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Basden AM  Young GC  Coates MI  Ritchie A 《Nature》2000,403(6766):185-188
Most living vertebrates, from teleosts to tetrapods, are osteichthyans (bony fishes), but the origin of this major group is poorly understood. The actinopterygians (ray-finned bony fishes) are the most successful living vertebrates in terms of diversity. They appear in the fossil record in the Late Silurian but are poorly known before the Late Devonian. Here we report the discovery of the oldest and most primitive actinopterygian-like osteichthyan braincase known, from 400-million-year-old limestone in southeastern Australia. This specimen displays previously unknown primitive conditions, in particular, an opening for a cartilaginous eyestalk. It provides an important and unique counterpart to the similarly aged and recently described Psarolepis from China and Vietnam. The contrasting features of these specimens, and the unusual anatomy of the new specimen in particular, provide new insights into anatomical conditions close to the evolutionary radiation of all modern osteichthyan groups.  相似文献   
Wuite GJ  Smith SB  Young M  Keller D  Bustamante C 《Nature》2000,404(6773):103-106
T7 DNA polymerase catalyses DNA replication in vitro at rates of more than 100 bases per second and has a 3'-->5' exonuclease (nucleotide removing) activity at a separate active site. This enzyme possesses a 'right hand' shape which is common to most polymerases with fingers, palm and thumb domains. The rate-limiting step for replication is thought to involve a conformational change between an 'open fingers' state in which the active site samples nucleotides, and a 'closed' state in which nucleotide incorporation occurs. DNA polymerase must function as a molecular motor converting chemical energy into mechanical force as it moves over the template. Here we show, using a single-molecule assay based on the differential elasticity of single-stranded and double-stranded DNA, that mechanical force is generated during the rate-limiting step and that the motor can work against a maximum template tension of approximately 34 pN. Estimates of the mechanical and entropic work done by the enzyme show that T7 DNA polymerase organizes two template bases in the polymerization site during each catalytic cycle. We also find a force-induced 100-fold increase in exonucleolysis above 40 pN.  相似文献   
Sims DW  Andrews PL  Young JZ 《Nature》2000,404(6778):566
The career of John Jackson (1686-1763), Arian theologian and controversialist, provides a key to unlocking the early reception and quick collapse of a Newtonian natural apologetic originally developed by Samuel Clarke. The importance of friendship and discipleship in eighteenth-century intellectual enquiry is emphasised, and the links between Newton and his followers are traced alongside those of a group of Cambridge Lockeans, led by Jackson’s direct contemporary Daniel Waterland, who proved instrumental in the initial dismantling of Clarke’s brand of Newtonian apologetic. The controversial context of this engagement is shown to have been largely provided by the religiously compromising rise of freethinking, and Tindal’s Christianity as old as the creation (1731) signalled the dangers to proponents of natural religion as an adjunct of Christian apologetic in such a heated atmosphere. Religious division of the sort that resulted paradoxically played into the hands of the freethinkers in the anticlerical atmosphere of the 1730s, and accusations were exchanged between Newtonians and Lockeans accordingly. The dynamic of England’s Enlightenment experience is, then, a complicated one, and, as the career and writings of Jackson and William Whiston demonstrate, it was one which absorbed as well as repudiated ‘enthusiasm’.  相似文献   
