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We report the discovery of established populations of Cnemidophorus neomexicanus in the Salt Lake City area. These are the 1st records of this species in Utah and in the Great Basin and are far from all other known populations of the species. We conclude that C. neomexicanus was introduced in the Salt Lake City area, perhaps within the last 30 years.  相似文献   
The species composition of periphyton and benthic insect communities and abundances of common taxa (&;gt;0.1&;#37; of individuals) were examined during snow-free months in Convict Creek, a permanent snowmelt- and spring-fed stream in the Sierra Nevada of California. The communities were highly diverse. The most abundant taxa in the periphyton were diatoms ( Achnanthes minutissima, Cocconeis placentula lineata, Cymbella microcephala, C. sinuata, Fragilaria construens, F. crotonensis , Navicula spp., Synedra acus , and S. rumpens ), except in late spring and summer when several seasonal blue-green algae ( Chamaesiphon incrustans, Lyngbya spp. and Oscillatoria spp.) are at their maximum densities. Most common periphyton taxa vary systematically in abundance with season, but relative abundances of taxa also appear to be influenced by streambed scouring and by concentrations of ambient nutrients. Data on population densities and length frequencies of larval and nymphal stages of common benthic insects and occurrences of pupal and adult stages were examined to determine life history patterns. Taxa hatching in winter and spring and abundant as immatures in late spring include ephemeropterans ( Epeorus longimanus, Drunella flavilinea , and Caudatella heterocaudata ), plecopterans ( Calineuria californica, Doroneuria baumanni, and Pteronarcys princeps ) and dipterans ( Cryptolabis sp.). Common taxa hatching in late spring or summer are the plecopteran Malenka ( californica? ) and the trichopterans Arctopsyche grandis and Rhyacophila acropedes . Several bivoltine and multivoltine ephemeropterans ( Baetis devinctus and B. tricaudatus ) and dipterans ( Simulium spp. and Chironomidae) have summer cohorts. Taxa hatching in late summer or autumn and most abundant in autumn include ephemeropterans ( Baetis spp., Ephemerella infrequens, Epeorus dulciana, Ironodes lepidus , and Paraleptophlebia pallipes ), trichopterans ( Hydropsyche oslari, Lepidostoma spp., Glossosoma califica, Micrasema sp., Brachycentrus americanus, Neophylax sp., and Rhyacophila vaccua ) and dipterans ( Antocha monticola, Pericoma sp., and Chironomidae). Major recurring events that may influence life history patterns and structure of the benthic insect community are (1) near-freezing, nighttime winter water temperatures and occasional anchor ice, (2) a prolonged period of high discharge in late spring and early summer (3) a brief summer, and (4) a prolonged period of moderate stream discharge in autumn when the substratum is stable and food is abundant.  相似文献   
Vegetation characteristics of 15 sagebrush community types identified on the Humboldt National Forest, northeastern Nevada, are described. A total of 218 plant species were found over the 372 relatively undisturbed rangeland communities sampled. The dominant plant families encountered were the Asteraceae (45 taxa), Poaceae (32 taxa), Scrophulariaceae (14 taxa), and the Fabaceae (12 taxa). Average annual dry weight production of the community types ranged from about 400 kg/ha/yr on types with Artemisia nova as the dominant sagebrush species to 1,200 kg/ha/yr on some A. tridentata ssp. vaseyana community types. A general increase in species richness and vegetation plus litter ground cover was observed within community types as the dominant sagebrush species changed from A. nova to A. arbuscula to A. longiloba to A. tridentata spp. tridentata to A. tridentata ssp. vaseyana . Major differences in plant species production and constancy exist between the sagebrush community types studied.  相似文献   
High-affinity, Na+-independent binding of beta-alanine to a synaptosomal fraction of rat brain was potently inhibited by glycine and by some other alpha-amino acids, but not by taurine or GABA. This binding mechanism, which was also sensitive to both bicuculline and strychnine, might involve synaptic receptors for both beta-alanine and glycine.  相似文献   
Marked urinary loss of lipoprotein lipase activator in experimental rat nephrotic syndrome may be partly responsible for its deficiency in plasma very low density lipoproteins.  相似文献   
3 experimentally distinct transverse relaxation components of the water in frog sciatic nerve are obtained by Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill technique. The relative weights of these components: approximately 29%; approximately 50%; approximately 21% fit well with water compartments in this tissue as revealed by previous methods.  相似文献   
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