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河南省大豆品种灰色布局决策研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
运用作物灰色育种学原理,对1996~1997年河南省大豆品种区域试验资料进行了品种中心灰靶布局分析。在此基础上,提出了河南省不同生态类型区大豆品种灰色布局决策,并对品种区域试验中应当引起重视的问题进行了讨论。表2,参5。  相似文献   
阐述了现阶段推进农业适度规模经营的必要性与动力,总结了当前推进农业适度规模经营的4种有效模式,并就现阶段如何推进农业适度规模经营提出6条相应的政策与建议。认为:不仅在大城市郊区和沿海经济发达地区,而且在经济欠发达地区,也应发展农业适度规模经营;推进农业适度规模经营必须坚持因地制宜的原则,采取多种形式起步,坚持多种经营形式并存,保证农村经济健康、有序、稳定的发展;但在经济欠发达地区,还应着重抑制土地的进一步调整、分割和细化。参7。  相似文献   
晋西北地区农业可持续发展的对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
晋西北地区是山西农业最落后的地区,也是黄土高原农业生产最落后的地区之一,如何尽快改变这种状况,已经成为一个急待解决的重要问题。通过对导致晋西北农业生产落后的因素进行了深入分析,提出了使该地区农业生产在短期内走了持续增长轨道的对策。参2。  相似文献   
一种基于子空间匹配投影的暂态信号检测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用短时傅立叶变换和子波变换的性质,针对两种实际的信号模型,提出了一类基于线性时频子空间匹配投影算法的暂态信号检测方法,推导了它的两种实现形式,并给出了计算机仿真结果。该方法充分利用了信号的先验信息并建立了匹配的信号模型,表现了较好的性能  相似文献   
Cascading failures often occur in congested complex networks. Cascading failures can be expressed as a three-phase process: generation, diffusion, and dissipation of congestion. Different from the betweenness centrality, a congestion function is proposed to represent the extent of congestion on a given node. Inspired by the restart process of a node, we introduce the concept of “delay time,” during which the overloaded node cannot receive or forward any traffic, so an intergradation between permanent removal and nonremoval is built and the flexibility of the presented model is demonstrated. Considering the connectivity of a network before and after cascading failures is not cracked because the overloaded node are not removed from network permanently in our model, a new evaluation function of network efficiency is also proposed to measure the damage caused by cascading failures. Finally, we investigate the effects of network structure and size, delay time, processing ability, and traffic generation speed on congestion propagation. Cascading processes composed of three phases and some factors affecting cascade propagation are uncovered as well.  相似文献   
A digraph D(V, E) is said to be graceful if there exists an injection f : V(G) →{0, 1,... , |E|} such that the induced function f' : E(G) --~ {1, 2,… , |E|} which is defined by f' (u, v) = [f(v) - f(u)] (rood |E|+ 1) for every directed edge (u, v) is a bijection. Here, f is called a graceful labeling (graceful numbering) of D(V, E), while f' is called the induced edge's graceful labeling of D. In this paper we discuss the gracefulness of the digraph n- Cm and prove that n. Cm is a graceful digraph for m = 15, 17 and even  相似文献   
To design approximately linear-phase complex coefficient finite impulse response (FIR) digital filters with arbitrary magnitude and group delay responses, a novel neural network approach is studied. The approach is based on a batch back-propagation neural network algorithm by directly minimizing the real magnitude error and phase error from the linear-phase to obtain the filter’s coefficients. The approach can deal with both the real and complex coefficient FIR digital filters design problems. The main advantage of the proposed design method is the significant reduction in the group delay error. The effectiveness of the proposed method is illustrated with two optimal design examples.  相似文献   
Design and implementation of 1 GHz high speed data acquisition system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With the development of current electronic technology, numerous high-speed data acquisition systems provide a variety of potential benefits. This article describes a high-speed data acquisition system which consists of ECL logic and TTL logic devices, samples and stores data with a 1 GHz clock. This system is accomplished easily and works stably. A performance test of this system has been undertaken and the results show that the effective number of bits (ENOB) is more than 6.5 bits.  相似文献   
A new approach is proposed for robust H2 problem of uncertain sampled-data systems. Through introducing a free variable, a new Lyapunov asymptotical stability criterion with less conservativeness is established. Based on this criterion, some sufficient conditions on two classes of robust H2 problems for uncertain sampled-data control systems are presented through a set of coupled linear matrix inequalities, Finally, the less conservatism and potential of the developed results are illustrated via a numerical example.  相似文献   
In applications, the traditional estimation procedure generally begins with model selection. Once a specific model is selected, subsequent estimation is conducted under the selected model without consideration of the uncertainty from the selection process. This often leads to the underreporting of variability and too optimistic confidence sets. Model averaging estimation is an alternative to this procedure, which incorporates model uncertainty into the estimation process. In recent years, there has been a rising interest in model averaging from the frequentist perspective, and some important progresses have been made. In this paper, the theory and methods on frequentist model averaging estimation are surveyed. Some future research topics are also discussed.  相似文献   
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