High-frequency generalised transduction by bacteriophage T4   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
Wilson GG  Young KY  Edlin GJ  Konigsberg W 《Nature》1979,280(5717):80-82
自动时报漏刻(自击宫漏)是宫中都工匠护军蒋英实奉世宗大王(李祹,1397—1450年;1418—1450年在位)之命于1433年制造的。从1434年7月1日开始它成为国家的标准计时仪器。对民众报时的午正、人定和罢漏就是根据这套计时仪器报的。它安装在景福宫的报漏阁里,因此后称报漏阁漏.景福宫是国家天文台"简仪台"所在地。它能够通过操控声音和视觉信号发生系统依朝鲜时代的二元化时制——即十二时辰和五更点法——自动报时。系统自动发出报时声同时显示指示,报出十二时、百刻,以及五更时刻。世宗大王创制的报漏阁自击漏成为模型在朝鲜(1392—1910年)经历过3次复制或修复——1433年的初创,1536年的再创以及1618年的重创。初创之后574年,2004年为了纪念韩国国立古宫博物馆在首尔开馆,文化财厅,博物馆与建国大学校和自击漏硏究会签订了自击漏复原计划,到2007年11月展示了复原的自击漏。复原计划是按照《世宗实录.报漏阁记》中的记载以及原器物的一些残余部分——包括1536年和1618年仪器的现存部分——进行的。用了一年半的时间复制漏器和自击装置。文章从机械学和功能方面的细节系统地描述了复原的过程,包括根据当时的教范《漏筹通义》的记载刻制十一支箭.《漏筹通义》是根据授时历和经过汉阳(当时朝鲜首都)地方时校正的《七政算内篇》编纂的。自击漏包括4个主要部分:(1)漏器部,通过安排三级播水壶,用于两个受水壶递水的计时壶来计时;(2)方木机构,通过在相应的时间落下相应的小铜丸将水平面转换到以数字显示的二元报时时刻标示信号;(3)铁丸放出机构,由复杂的杠杆系统操纵的机构放大动力报时机来操作。(4)视听觉报时部,由两个次一级结构组成。一个是十二时辰报时机部,包括一个钟和木制的小雕像系统,以不同次数的敲钟声和相应的木制的十二支神小雕像举出的时辰牌来报时。另一个是更点机,包括一面鼓、一面锣、以及小雕像,小雕像在不同的更点敲击出相应次数的锣鼓声以报更点。我们对已经失传几个世纪的铁丸作动人形机构的详细复制表明,蒋英实受到了阿拉伯铁丸利用报时法的启发,发明了丸落下时刻标时法(通过落丸来标示时刻的机械装置),并通过改进13世纪阿拉伯时计师al-Jazari的仪器来实现将动力传到对人形机构的推动中。另一方面,苏颂的《新仪象法要》,《元史》中描述的郭守敬的大明殿灯漏以及顺帝的宫漏可能影响了世宗朝的宫廷学者。总的来说,这次复原源于对当时的文献记载和遗物的重建,中国-阿拉伯钟表技术对我们也很有帮助。全部系统现在运行良好。我们的复原将有助于重建古代东亚、甚至阿拉伯的机械水钟。  相似文献   
现存智能代理系统中存在许多问题.首先,现在绝大多数智能代理系统中所采用的推断方法效率都不高,其次,代理系统中各个子系统之间的通讯方法也不能满足需要.为得到一个更好的智能代理系统,提出了一种新的多元智能代理系统,它是传统的以知识为主体的系统与智能系统相结合的产物.另外,还提出了一种新的混合推断方法,它改进了现在普遍采用的混合推断方法.  相似文献   
The paper presents a unified, fully recursive approach to the modelling and forecasting of non-stationary time-series. The basic time-series model, which is based on the well-known ‘component’ or ‘structuraL’ form, is formulated in state-space terms. A novel spectral decomposition procedure, based on the exploitation of recursive smoothing algorithms, is then utilized to simplify the procedures of model identification and estimation. Finally, the fully recursive formulation allows for conventional or self-adaptive implementation of state-space forecasting and seasonal adjustment. Although the paper is restricted to the consideration of univariate time series, the basic approach can be extended to handle explanatory variables or full multivariable (vector) series.  相似文献   
Leprosy, a chronic infectious disease afflicting between 10 and 15 million people, is caused by the obligate intracellular parasite Mycobacterium leprae. Although M. leprae was the first identified bacterial pathogen of man, basic biochemical, immunological, diagnostic and therapeutic investigations have been severely limited because it remains one of the few human pathogens that have not been cultured in vitro. An M. leprae recombinant DNA expression library was constructed to provide a source of genes encoding proteins relevant for such studies. Monoclonal antibodies directed against M. leprae specific antigens have been used to isolate the genes encoding the five most immunogenic protein antigens of the leprosy bacillus. We report here that M. leprae specific epitopes recognized by all of 13 monoclonal antibodies tested were produced by recombinant phage in Escherichia coli.  相似文献   
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