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为满足基于机器视觉的刀具尺寸测量系统快速及高精度的要求,提出一种基于直线截距直方图的 Arimoto 熵和 Zernike 矩的图像亚像素边缘检测方法.首先,通过高斯 滑动窗口获取图像的邻域平均灰度,构造图像的灰度-邻域平均灰度二维直方图,并利用直线截距法将其降为一维直方图; 然后,针对得到的直线截距直方图,依据 Arimoto 熵准则进行阈值分割,并将所得阈值映射回原二维直方图实现目标区域及像素级边缘的提取; 最后,由基于Zernike 矩的边缘模型对获取的像素级边缘进行重定位,以完成刀具图像亚 像素级边缘的提取.通过对刀具图像进行的大量实验,将文中方法与基于Canny 的、基于空间矩的、基于灰度矩的以及基于 Zernike 矩的边缘提取方法进行对比,发现文中方法运行速度更快且提取精度更高. 相似文献
自从“5.12”汶川地震后,青川余震一直持续,本文以2015 年 9月23日青川级余震监测数据进行研究。通过对比青川东山监测点的地震动响应结果表明:在河谷部位,水平东西向最大峰值加速度大于水平南北向,而在山脊上则水平南北向最大峰值加速度强于水平东西向;相对于河谷(4#)监测点,东山山脊上6#监测点水平向PGA放大系数最大达到2.0,竖直向PGA放大系数为 4.0,其阿里亚斯强度放大9倍,由于7#监测点靠近“T”字形山体结合处,PGA放大系数有所衰减;谱比分析(HVSR)显示,东山监测点谱比分析的地形放大系数最大可达5.6,且卓越频率多在1.5~3.5Hz之间。研究表明,强震条件下东山斜坡存在明显的地形的放大效应,且位于地形转折处的6#监测点的放大效应最显著,故在山区进行工程活动及选址规划时应充分考虑局部地形放大效应作用,以避免震裂、崩塌、滑坡等次生地质灾害带来的危害。 相似文献
吉林电网风电渗透率高,受风电随机波动性、电网负荷水平以及冬季社会供热需求等因素的制约,吉林风电面临着严峻的消纳瓶颈,已严重制约风能资源的进一步开发利用。开发适应强波动性电源的智能风电调度系统,利用储热及风电供热技术等新兴技术,提高电网调节能力,增加用电负荷规模,是破解风电消纳的有效途径。本文结合吉林风电大规模联网面临难题,介绍了风电功率预测技术、储热技术和风电供热技术研究现状及存在问题,阐述了风电消纳相关技术的应用进展和发展趋势。 相似文献
刘波;席培胜;郭杨;章定文 《中南大学学报(自然科学版)》2017,48(3):779-787
为了研究螺旋挤土灌注桩(SDS桩)的荷载传递规律及承载特性,将基于布里渊光时域分析(BOTDA)原理的光纤传感技术用于螺旋挤土灌注桩桩基检测,在某工地进行现场试验,测得试桩加载过程中的桩身应变,进而得出桩身轴力、桩侧摩阻力及桩端阻力,并与同一场地内长螺旋灌注桩(CFA桩)的测试结果进行对比分析。研究结果表明:分布式光纤测量可以方便地获取桩体的荷载传递规律;同一桩顶荷载等级下,SDS桩桩端阻力比CFA桩的小,达到极限荷载时,桩端阻力约占总荷载的8%,设计时SDS桩可按摩擦桩或端承摩擦桩考虑;相同桩体参数和地层条件下,与CFA桩相比,SDS桩的极限承载力提高了约67%,相同桩顶荷载作用下,桩体沉降也比CFA桩的小;SDS桩成桩过程中通过桩周土体的物理挤密和应力状态的改变促进了侧摩阻力的大幅提高,从而承载力得到显著提升。 相似文献
张超;董颖;吕杨;苏真真 《中南大学学报(自然科学版)》2017,48(7):1762-1769
将博弈论引入节点行为的决断中,在网络中建立1个基于节点数据传输可靠度的重复博弈模型。针对节点的行为引入最优惩罚程度的惩罚机制,在保证对自私节点产生足够震慑的同时,又避免对自私节点过度惩罚而造成节点的提早死亡,从而提升网络数据传输的整体效益。研究结果表明:采取最优惩罚轮数的惩罚策略能够在保证最少的减小网络生命周期的前提下,最大程度地提升网络的整体效益约22.83%。 相似文献
吴爱祥;姜关照;兰文涛;刘娟红;薛杨 《中南大学学报(自然科学版)》2017,48(9):2498-2506
为了实现铜炉渣的回收利用,通过机械活化和碱激发的方式制备铜炉渣胶凝材料,并利用X线衍射(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)、能谱仪(EDS)和矿渣玻璃体分相结构模型对铜炉渣水化机理进行分析。研究结果表明:当比表面积为520 m2/kg时,铜炉渣净浆试样的7 d和28 d强度分别达到2.4 MPa和3.3 MPa;当灰砂比为1:1时,铜炉渣全尾砂充填料的7 d和28 d强度分别达到0.7 MPa和1.0 MPa,满足当地矿山充填的要求。水化初期,炉渣玻璃体中的富钙相和高钙石灰共同水化生成了Ca(OH)2,其进一步与富硅相反应生成C-S-H凝胶等水化产物。随着水化反应的继续进行,试样内部的孔隙逐渐被水化产物填充并缩小至孔状,浆体结构更加致密。 相似文献
Bao-hua Yang Ai-xiang Wu Guillermo A. Narsilio Xiu-xiu Miao Shu-yue Wu 《矿物冶金与材料学报》2017,24(9):965-973
Mineral dissemination and pore space distribution in ore particles are important features that influence heap leaching performance. To quantify the mineral dissemination and pore space distribution of an ore particle, a cylindrical copper oxide ore sample (φ4.6 mm×5.6 mm) was scanned using high-resolution X-ray computed tomography (HRXCT), a nondestructive imaging technology, at a spatial resolution of 4.85 μm. Combined with three-dimensional (3D) image analysis techniques, the main mineral phases and pore space were segmented and the volume fraction of each phase was calculated. In addition, the mass fraction of each mineral phase was estimated and the result was validated with that obtained using traditional techniques. Furthermore, the pore phase features, including the pore size distribution, pore surface area, pore fractal dimension, pore centerline, and the pore connectivity, were investigated quantitatively. The pore space analysis results indicate that the pore size distribution closely fits a log-normal distribution and that the pore space morphology is complicated, with a large surface area and low connectivity. This study demonstrates that the combination of HRXCT and 3D image analysis is an effective tool for acquiring 3D mineralogical and pore structural data. 相似文献
