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从高维时空的几何度规出发,讨论了推广的 Kaluza-Klein 型 Jordan-Brans-Dicke 理论,指出存在一种与标量场φ的时空梯度有关的准 Torsion 场.并给出了宇宙论中的简单解.  相似文献   
The exchange of energy and water between the lithosphere and atmosphere mainly takes place at the ground surface. Therefore, freeze/thaw condition at the ground surface is an important factor in ex- amining the interactions between the land surface and atmosphere. Based on the observation data obtained by CEOP/CAMP-Tibet, the diurnal freeze/thaw cycles of the ground surface near Naqu, central Tibetan Plateau was preliminarily analyzed. The results show that the surface layer was completely frozen for approximately one month. However, the time that the ground surface experienced diurnal freeze/thaw cycles was about 6 months. The high frequency of freeze/thaw cycles at the ground surface significantly influences water and energy exchanges between ground and atmosphere over half a year. The interaction processes between the ground and atmosphere under different soil conditions (such as complete thaw, complete freeze and diurnal freeze/thaw cycles) are issues worthy of further examina- tion.  相似文献   
基于MEMS技术微型蒸汽压缩式热泵的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用微电子机械系统技术,基于无排气阀微型三角转子压缩机的优化设计,研制了微型蒸汽压缩式热泵的样机.考虑了压缩机与动力系统的匹配问题,对微型空冷冷凝器、微型蒸发器及毛细管长度的匹配进行了实验研究.研制的微型热泵重4 kg,几何尺寸为260 mm×250 mm×120 mm,可以产生约300 W的制冷量,制冷系数cCOP达2.0以上,采用高效锂离子电池作为动力,可持续稳定运行90 min.  相似文献   
以西安地铁6号线区间隧道穿越f8地裂缝为工程背景,对传统交叉中隔墙(cross diaphragm,CRD)工法隧道开挖施工穿越地裂缝场地全过程进行了三维有限元动态数值模拟,分析了开挖方向、隧道埋深、隧道洞径以及隧道穿越地裂缝的角度4个因素对暗挖隧道穿越地裂缝场地施工地表沉降的影响.结果表明:地表沉降曲线随开挖进尺均呈...  相似文献   
以张家界市永定区为案例区,在分析区域耕地利用现状、耕地动态变化的基础上,运用粮食安全法、供需平衡法和趋势外推法分别预测2020年、2030年、2035年单一目标约束下的区域远景耕地保有量,再通过层次分析法对预测结果进行权重赋值,从而建立了一个多目标组合模型.利用组合模型对多目标约束下区域远景耕地保有量进行预测,最终得到永定区2020年、2030年、2035年的耕地保有量分别为30 423.35,29 515.76,29 321.66 hm,这说明耕地保有量整体上呈减少趋势但减少速度有所放缓.  相似文献   
Sample size determination is commonly encountered in modern medical studies for two independent binomial experiments. A new approach for calculating sample size is developed by combining Bayesian and frequentist idea when a hypothesis test between two binomial proportions is conducted. Sample size is calculated according to Bayesian posterior decision function and power of the most powerful test under 0-1 loss function. Sample sizes are investigated for two cases that two proportions are equal to some fixed value or a random value. A simulation study and a real example are used to illustrate the proposed methodologies.  相似文献   
在微波辐射条件下高效合成了3种含1,1’-联萘骨架的对称酰胺型开链冠醚,产物结构经IR,1 H-NMR进行了表征.结果表明,该方法具有反应步骤短,时间短,产率高等优点,是合成含1,1’-联萘骨架的对称酰胺型开链冠醚的有效方法之一.  相似文献   
Recent progress in the study of the UHP metamorphic belt in southwestern Tianshan, China, is summarized in this paper. This about 80-kin-long and over 10-km-wide UHP belt has been recognized by the discovery of coesite, coesite pseudomorphs and other UHP minerals. It is the largest oceanic-type UHP metamorphic belt reported so far. It has formed due to northward subduc- tion of the Tianshan Paleo-Ocean. U-Pb dating of metamorphic rims of zircons from a coesite-bearing garnet-phengite schist yields a peak UHP metamorphic ages of 320±3.7 Ma. Combined with ages of 233-226 Ma obtained from rims of zircons from retrograded eclogites, a long retrograde metamorphic evolution (〉70 Ma) has been revealed. According to phase equilibria mod- eling, the P-T paths of both coesite-bearing eclogites and garnet-phengite schists are characterized by thermal relaxation, i.e., the metamorphic temperature peak lags behind the pressure peak, indicating that the UHP rocks experienced slow and long heating and decompression during exhumation in the subduction channel. On the basis of the field observation that a small amount of eclogite lenses is wrapped in large volumes of metapelites, and the similar P-T paths of both rock types, we propose that the ex- humation of the UHP eclogites from southwestern Tianshan, China, may have resulted from the exhumation of large volumes of low-density metapelites, which carried the denser eclogites to the Earth's surface.  相似文献   
佳禾沟位于云南省维西县中路乡佳禾村,历史上曾多次发生不同规模的泥石流,并造成了人员伤亡和财产损失。通过对沟道流域沿线不同位置取样,用泥石流颗粒标度分析法并结合强度实验,发现佳禾沟泥石流松散堆积物的颗分参数μ与P(D_2)之间存在线性关系,这说明μ影响了泥石流的启动;物源区中的细颗粒的迁移、上游泥石流部分物质的随机性停歇和沟道支沟和主沟陡坡物质的随机性补给导致了颗分参数(μ,D_c)的波浪式发展。黏聚力c与μ之间的关系为线性关系,c随着μ的增加而增加。这说明细颗粒的组成控制了黏聚力c的大小,因此推断黏聚力受到细颗粒之间的胶结作用和静电作用等因素的影响。内摩擦角φ与Dc之间的关系为负线性相关,而φ随着D_c的增加而变小,粗颗粒决定了φ的发展。因此,在相同条件下,较大的μ和较小的D_c组合的土体,其强度较大;这从定量的角度上验证了颗粒级配与土体强度的关系。以上结论是否适用于其他流域需进一步验证。此外,还应结合颗粒形状,土动力学,渗透理论分析泥石流发生机理。  相似文献   
为了提升系统抗攻击能力以及泛化能力,提出了一种基于支持向量机嵌入分层决策树的多智能体电网抗攻击系统完整性保护方案。首先利用多智能体来增强系统完整性保护的网络弹性,重点是系统的态势感知和自适应能力。进一步将分布式系统完整性保护设置中的数据驱动异常检测问题转化为多分类问题。然后提出了一种支持向量机嵌入分层决策树的有监督学习算法和一种自适应的负荷卸载策略,以提升检测能力,减少时间成本。实验结果表明,所提出的系统完整性保护方案能够检测出电网的异常运行状态,并能够调整其补救措施,以适应各种网络攻击。  相似文献   
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