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矩形钢管混凝土大跨度带悬挑桁架的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
矩形钢管混凝土桁架能充分发挥钢管混凝土的受力性能,是适用于大跨度结构的结构形式。本文通过对2个大尺寸的大跨带悬挑矩形钢管混凝土桁架和矩形钢管桁架模型对比试验,考察了该桁架结构的破坏形态、变形特点和承载性能。试验结果表明,填充混凝土的钢管混凝土桁架试件的刚度提高、变形减小,极限承载力也有所提高,填充混凝土可以有效防止受压钢管壁的局部屈曲,试件破坏受材料的强度控制;采用直接焊接节点连接的钢管桁架和钢管混凝土桁架中腹杆和弦杆在节点处的杆端弯距较大,其对节点承载力的影响不可忽略,在设计中应加以考虑。  相似文献   
根据近十多年来亚洲多次大地震的经验,联系到我国汶川地震,强调康复医疗从地震救援期到灾区重建期都有重大作用。地震致残率高,使伤员身心功能障碍,康复医疗通过伤残评估、早期康复介入、功能治疗、辅助器具使用及心理康复,达到助残展能、康复身心的目的。在救援期,康复医务人员既要在统一的协调下,执行《地震伤员康复指导规范》,充分发挥专业的独特作用,又要采取灵活多样的方式参与救援工作。至于灾区重建,也包含了康复体系的重建,即康复医疗机构、网络及其服务体系、服务能力的建设,应按照灵活性、可靠性、可及性的要求,因地制宜,不拘一格,建设起现代化的康复机构及社区康复体系,为伤残人士的全面康复提供可持续的、有效的服务。  相似文献   
综合运输网络中合理路径优化模型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了提高多式联运经营人运输决策的科学性和可行性,建立了一个含路径合理性约束的联合运输路径优化模型.从货运生产实践角度出发,提出了联合运输合理路径概念.基于联合运输的实现流程,指出除了运输效益最大化外,合理的换装序列和换装次数限制是联合运输路径选择和优化必须要考虑的另外2个重要特性.对于一般联合运输问题,研究了运输总费用的构成,即直线运输费用、节点中转费用和超期惩罚费用.通过构建直观的联合运输网络图,以总运输成本最少为优化目标,将多方式联合运输合理路径的选择和优化问题转化为含有超期惩罚因子的广义最短路模型,对模型的假设和数学形式做了详细的描述,并提供了简要的求解思路和参考算法.  相似文献   
从构件角度对既有大跨度空间钢结构的安全性评定方法进行研究,根据<建筑结构可靠度设计统一标准>(GB 50068-2001)规定的结构构件承载能力极限状态的可靠度指标,提出既有钢结构构件的安全性等级应划分为安全与不安全两等级.基于荷载模型和抗力模型,确定了作用于既有大跨空间钢结构的各类荷载标准值.以分项系数确定的抗力与可靠度指标确定的抗力相对误差最小为原则编写可靠度程序,得到适合既有大跨空间钢结构评定的γG=1.2,γQ=1.3,以及各类构件的最优抗力分项系数.在综合考虑构件权重的基础上,提出了以整体性、承载安全性和整体稳定性的最低等级作为结构安全性等级的安全性评定方法.  相似文献   
In order to understand the genomic changes during the evolution of hexaploid wheat, two sets of synthetic hexaploid wheat from hybridization between maternal tetraploid wheat (AABB) and paternal diploid goat grass (DD) were used for DNA-AFLP and single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis to determine the genomic and genic variation in the synthetic hexaploid wheat. Results indicated that more DNA sequences from paternal diploid species were eliminated in the synthetic hexaploid wheat than from maternal tetraploid wheat, suggesting that genome from parental species of lower ploidity tends to be eliminated preferentially. However, sequence variation detected by SSCP procedure was much lower than those detected by DNA-AFLP, which indicated that much less variation in the genic regions occurred in the synthetic hexaploid wheat, and sequence variations detected by DNA-AFLP could be derived mostly from non-coding regions and repetitive sequences. Our results also indicated that sequence variation in 4 genes can be detected in hybrid F1, which suggested that this type of sequence variation could be resulted from distant hybridization. It was interesting to note that 3 out of the 4 genes were mapped and clustered on the long arm of chromosome 2D, which indicated that variation in genic sequences in synthetic hexaploid wheat might not be a randomized process.  相似文献   
The Kunyang rift lying on the western margin of the Yangtze platform is a rare Precambrian Fe-Cu mineralization zone. Wuding- Lufeng basin that is an important part of the zone is located on the west edge in the middle of the rift. The most important ore-hosting rocks are Mesoproterozoic dolomite rocks in the basin controlled by a ring fracture system, which is a fundamental structure of the basin. Plenty of silicate minerals and acicular apatite, feldspar phenocrysts and small vesicular, flown line and flown plane structures, melt inclusion and high temperature fluid inclusion found in most ore-hosting dolomites suggest that this kind of rocks could not be sedimentary dolomite, marble or hydrothermal carbonate rocks. The Zr/Hf and Nb/Ta values of the rocks are identical with those of associated mantle-derived rocks, and vary widely. For the monomineral dolomite, δ^18OSMOW‰=+5.99 to +18.4 and δ^13CPDB‰ = -3.01 to +0.94, which fall within the range for all carbonatitic volcanic rocks of the world. As for the accessory minerals, the values of δ^18OSMOW‰ of magnetite (=+3.47 to +5.99‰) are close to that of the mantle (〈5.7%), and the δ^34S‰ values of sulfides (-5.09 to +5.78, averaging +1.50) are close to that of meteorite. For all the ore-bearing dolomite rocks, εNd = +0.19 to +2.27, and the calculated Isr=0.699143, while for the associated mantle-derived rocks, εnd = +3.18 to +3.72. All the data suggest that the mineral assemblage is not only igneous but also of metasomatic mantle origin. And the presence of acicular apatite indicates that the rocks were formed by magma rapidly cooling. And the phenocryst texture and vesicular, flown and ropy and pyroclastic structures suggest that the igneous rocks were extrusive. Therefore, the ore-bearing dolomite rocks are carbonatitic volcanic rocks. This conclusion implies that most iron and copper ore deposits hosted in the dolomite rocks should be of the carbonatite type.  相似文献   
Image-based gait analysis as a means of biometric identification has attracted much research attention. Most of the existing methods focus on human identification, posture analysis and movement tracking. There have been few investigations on measuring the carried load based on the carrier's gait characteristics by automatic image processing. Nevertheless, this measurement is very useful in a number of applications, such as the study of the carried load on the postural development of children and adolescence. In this paper, we investigate how to automatically estimate the carried weight from a sequence of images. We present a method to extract human gait silhouette based on an observation that humans tend to minimize the energy during motion. We compute several angles of body leaning and determine the relationship of the carried weight, the leaning angles and the centroid location according to a human kinetic study. Our weight determination method has been verified successfully by experiments.  相似文献   
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