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To investigate the attack and defense strategies in complex networks, the authors propose a two-player zero-sum static game model with complete information which considers attack and defense strategies simultaneously. The authors assume that both the attacker and defender have two typical strategies: Targeted strategy and random strategy. The authors explore the Nash equilibriums of the attacker-defender game and demonstrate that when the attacker's attack resources are not so significantly abundant as the defender's resources, there exists a pure-strategy Nash equilibrium in both model networks and real-world networks, in which the defender protects the hub targets with large degrees preferentially, while the attacker prefers selecting the targets randomly. When the attack resources are much higher than defense resources, both the attacker and the defender adopt the targeted strategy in equilibriums. This paper provides a new theoretical framework for the study of attack and defense strategies in complex networks. 相似文献
Based on the generalized estimating equation approach, the authors propose a parsimonious mean-covariance model for longitudinal data with autoregressive and moving average error process, which not only unites the existing autoregressive Cholesky factor model and moving average Cholesky factor model but also provides a wide variety of structures of covariance matrix. The resulting estimators for the regression coefficients in both the mean and the covariance are shown to be consistent and asymptotically normally distributed under mild conditions. The authors demonstrate the effectiveness, parsimoniousness and desirable performance of the proposed approach by analyzing the CD4+ cell counts data set and conducting extensive simulations. 相似文献
Constacyclic codes are an important class of linear codes in coding theory.Many optimal linear codes are directly derived from constacyclic codes.In this paper,(1 — uv)-constacyclic codes over the local ring Fp + uFp + vFp + uvFp are studied.It is proved that the image of a(1 — uv)-constacyclic code of length n over Fp + uFp + vFp + uvFp under a Gray map is a distance invariant quasi-cyclic code of index p2 and length p3n over Fp.Several examples of optimal linear codes over Fp from(1 — uv)-constacyclic codes over Fp + uFp + vFp + uvFp are given. 相似文献
在Femtocell和Macrocell构成的两层网络中,干扰问题十分突出,传统的研究主要集中在静态的资源分配上,未能有效地提高频谱资源的利用率。基于认知无线电中的频谱感知技术,检测出空洞的频谱资源分配给Femtocell使用。给出了多用户多天线Femtocell系统的协作频谱感知模型,推导出全局检测概率,在给定虚警概率的前提下,在融合中心基于粒子群优化(particle swarm optimization, PSO)算法优化分配每个Femtocell用户感知信息的权值,最大化系统的全局检测概率,提高频谱资源的利用率。仿真结果表明,所提算法能够有效地改善系统的检测性能,具有较好的实时性,适用于实际的两层网络通信系统。 相似文献
武器装备体系优化是充分发挥体系效能、提高体系作战能力的重要途径。首先,论述了武器装备体系和体系优化的概念;然后,分析了当前7种主要体系优化方法--三层综合优化法、探索性方法、可执行模型法、对抗仿真优化法、多层次多阶段方法、多目标协同优化方法和数学规划法,比较各种方法的适用范围、选用模型的类型、模型关键要素、优点和不足等。最后,提出武器装备体系优化亟待解决的4个问题,为武器装备体系优化的进一步研究提供支持。 相似文献
新型元启发式布谷鸟搜索算法 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
元启发式算法已经成为现今复杂优化问题的有效解决方法,最近Yang和Deb提出了一种新的元启发式算法——布谷鸟搜索算法,该算法源于布谷鸟的孵育寄生行为。本文通过典型的基准测试函数测试了算法的性能,实验结果表明了算法的优越性。最后,就测试结果进行了分析并对下一步的研究作出了展望。 相似文献
从合同双方的联合视角出发,研究项目支付进度问题。其中,支付与项目事件相联系,任务是合理地安排支付事件、活动执行模式及事件发生时间,以使合同双方的共同收益最大化并使二者都能接受相应的安排。在对问题进行界定的基础上,构建由两个子模型构成的优化模型。针对问题的强NP-hard属性,设计包含两个子模块的模拟退火启发式算法,并在随机生成的标准算例集合上对算法进行测试,结果表明,该算法是求解问题的有效算法。最后,用一个算例对研究进行说明,得到如下结论:如果合同双方均按自身偏好进行决策,那么将会导致一种双输的结果;如果他们能够相互合作和协调,那么都可从项目中获得更高的收益。本文的研究可以为合同双方关于项目支付进度安排的谈判提供决策支持。 相似文献
提出了一种包络相位联合自聚焦运动补偿算法,解决了机载高分辨合成孔径雷达(synthetic aperture radar, SAR)成像过程中复杂的运动误差问题。该方法不但可以实现对高阶运动误差的估计,而且可以同时补偿包络和相位误差。通过对运动误差进行归一化多项式拟合建立关于运动误差多项式系数的最小熵优化方程,同时利用阻尼牛顿法对其进行求解,实现高效精确的多项式系数估计。另外,设计了交替联合自聚焦算法,以实现对较大运动误差的精确估计。最后,应用实测机载聚束SAR数据验证该方法的有效性和优越性。 相似文献