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西部各省区市科技竞争力综合评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据科技竞争力概念和内涵来确定评测指标体系的构成要素,建立了评测指标体系,并利用因子分析方法对西部各省科技竞争力进行了横向及纵向评测,在此基础上提出了相关的政策建议。  相似文献   
利用激光扫描仪与导航POS组成的车载三维测量系统对立交桥的各层路面进行移动平推式扫描,获取立交桥的三维信息.将导航POS获取的系统位置与姿态信息和激光测距仪获取的扫描距离与角度信息进行时间匹配,通过解算得到大地坐标下的三维激光点云坐标.同时,可以利用定点的三维旋转式激光扫描,获取立交桥的横断面信息及交错处的内部细节.在实际应用中,针对立交桥这一特殊城市道路建筑进行测量,取得了一定的效果.  相似文献   
1-苄基-4-甲氧羰基-4-苯胺基哌啶是合成芬太尼类化合物的重要中间体,本文采用微波辐射技术,合成了1-苄基-4-甲氧羰基-4-苯胺基哌啶.利用正交实验设计法对影响收率诸因素进行了考察,确定了最佳反应条件:辐射温度为120℃、辐射时间为1.5 h、辐射功率为30 W,反应时间从常规加热反应的36 h缩短到了1.5 h,降低了反应的危险性同时,提高了反应收率.  相似文献   
基于机载激光雷达和遥感影像融合的地物探测方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
机载激光雷达(LIDAR)技术可以快速的获取地表的高精度三维点云数据,在三维城市模型(3DCM)的构建等许多领域有着极其广泛的应用.目前对机载激光雷达数据的处理主要体现在对数据的滤波和分类,仅靠单一的LIDAR数据难以实现很好的效果.本文利用常熟市的激光雷达数据及其遥感影像作为基本数据源,提出将两者加以融合的思想对地物进行滤波和分类,达到了良好的效果.  相似文献   
X80级管线钢的开发研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据X80级管线钢技术要求,对湘潭钢铁(集团)有限公司试制X80级管线钢进行成分设计、相变规律和再结晶规律研究,开发出了1 016×22.0 mm X80级热轧钢板.检验结果表明,各项性能指标均满足技术要求.  相似文献   
以Andreassen颗粒紧密堆积理论为基础,研究KR搅拌头外衬莫来石浇注料临界粒度和粒度组成对其密度、强度和热震稳定性的影响.结果表明,随着临界粒度的增大,浇注料干燥和烧结后冷态密度与强度均明显提高;临界粒度一定时,粒度组成对浇注料冷态密度、强度以及热震稳定性的影响基本一致,但临界粒度不同的浇注料试样达到最佳性能所对应的粒度组成并不完全相同;与冷态性能相比,浇注料热震稳定性受临界粒度的影响较小.  相似文献   
Neutron radiography is one of radiography non-destructive testing. It is a valuable complementary of X and γ rays radiography. The present status and history of neutron radiography in China was described briefly, facilities of neutron radiography and their development were introduced in this paper.  相似文献   
基于CS模式的多机器人网络通信系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先提出了基于CS模式的多机器人通信系统的拓扑结构,并对这种通信模式的一致性响应速度特性进行了分析,然后给出了基于Visual C++MFC的CS网络通信模式的程序设计方法,最后对系统进行了实验验证.研究表明,基于CS的多机器入网络通信系统,具有结构简单、一致性速度快的优点,对建立多机器人通信系统具有较大的指导意义.  相似文献   
Due to the difficulty in spinal cord regeneration with biological methods, the microelectronic neural bridge, a new concept based on microelectronic technology, is presented. The microelectronic system has been realized in the forms of hybrid and integrated circuits. The integrated circuits for neural signal detection, stimulation, and regeneration are realized in a CMOS process. In animal experiments with 100 toads, 48 rats, and 3 rabbits, nerve signals have been successfully detected from spinal cords and sciatic nerves, and functional electrical stimulation has been carried out for spinal cords and sciatic nerves. When the microelectronic system is bridged between the controlling and stimulated nerve, the relevant motion of legs and nerve signal waveforms, which are stimulated by the evoked or spontaneous nerve signal through such a system, have been observed. Therefore, the feasibility of the presented method was demonstrated.  相似文献   
The genetic diversity of two natural populations (M, N) of Beijing duck (Anas platyrhynchos) and 11 artificially selected lines of Beijing duck (A, B, E-L, O) from China Gold Star Duck Production Ltd., along with two Cherry Valley duck lines (C and D) from the British Cherry Valley Livestock Division, was evaluated using 18 microsatellite markers covering 16 linkage groups. A phylogenetic tree of the 15 populations of duck, formed of four main branches, was constructed from Nei’s DA genetic distance. The mean genetic differentiation index (FST) in all loci, Nei’s standard genetic distance (Ds), and the genetic distance DA between the Beijing duck and the Cherry Valley duck were 0.075, 0.143 and 0.142, respectively. These results demonstrated a high degree of genetic similarity between the two breeds and supported the hypothesis that the Cherry Valley duck was derived from the Beijing duck. The FST matrix of seven clusters of Beijing duck suggested that the efficiency of selection was not significant to some extent and should be supplemented by marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   
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