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固液体系中蛭石吸附Cu^2+动力学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了等温条件下初始Cu2 浓度范围为25~300 mg.L-1,蛭石浓度范围为20~100 g.L-1的水溶液体系中蛭石吸附Cu2 的动力学过程.试验结果表明:蛭石对Cu2 具有较强的吸附能力,其吸附速率在吸附反应开始的2 h内很高,但随时间的延长逐渐降低并在12 h左右接近于零.溶液起始Cu2 浓度和吸附剂浓度对吸附速率影响显著,随起始Cu2 浓度增大,吸附达到平衡的时间延长;起始吸附剂浓度增大,吸附平衡时间缩短.提出的蛭石-Cu2 吸附动力学方程在样本检测的浓度范围内具有较高的精确度.  相似文献   
本文研究在非均匀光纤传输系统中,周期性材料色散扰动对光脉冲的影响,并且建立了正弦型均匀扰动模型.利用傅立叶变换法,分别推导了非均匀光纤传输系统中,二阶色散系数受周期性扰动时,无啁啾高斯型光脉冲受二阶色散;二阶和三阶色散共同决定群速度色散效应时,脉冲传输的解析表达式.并在理论上阐述了波形变化.波形显示:对于无啁啾的高斯光脉冲,当扰动程度和扰动周期很大时,二阶色散使脉冲在开始阶段有一个窄化过程,脉冲峰值变高,脉宽被明显压缩;对于二阶和三阶共同作用时,脉冲不仅产生拖尾震荡结构,而且脉冲的震荡沿上翘.当扰动程度和扰动周期很大时,在开始阶段脉冲被压缩,波形发生变化.本文的研究对光纤周期性色散材料对光脉冲的影响有重要的意义.  相似文献   
本文基于高斯脉冲在光纤中传输时,考虑光纤色散效应(二阶、三阶)在空间有横向分布不均匀时的影响.推导出无啁啾的高斯型脉冲在光纤中传输时的解析表达式.并对理论结果进行了数值模拟,分析了脉冲产生畸变的影响因素.结果表明,由于材料的不均匀而导致的色散在空间横向不均匀对脉冲传播有很大的影响,高斯脉冲在光纤中传输时波形在横向呈对称性分布,二阶色散和三阶色散相互比较,三阶色散效应对脉冲的传输有严重的影响,在脉冲的一沿形成非对称的拖尾振荡结构,图像畸变严重性分布.随着传输距离的增加畸变也欲加严重.  相似文献   
以对高校课程考试的内涵及特点、地位及教育功能的探讨为切入点,分析了高校课程考试在实际操作中存在的问题及其原因,并对改进高校课程考试提出了对策.  相似文献   
提出了一种适合于迭代求复数根的抛物牛顿法,并进行了收敛性分析,给出了若干数值实例.该方法与切线牛顿法共同构架了复数域上求非线性代数方程近似解的基本方法,在切线牛顿法失效时它可替代使用.其收敛的阶为3,高于切线牛顿法的收敛阶2.特别地,对于实多项式可迭代求出全部的实根和复根.与已有的抛物迭代法相比较,该方法是单步而非多步.  相似文献   
Traditional Amplitude Phase Shift Keying(APSK) consists of rings with points uniformly spaced. By giving up this uniform-spacing feature, we propose an APSK optimization method based on the uniform APSK with Gray labeling(Gray-APSK). The aim of the optimization is to maximize the Generalized Mutual Information(GMI)of Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation(BICM) for the targeted code rate and channel. We show that our optimized non-uniform APSK could offer further performance gain compared with the conventional uniform Gray-APSK and considerably outperforms the traditional quadrature amplitude modulation at the targeted SNR and channel.  相似文献   
本文阐述了电话口译的研究背景,并针对电话口译在福州外籍人士群体的知晓度和需求度发放了问卷调查,通过对回收的问卷进行详尽的分析,发现电话口译在福州外籍人士当中知晓度不高,但是需求度较高。此外,也对曾经使用过电话口译服务的外籍人士进行采访,以获得对于电话口译服务质量的反馈和评价。最后,对电话口译在国内的发展前景提出了一些问题和想法。  相似文献   
从"创新"概念的提出到实现与经济发展的内在联系,创新驱动理论的发展不断深化,理论内涵和研究范畴不断丰富,而且通过实践的不断检验进而实现理论的凝练和升华。在此过程中,科技创新的作用和贡献不断提升,企业作为创新主体的地位不断加强,创新要素和资源的制度化保障功能更加凸显。同时,研究方法上既包括了定性研究、又拓宽了量化分析的范畴,实践积累上也兼顾了国外经验与国内探索,对我国加快实施创新驱动发展战略形成了政府、市场、环境、文化等方面的建议。  相似文献   
The calcifying phytoplankton species,coccolithophores,have their calcified coccoliths around the cells,however,their physio-logical roles are still unknown.Here,we hypothesized that the coccoliths may play a certain role in reducing solar UV radiation(UVR,280-400 nm) and protect the cells from being harmed.Cells of Emiliania huxleyi with different thicknesses of the cocco-liths were obtained by culturing them at different levels of dissolved inorganic carbon and their photophysiological responses to UVR wer...  相似文献   
Huang  Fang  He  YongSheng 《科学通报(英文版)》2010,55(22):2428-2439
C-type adakites have been commonly considered as a result of partial melting of the mafic lower continental crust (LCC) at high pressure, as supported by high P-T experiments on hydrous basalts. However, because the mafic eclogitic LCC is generally dry, experiments on water-bearing materials cannot be used to constrain the melting processes of the dry mafic LCC. Due to the lack of systematic melting experimental studies on dry mafic rocks at crustal pressures, MELTs software was applied to simulating melting of the dry mafic LCC at 1–2 GPa. Comparison of model results with experimental data indicates that, when melting degree is greater than 20%, melts from the dry mafic LCC at 1–3 GPa cannot produce the C-type adakitic melt with high SiO2 content (~70%). Although the limited experimental results about dry mafic rock melting at 1–2 GPa in the literature suggest that low degree melting (<10%) cannot produce silicic melt either, MELTs software simulation shows that, at pressure >1.8 GPa, low-degree melting can produce dacitic melt with high K2O/Na2O (~1) if SiO2 content of the melt is controlled by residual garnet. Furthermore, the simulation also suggests that, if pressure is <1.8 GPa, abundant plagioclase (plg) in the residual phase may decrease SiO2 content in the melt to below 62%, much lower than that of the C-type adakites observed in eastern China. Given the high P-T conditions required to produce melts with high SiO2 and extremely low HREE contents, such melts could easily be contaminated by other crustal-derived melts, implying that the C-type adakites from eclogite melting could be less commonly observed in the outcrops than previously believed. Besides the interpretation that garnet fractionates Sr, Y, and REE, high Sr/Y and La/Yb could be also produced by multiple ways such as inheriting the source features and fractional crystallizing clinopyroxene (cpx). Therefore, it may be problematic using high Sr/Y and La/Yb as criteria to identify adakites. Instead, REE patterns with strong depletion of HREE relative to MREE (e.g. high Gd/Yb) could be a better parameter to identify the role of garnet and thus adakites. Finally, geochemical models based on MELTs simulation indicate that Eu anomaly cannot be simply used to constrain the role of plg in magmatism because Eu anomaly in the melt is a function of source characteristics, oxygen fugacity (fO2) of magmatic systems, and plg/mafic minerals mode ratio.  相似文献   
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