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利用声传播的作用机理,使用耦合振动模拟水声传播过程,从新的角度对耦合问题以及浅海声传播进行分析,根据机电类比、拉式变换和Z变换原理,推导出了声能传播的表达式。对浅海信道中的多途声传播,使用多激励源下的声传播表达。该模型物理意义清晰、明确,便于分析浅海各条声线以及海面、海底的声学特性。然后,在此基础上对多途信号分离进行理论分析和水池实验验证。结果表明,多途信道之间的影响为线性叠加关系,相互间无调制;提出的方法能够有效分离出多途信道的各个多途分量,并估测出各个子信道的系统函数。  相似文献   
当压制干扰源与目标方向相临近时,雷达天线对干扰信号的接收增益很大,形成主瓣压制干扰,对雷达目标检测、角度测量与跟踪构成严重威胁。运用极化滤波手段可以有效抑制主瓣压制干扰、提升雷达目标检测能力,但其滤波输出数据中的目标单脉冲比受到剩余干扰、目标交叉极化耦合等诸多因素影响,导致角度测量存在偏差。这某些情况下,这种角度偏差将难以忽略,甚至导致测角完全失效。本文基于混合极化单脉冲系统,本文提出一种抗主瓣压制式干扰的目标角度估计方法,通过对正交极化和、差通道的极化滤波与极化综合,实现目标角度无偏估计,完善了极化滤波方法在单脉冲系统中的应用。  相似文献   
This paper is devoted to a study of the null controllability problems for one-dimensional linear degenerate wave equations through a boundary controller. First, the well-posedness of linear degenerate wave equations is discussed. Then the null controllability of some degenerate wave equations is established, when a control acts on the non-degenerate boundary. Different from the known controllability results in the case that a control acts on the degenerate boundary, any initial value in state space is controllable in this case. Also, an explicit expression for the controllability time is given. Furthermore, a counterexample on the controllability is given for some other degenerate wave equations.  相似文献   
A newly proposed distributed dynamic state estimation algorithm based on the maximum a posteriori (MAP) technique is generalised and studied for power systems. The system model involves linear time-varying load dynamics and nonlinear measurements. The main contribution of this paper is to compare the performance and feasibility of this distributed algorithm with several existing distributed state estimation algorithms in the literature. Simulations are tested on the IEEE 39-bus and 118-bus systems under various operating conditions. The results show that this distributed algorithm performs better than distributed quasi-steady state estimation algorithms which do not use the load dynamic model. The results also show that the performance of this distributed method is very close to that by the centralized state estimation method. The merits of this algorithm over the centralized method lie in its low computational complexity and low communication load. Hence, the analysis supports the efficiency and benefits of the distributed algorithm in applications to large-scale power systems.  相似文献   
To study the effect of cooperative advertising on the supply chain of deteriorating items, this paper establishes a Stackelberg game model for a two-echelon deteriorating items supply chain composed of one manufacturer and one retailer under a given support program with an exogenous participation rate. The manufacturer as the leader determines the wholesale price and production rate, and the retailer as the follower determines the retail price and advertising strategies. The strategies of the players under the decentralized scenario and the centralized scenario are respectively characterized. Numerical simulations and sensitivity analysis are conducted to gain some managerial insights. It is shown that the pricing, advertising and production strategies are negatively correlated to deteriorating coefficient, and both the profit and the channel efficiency decrease with deteriorating coefficient; The interaction between price, advertising investment and production rate results in a higher retail price of the centralized channel compared to that of the decentralized channel; Implementing the cooperative advertising program does improve the performance of the supply chain in some cases and the participation rate roughly at 0.5 is most preferable, but it is also possible to distort incentive and damage the channel performance when the participation rate reaches a relatively high level.  相似文献   
Qiu  Li  Guo  Liuxiao  Liu  Jia 《系统科学与复杂性》2019,32(2):588-599
Compared with the traditional consensus problem, this paper deals with the mean square average generalized consensus(MSAGC) of multi-agent systems under fixed directed topology, where all agents are affected by stochastic disturbances. Distributed protocol depending on delayed time information from neighbors is designed. Based on Lyapunov stability theory, together with results from matrix theory and It o s derivation theory, the linear matrix inequalities approach is used to establish sufficient conditions to ensure MSAGC of multi-agent systems. Finally, numerical simulations are provided to illustrate the theoretical results.  相似文献   
在行人导航系统中,零速修正(zero velocity update, ZUPT)方法能够准确计算出速度误差和水平姿态角误差,但是航向角误差却因其不可观难以估计而极易发散。为了解决航向角误差极易发散的问题,提出了零积分航向角速率(zero integrated heading rate, ZIHR)修正方法。推导发现在零速状态下相邻航向角差值和陀螺的漂移及航向角误差存在一定的关系,将此差值作为量测值,在ZUPT的基础上扩展一维量测,将卡尔曼滤波得到的估计值进行反馈校正。通过多组微机电系统(micro-electro mechanical system, MEMS)实物实验验证:提出的ZIHR修正方法能够很好地解决MEMS 惯性器件漂移导致的误差累积问题,多组实验的定位误差均小于总行程的2%。  相似文献   
为解决二元退化产品可靠性建模困难,提出了基于马氏距离(Mahalanobis distance,MD)的二元退化产品可靠性分析方法。首先引入MD,将二元退化数据降维至一元MD,并采用蒙特卡罗方法确定MD失效阈值;然后分别采用了Wiener过程的基本模型和3个具有随机参数的Wiener过程模型进行退化建模,运用贝叶斯方法进行参数估计,并通过模型验证、分位数图(quantile-quantile plot,QQ图)和改进的留一法交叉验证等模型选择方法综合判断确定最优模型。最后采用裂纹增长数据实例验证了所提方法的有效性。  相似文献   
对于近场散射测试中存在多次耦合目标,从近场数据外推远场雷达散射截面时,需要完备的双站散射信息。传统的双站散射测试方法中,远场观测点的数目等于扫描面上的天线数目,测量所需时间成倍增加,难以工程化。因此,根据截断角域的选取原则,结合采样间隔设计了一种“一发多收结合转台旋转”的近场散射测试方法,用以验证“多发多收”双站模式的近远场外推方法的有效性和误差大小。通过在微波暗室对二面角进行测试,验证了该外推算法的正确性以及实验系统的可行性。  相似文献   
Wang  Jiangli  Chen  Yu  Zhang  Weiping 《系统科学与复杂性》2019,32(6):1675-1692
Based on the generalized estimating equation approach, the authors propose a parsimonious mean-covariance model for longitudinal data with autoregressive and moving average error process, which not only unites the existing autoregressive Cholesky factor model and moving average Cholesky factor model but also provides a wide variety of structures of covariance matrix. The resulting estimators for the regression coefficients in both the mean and the covariance are shown to be consistent and asymptotically normally distributed under mild conditions. The authors demonstrate the effectiveness, parsimoniousness and desirable performance of the proposed approach by analyzing the CD4+ cell counts data set and conducting extensive simulations.  相似文献   
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