr magneton (the magnetic moment of an electron due to its spin). This large moment is due to the motion of electrons around the circumference of the nanotube, and is thought to play a role in the magnetic susceptibility of CNTs and the magnetoresistance observed in large multiwalled CNTs. But the coupling between magnetic field and the electronic states of individual nanotubes remains to be quantified experimentally. Here we report electrical measurements of relatively small diameter (2-5 nm) individual CNTs in the presence of an axial magnetic field. We observe field-induced energy shifts of electronic states and the associated changes in sub-band structure, which enable us to confirm quantitatively the predicted values for mu(orb).  相似文献   
Achlioptas D  Naor A  Peres Y 《Nature》2005,435(7043):759-764
It is widely believed that for many optimization problems, no algorithm is substantially more efficient than exhaustive search. This means that finding optimal solutions for many practical problems is completely beyond any current or projected computational capacity. To understand the origin of this extreme 'hardness', computer scientists, mathematicians and physicists have been investigating for two decades a connection between computational complexity and phase transitions in random instances of constraint satisfaction problems. Here we present a mathematically rigorous method for locating such phase transitions. Our method works by analysing the distribution of distances between pairs of solutions as constraints are added. By identifying critical behaviour in the evolution of this distribution, we can pinpoint the threshold location for a number of problems, including the two most-studied ones: random k-SAT and random graph colouring. Our results prove that the heuristic predictions of statistical physics in this context are essentially correct. Moreover, we establish that random instances of constraint satisfaction problems have solutions well beyond the reach of any analysed algorithm.  相似文献   
Vyazovskiy VV  Olcese U  Hanlon EC  Nir Y  Cirelli C  Tononi G 《Nature》2011,472(7344):443-447
In an awake state, neurons in the cerebral cortex fire irregularly and electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings display low-amplitude, high-frequency fluctuations. During sleep, neurons oscillate between 'on' periods, when they fire as in an awake brain, and 'off' periods, when they stop firing altogether and the EEG displays high-amplitude slow waves. However, what happens to neuronal firing after a long period of being awake is not known. Here we show that in freely behaving rats after a long period in an awake state, cortical neurons can go briefly 'offline' as in sleep, accompanied by slow waves in the local EEG. Neurons often go offline in one cortical area but not in another, and during these periods of 'local sleep', the incidence of which increases with the duration of the awake state, rats are active and display an 'awake' EEG. However, they are progressively impaired in a sugar pellet reaching task. Thus, although both the EEG and behaviour indicate wakefulness, local populations of neurons in the cortex may be falling asleep, with negative consequences for performance.  相似文献   
<正>麦肯锡一位驻中国的主管分析,那些来自外国的品牌企业终于开始迎合中国消费者的需求了,不仅专门为中国消费者设计产品,甚至开始为中国创造独有的品牌,他把这命名为made for China——为中国制造。  相似文献   
随着计算机网络变得越来越复杂,在网络上部署大规模的服务也愈加困难。为此本书在介绍了可扩展的网络基础设施和在网络系统设计领域内的大量实验内容的前提下,提出了一个分层可扩展的服务模型,并且评价了在该结构模型下运行的各种服务的性能。除此之外,本书还囊括了一系列的理论结果,并且可以应用在真实的网络环境下,如构建全网范围内的测量、监测服务以及构建更好的p2p网络的策略。  相似文献   
Dor Y  Brown J  Martinez OI  Melton DA 《Nature》2004,429(6987):41-46
How tissues generate and maintain the correct number of cells is a fundamental problem in biology. In principle, tissue turnover can occur by the differentiation of stem cells, as is well documented for blood, skin and intestine, or by the duplication of existing differentiated cells. Recent work on adult stem cells has highlighted their potential contribution to organ maintenance and repair. However, the extent to which stem cells actually participate in these processes in vivo is not clear. Here we introduce a method for genetic lineage tracing to determine the contribution of stem cells to a tissue of interest. We focus on pancreatic beta-cells, whose postnatal origins remain controversial. Our analysis shows that pre-existing beta-cells, rather than pluripotent stem cells, are the major source of new beta-cells during adult life and after pancreatectomy in mice. These results suggest that terminally differentiated beta-cells retain a significant proliferative capacity in vivo and cast doubt on the idea that adult stem cells have a significant role in beta-cell replenishment.  相似文献   
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