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本文叙述了倍半萜类化合物——β-桉烯、衍生物Neointermedeol以及1,2,3,4,7,8-六氢-5,8-二甲基-3-异丙烯基萘的合成。初步药理筛选结果表明,这三个化合物均具有一定的抗生育活性。化合物还未见报道,它的化学结构在本文得到证实。 相似文献
利用图像处理技术,得到了二维流化床内水平射流深度的时间序列,基于R/S分析方法,研究了流化数、射流速度和静态床层高度对水平射流横向脉动分类维的影响,结果表明,水平射流横向脉动脉随流化数的增加而加剧,随射流速度和静态床层高度的增加而减弱,探讨了水平射流横向脉动的原因,发现气泡与水平射流的合并是水平射流横向脉动的主要原因。 相似文献
从分布式反馈激光器的速度方程出发,分析了激光器固有的非线特性,说明了在光纤CATV系统中其对系统指标的影响以及改善指标的途径。设计了预失真电路,该电路对由激光所产生的二阶和三阶失真具有良好的补偿作用。它主要适用于直接调制型光源的场合。 相似文献
讨论了自行研制开发的测量控制网平差软件NASE(networksadjustmentofsurveyingengineering)中采用的以分析控制网精度、可靠性、灵敏度为基础的控制网辅助设计的原理,提出了在实际应用中的方法和建议。 相似文献
1 .INTRODUCTIONRecentinformation-theoretic results haveshownthat multi-ple-input multiple-output ( MI MO) channels have a greatpotential to i mprove spectral efficiency in rich scatteringwireless channels[1 ,2].Si multaneously,orthogonal frequen-cy division multiplexing (OFDM) has gained anincreasinginterest as a promisingalternativeforfuture highrate wide-band wireless systems because of its lowcomplexity signalprocessingto counteract frequency selectivity. The combi-nationof MI MOsy… 相似文献
本文重点介绍建模理论。现代战争系统是一个复杂系统,拥有复杂系统的所有特性,即物质、能量与信息的全面开放性,作用机制非线性和不确定性。以往的战争模型着重描述的是战场硬损耗过程,而对信息和C~3I系统等软因素缺乏描述。针对现代战争的特点我们提出了一种用于现代战争的建模方法,该方法基于复杂系统理论,能够全面描述现代战争过程的各要素,从而能够分析C~3I系统等在现代战争中的作用。 相似文献
比相单脉冲雷达目标角闪烁建模与仿真 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
探讨了复杂目标的多点模型建模问题,给出了采用相位梯度法计算模型进行角闪烁仿真的结果,并与比相单脉冲雷达的真实测角偏差进行了比较,指出比相单脉冲雷达所测角同角闪烁存在区别,通过分析二者之间的联系,提出用比相单脉冲雷达和、差通道回波计算角闪烁的方法。 相似文献
Delta算子描述的离散系统鲁棒滤波 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
研究基于Delta算子描述的线性不确定离散时间系统在稳态估计误差方差约束下的鲁棒滤波问题。目的是设计线性滤波器 ,使得闭环系统稳定 ,且闭环系统的稳态估计误差的方差满足预先给定的约束条件。基于Riccati方程或Riccati不等式方法 ,给出Delta算子描述的系统鲁棒滤波器的存在条件和显式表达式 相似文献
By far, the researches on how to distribute blood products among different departments in hospital have not been further studied, though the problem of blood shortage and wastage that caused by improper blood allocation is severe, which may endanger patient’s lives and impose considerable costs on hospitals. In order to solve this problem, this paper mainly studies on how to distribute the blood items among different departments within a hospital and investigates the allocation approach with the novel management method by centralizing the inventory of several different departments. By integrating the blood inventory requirements of some departments, the hospital could reduce the rate of blood shortage and wastage effectively, release the pressure of the occupancy of resources and reduce the bullwhip effect of blood products. This paper illustrates the centralization principle in hospital and formulates the mixed integer programming model to work out the optimal allocation network scheme and the optimal inventory setting for every department. And the results of the numerical example demonstrate that this centralization method could considerably reduce blood shortage and wastage in hospital by about 72% and 90% respectively. Furthermore, it could decrease the total cost by about 108,540 RMB a month on blood supply chain management in the hospital and improve the effect of some certain surgeries by transfusing the fresh blood to patients. 相似文献