Effect of diboron trioxide on the crushing strength and smelting mechanism of high-chromium vanadium-titanium magnetite pellets

The effect of diboron trioxide (B2O3) on the crushing strength and smelting mechanism of high-chromium vanadium-titanium magnetite pellets was investigated in this work. The main characterization methods were X-ray fluorescence, inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy, mercury injection porosimetry, X-ray diffraction, metallographic microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy-energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The results showed that the crushing strength increased greatly with increasing B2O3 content and that the increase in crushing strength was strongly correlated with a decrease in porosity, the formation of liquid phases, and the growth and recrystallization consolidation of hematite crystalline grains. The smelting properties were measured under simulated blast furnace conditions; the results showed that the smelting properties within a certain B2O3 content range were improved and optimized except in the softening stage. The valuable element B was easily transformed to the slag, and this phenomenon became increasingly evident with increasing B2O3 content. The formation of Ti(C,N) was mostly avoided, and the slag and melted iron were separated well during smelting with the addition of B2O3. The size increase of the melted iron was consistent with the gradual optimization of the dripping characteristics with increasing B2O3 content. 相似文献
Using the random forest algorithm, a video smoke detection method with features selection was proposed. The method first extracted four original smoke image features including color features in RGB space, wavelet high frequency sub-images, multi-scale local max saturation, and multi-scale dark channel to input the random forest(RF). Then it utilized haze image formation model to make the synthetic smoke images from non-smoke images and partitions these images into blocks as the samples for RF. Thirdly, it trained RF to get the selected features from the original features and used support vector machine(SVM) to get a classifier which recognizes the smoke blocks and the non-smoke blocks. And then the smoke region candidate can be extracted from video images by the classifier. Finally, the method analyzed the detected smoke region with the features of the growth rate and the perimeter to area ratio to make the final decision on video smoke detection. The experimental results show that the proposed method can detect the smoke timely and give a fire alarm with a lower false-alarm rate. 相似文献