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首先分析了石灰石.生石灰中的杂质含量;然后用此廉价的原料与食用磷酸、按磷酸一钙法研制了食品添加剂磷酸氢钙。  相似文献   
吴川-四会断裂带是广东省境内的一条主要构造带,走向北东,长约350km,宽约10至15km。许多证据表明这断裂带的早期阶段是一条韧性剪切带。本文讨论了这带的宏观和微观构造并在研究区内进行初步的应变分析。  相似文献   
Study Objective : To evaluate the treatment effect of HAPE with HBO in situ at an extreme altitude of 4636 m. To investigate the relationship between pulmonary hypertension (PH) and HAPE. To emphasize the importance of the treatment in situ. Methods: The 32 patients from the plateau of 4636 - 5130 m (the barometric pressure: 57.41 - 53.28 kPa/431.6 - 400.6 mmHg(1 mmHg = 133.3224 Pa), the partial pressure of oxygen: 12.0 - 11.6 kPa/90.0 - 87.0 mmHg) were treated in situ of 4636 m altitude with HBO. Before and after the treatment, the clinical symptoms / signs, radiographic evidence, SaO2, and MPAP were compared. Results: The clinical symptoms/signs, and all the targets of the patients were improved dramatically (p 〈 0.001). Conclusions: Treating HAPE with HBO is the most effective method among various therapies in situ at an extreme altitude. The pulmonary -artery pressure was significantly decreased. All eases showed improved immediately. Among the subjects, 11 eases (34.3 %) were cured at once. The therapy made it possible for patients to get further treatment at a lower altitude area with prospective good results. We suggested that treating HAPE with HBO should be the first choice in situ. There must be PH in the patients of HAPE, but the reverse is not the true. The PH is a mechanism of normal compensation of the body exposing in the hypoxie environment. It is very necessary for us to explore the threshold of PH when a HAPE happens.  相似文献   
1 .INTRODUCTIONRecentinformation-theoretic results haveshownthat multi-ple-input multiple-output ( MI MO) channels have a greatpotential to i mprove spectral efficiency in rich scatteringwireless channels[1 ,2].Si multaneously,orthogonal frequen-cy division multiplexing (OFDM) has gained anincreasinginterest as a promisingalternativeforfuture highrate wide-band wireless systems because of its lowcomplexity signalprocessingto counteract frequency selectivity. The combi-nationof MI MOsy…  相似文献   
本文选择含有一稍重粒子的三体系统,对其诸O~ 束缚态的结构和内部运动进行了研究。与以往对三全同玻色子体系和含一轻粒子的三体系统的研究比较,没有发现新的内部运动模式,但重粒子的质量效应却很明显。  相似文献   
 堇青石蜂窝陶瓷以其优异的热性能和机械性能,在机动车尾气净化中广泛用作催化转化器载体、颗粒物捕集器等,是机动车尾气净化中的一类关键材料。随着尾气排放标准的日益严格,对堇青石蜂窝陶瓷的规格和性能提出了更高的要求。基于堇青石蜂窝陶瓷的挤出法生产,从工艺路线、原料规格、杂质元素的影响等方面入手,总结了国内外的研究现状,并探讨了进一步提高产品品质的可能途径,以提高中国堇青石蜂窝陶瓷产品的国际竞争力,促进相关产业的发展与进步。  相似文献   
用黄金规则和鞍点近似估算了电子转移速率的重要参数。考虑到量子效应对过渡金属氧化-还原的电子传递系数是重要的参量,采用了合适的光谱和光电发射,并根据已报导的电子耦合矩阵元的数据。  相似文献   
多级分层网络是ATM中实现自由交换虚电路的一种实现策略之一。由此提出了一种递归扩展的层次式互联网络结构,分析了号码制度,信令协议等技术问题,并研究了这种对应于分层地址分配的层界面ATM交换机的排队模型。  相似文献   
冶金企业集中式真空吸尘系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
冶金企业许多场所粉尘污染严重,集中式真空吸尘系统操作方便,适用于车间地面、平台等处的落尘清除,不仅改善了工人的劳动条件,而且避免了对环境的二次扬尘污染  相似文献   
全屏蔽共面耦合波导的准静态分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用保角变换技术对全屏蔽共面耦合波导的传输特性进行了分析,导出了全屏蔽共面耦合波导奇偶模特性阻抗的简明公式,提供了该结构的计算数据和曲线.数值结果表明,这种分析方法是正确的.  相似文献   
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