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运用投资组合理论中有效前沿和资本市场线模型,基于商业银行不良贷款率和NIM(net interest margin)对商业银行信贷业务运营效率进行测算;采用2011-2016年中国16家上市商业银行的面板数据研究了不良贷款率对商业银行信贷业务收益造成的损失;通过对上述结果对比,发现本文提出的基于投资组合理论的商业银行信贷业务运营效率,能更好揭示商业银行信贷业务的风险和收益关系.未来商业银行在贷款业务中应考虑参考和使用投资组合理论. 相似文献
本文基于期望效用理论构建了社会资本在面临PPP项目社会风险决策时的数学模型.文章将其决策行为分为正向行为和负向行为.通过计算分析得出社会资本的社会风险决策共存在四种情形,并且归纳出在完全由社会资本承担社会风险损失的情况下其必然会选择负向行为.对此,文章提出了四种情形下相应的补偿机制,通过该机制可确保社会资本采取正向行为,提升PPP项目社会效益.并进一步分析了折现率与PPP合同期长短分别对社会风险决策行为的不同影响.研究最终表明社会资本对长短期利益的重视程度是正负向决策行为选择的关键因素,\"伙伴关系\"与\"风险合理分担\"是促进正向行为选择的有效路径. 相似文献
Hollow CdS/PANI nanocomposite microspheres were successfully synthesized by the polymerization of aniline in the presence of hollow CdS microspheres, which were prepared via “hard core template” approach. The morphology and structures of nanocomposites could be controlled by adjusting the amount of aniline. The as-prepared photocatalysts were characterized by transmission electronic microscope (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), 相似文献
One of most important parts of time series data analysis is to choose the appropriate similarity measurement. Among all similarity measurements, the longest common subsequence is a commonly used and effective method. However, the original method only measures the numerical differences of point-to-point sequences, which neglects the trend of the changing sequence. Therefore, a time series discretization method based on the trend information is proposed and the longest common subsequence is employed to carry out similarity measurements. This method can measure time series trend information well. In addition, it is linearly combined with the point-to-point comparison function. In contrast to well-known measures from the literature, the proposed method can take both the trend information of time series and point-to-point comparison function into consideration. The new similarity measurement is used in classification with the nearest neighbor rule. In order to provide a comprehensive comparison, a set of experiments have been conducted, testing its effectiveness on 42 real time series. The experimental results show that our method can effectively improve the accuracy rate of time series classification. 相似文献
The intracellular C-terminal domain of human copper transporter hCtr1 is crucial for copper transport and delivery in cells. However, the mechanism of copper acquisition and distribution is not fully understood. The copper binding to hCtr1 was studiedusing a C-terminal peptide (C8) through the methods of UV-vis, NMR and MS spectroscopies. The results show that cuprous ions exhibit high binding affinity to C8 (log K=16.6). C8 can bind with multiple copper ions, and the His and Cys residues in the HCH motif are the key binding sites, while an aspartate residue could also be involved in the copper coordination. Further investigation reveals that copper ions can transfer from C8 to the copper chaperone Atox1. These data provide detailed information on the copper binding to hCtr1 and help understand the copperdistributions in cells. 相似文献
针对位置数据采集中的隐私保护问题,该文给出了基于本地差分隐私的位置数据采集方案。采用多阶段随机应答机制进行满足本地差分隐私的位置数据采集;以区域密度估计为目标,分别利用直接统计法和期望最大法进行位置数据分析。该方案保证不可信数据采集者利用非原始位置数据仍可以实现以统计特征为基础的位置数据分析。大量仿真实验结果表明:该方案在小样本位置数据场景下,期望最大法的可用性和隐私保护特性较优;在大样本位置数据量场景下,直接统计法和期望最大法的性能相近。 相似文献
双有源桥DC-DC变换器(DAB)在三重移相(TPS)控制下拥有3个独立的控制自由度,通过移相自由度的合理组合可以减小DAB的电流应力,然而软开关分析表明,当DAB的电流应力处于最优状态时,系统的效率并不一定是最优的。该文在电流应力优化控制的基础上,提出一种同时考虑电流应力和效率的DAB性能综合优化方法。首先,基于DAB的开关组合规律建立了TPS控制下DAB的损耗模型,通过换流回路分析,对任意开关组合下功率半导体器件的通态损耗、开关损耗,磁性元件的铜耗和铁耗分别进行计算。在此基础上,引入效率优化权重,构建综合考虑电流应力和效率的优化目标函数,采用二维遍历算法寻优获得DAB综合性能最佳时的工作点。实验对比了单独优化电流应力或者效率时DAB的性能差异,通过合理选择效率优化权重,使得实验样机在传输6 kW功率时的效率绝对增加了0.83%,而电流应力只增加了0.5 A。该方法可以在基本不增加电流应力的前提下,有效提高DAB的效率。 相似文献
With 5.1 fb-1 of data taken at s=3.8~4.6 GeV, BESIII made a significant contribution to the study of charmonium-like states, i.e., the XYZ states. We review the results of observations of the Zc states, the X(3872) in e+e- annihilation, and charmonium ψ(13D2) state, as well as measurements of the cross-sections of ωχcJ and ηJ/ψ. 相似文献
中国国家食品药品监督管理总局近期宣布将境内外均未上市的新型制剂新药定义为新药(2类),为新型制剂新药的研发产业化提供了政策支持。新型制剂新药是在化合物新药基础上开发出的新药,与化合物新药相比,具有副作用更小、疗效更优、患者顺应性更好等优点,新型制剂产品上市后通常会取代第一代普通制剂产品。近年来,中国新化合物新药的研发发展迅速、硕果累累,产生了诸如埃克替尼、西达本胺等重磅级的化合物新药产品,但仍无国际认可的NDA新药产品。因此,开发研发成本低(仅为化合物新药开发成本的1%~3%)、周期短(约占化合物新药开发周期的1/2~1/3)、成功率高的新型制剂新药,是中国医药企业创新药研发走出国门,并取得国际认可的又一途径。以口服固体缓控释产品为例,阐述了新型制剂新药的特点及其对患者、企业和国家的意义,探讨了推动新型制剂新药发展的政策落地问题,表明开发新型制剂新药既符合中国当前科技创新的既定目标,又可以给医药行业发展带来巨大的推动作用。 相似文献
用矩阵分解和广义逆的相关性质给出泛延拓矩阵的极分解、广义逆和扰动界的若干计算公式.数值实例结果表明,该方法在数值精度不变的情况下可极大降低计算量与存储量. 相似文献