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Researches based on the high speed winder, which is a key unit machine for filaments treatment, are relatively rare in China. The techniques of virtual product development (VPD) were applied to improve the new product development of the high speed winder, which would raise the product development efficiency of the high speed winder. Similarly to the research of this kind, in the procedure of developing the virtual product for the high speed winder, there were several key technical problems in the CAD/CAE integrated system. The contrast analysis of the CAD/CAE integrated methods was given; furthermore, the CAD/CAE integrated framework based on master model was built, in which the structural parameters of the high-speed winder chuck was optimized for design. The dynamic characteristics analysis for the optimization design was done; consequently, the result indicates that in the CAD/CAE integrated framework based on master model, the structural parameter optimization of high-speed winder chuck is available.  相似文献   
一种空战C4KISR仿真系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
导弹制导技术和信息融合技术是C4KISR的关键技术.对导弹半实物仿真系统和C4KISR中的信息融合进行了探讨,提出了一种基于半实物仿真系统和信息融合的空战C4KISR仿真系统框架,将其分成地面指控平台、组网雷达、预警机、战斗机群和导弹等几个子系统,并对其各功能模块进行了详细地研究.仿真初步验证了框架的可行性.  相似文献   
基于HLA的分布仿真应用中常常会有大量的数据需要通过RTI进行传输.介绍了在使用RTI编程中常用的数据传输方法并分析了这些方法的缺点.为了在仿真程序的编程实现中可以较为方便的实现复杂类型数据的批量传输,同时也避免编程时的重复工作,论文提出了一个编程接口规范,并按照此接口规范用C 实现了可直接通过RTI传输的链表类,这样使得在编程中可以用统一的形式,便利地批量传输复杂类型数据.  相似文献   
陶泽  肖田元  赵志军 《系统仿真学报》2008,20(22):6238-6241,6247
针对车间作业的加工受到机床、操作工人等双资源制约条件下出现多种扰动的JSP调度问题,提出了基于受控Petri网和GASA对不同扰动进行分类处理的新方法。首先通过构建带有控制器的Petri网模型使系统的运行满足期望的目标,然后基于该模型把遗传算法和模拟退火算法相结合,以最小化最大完工时间为目标,基于机床故障修复时间、工人离岗时间及取消订单包含任务的多少进行分类调度,然后根据扰动恢复后剩余任务的多少决定是否进行再次调度,避免大范围调整造成的生产不稳定状态,最大限度的维持车间的生产能力。最后通过实例验证了算法的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   
Voronoi图描述了一种对空间按照欧式距离进行的划分,是关于空间邻近关系的一种基础数据结构,在图像处理、城市规划以及地理信息系统等应用中有着重要的地位.顶点加权Voronoi图是Voronoi图的一种扩展,有着更为广泛的应用,但由于其实现的复杂性,相关算法一直比较少.为此,提出了一种基于GPU的加速算法.该算法利用GPU的高效计算特性,能够实时地生成离散的加权Voronoi图.与现有的算法相比,该方法易于实现,同时实验显示算法具有更好的计算性能.  相似文献   
制造过程资源消耗和环境影响分析模型及应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
制造过程的资源消耗和环境影响可以看成是一系列加工工艺单元资源消耗和环境排放的组合.利用IPO(input-process-output)图建立了一种包括制造过程工艺链及其输入输出关系的框架模型,提出了一种进行加工工艺资源消耗和环境影响之间关联性分析的方法,在此基础上,建立了一种集成各加工工艺输入和输出的制造过程资源消耗和环境影响分析模型.该模型能够对制造过程输入资源和输出环境影响之间的关系进行描述,为通过资源消耗减量化来降低环境排放提供技术支持.结合某阀体的制造过程进行了应用,验证了上述方法和模型的有效性和可行性.  相似文献   
为了研究不完全市场对有违约风险欧式期权定价的影响,结合Klein的有违约风险期权处理方法和Cochrane与Saa-Requejo的不完全市场处理方法给有违约风险的欧式期权定价,得到不完全市场下有违约风险欧式期权的一般化定价公式.进一步推导出一些特定欧式期权的定价公式,并指出这些公式均为一般化定价公式的特例.结果表明定价公式结合了上述两个模型的优点,因此特别适合于给基于不可交易资产有违约风险期权定价.  相似文献   
Different from traditional tax audit, supervision with self-audit is a combination of audit by the taxpayer himself and audit by the tax authority. This paper mainly studies a taxpayer’s optimal policy of tax evasion under supervision with self-audit and its related properties, in order to deduce some effective suggestions and theoretical bases to restrain tax evasion. Assuming that only a certain proportion of evaded tax can be discovered when the audit is executed, the authors first formulate a static model with self-audit. This model is divided into two stages. At the first stage, taxpayers declare their taxes, then the tax authority chooses audit objects, based on a known probability, and announces the result; if the taxpayer is chosen, he will enter the second stage, during which he has a chance to pay the evaded tax and the corresponding late fees and then is audited by the tax authority. The authors show the existence and uniqueness of the optimal amount of tax evasion at the first stage and the optimal proportion to self-expose at the second stage. The authors also discuss the related properties of the interior solution, and do elasticity analyses on some parameters. Besides, the authors extend the static model into the corresponding two-period model, and study the existence and uniqueness of the solution of the extended model. Finally, under the assumption that tax evasion can only be discovered with a certain probability when the audit is executed, the authors formulate another static model with self-audit and investigate its properties. This research is partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 60674082, 70221001, and 70731003.  相似文献   
Different from traditional tax audit, supervision with self-audit is a combination of audit by the taxpayer himself and audit by the tax authority. This paper mainly studies a taxpayer's optimal policy of tax evasion under supervision with self-audit and its related properties, in order to deduce some effective suggestions and theoretical bases to restrain tax evasion. Assuming that only a certain proportion of evaded tax can be discovered when the audit is executed, the authors first formulate a static model with self-audit. This model is divided into two stages. At the first stage, taxpayers declare their taxes, then the tax authority chooses audit objects, based on a known probability, and announces the result; if the taxpayer is chosen, he will enter the second stage, during which he has a chance to pay the evaded tax and the corresponding late fees and then is audited by the tax authority. The authors show the existence and uniqueness of the optimal amount of tax evasion at the first stage and the optimal proportion to self-expose at the second stage. The authors also discuss the related properties of the interior solution, and do elasticity analyses on some parameters. Besides, the authors extend the static model into the corresponding two-period model, and study the existence and uniqueness of the solution of the extended model. Finally, under the assumption that tax evasion can only be discovered with a certain probability when the audit is executed, the authors formulate another static model with self-audit and investigate its properties.  相似文献   
针对一类不确定奇异系统,研究其Terminal滑模控制问题。通过非奇异线性变换把不确定奇异系统变换成受限等价形式,利用Lyapunov函数方法,首次提出了一种新的Terminal滑模控制策略,给出了特殊的Terminal滑模超曲面,设计了相应的滑模控制器,实现了滑模运动,保证了系统状态变量在有限时间内收敛到平衡点。给出数值算例,说明了方法的有效性。  相似文献   
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