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边明华 《科技信息》2008,16(2):164-165
本文利用Leggett-Williams不动点定理结合平移变换的方法,研究了一类半无穷区间二阶半正边值问题的多个正解的存在性。  相似文献   
Metamorphic basement rocks in the Cathaysia Block are composed mainly of meta-sediments with different ages. New zircon U-Pb geochronological results from the meta-sedimentary rocks exposed in the Zengcheng and Hezi areas, southern Cathaysia Block, show that they consist dominantly of early Neoproterozoic (1.0-0.9 Ga) materials with minor Paleo- to Mesoproterozoic and late Neoproterozoic (0.8-0.6 Ga) components, suggesting that the detritus mostly come from a Grenvillian orogen. The youngest detrital zircon ages place a constraint on the deposition time of these sediments in Late Neoproterozoic. Zircon Hf isotopic compositions indicate that the Grenvillian zircons were derived from the reworking of Mesoproterozoic arc magmatic rocks and Paleoproterozoic continental crust, implying an arc-continent collisional setting. Single-peak age spectra and the presence of abundant euhedral Grenvillian zircons suggest that the sedimentary provenance is not far away from the sample location. Thus, the Grenvillian orogen probably preexisted along the southern margin of the Cathaysia Block, or very close to the south. Similarity in the ages of Grenvillian orogeny and the influence of the assembly of Gondwana in South China with India and East Antarctic are discussed, with suggestion that South China was more likely linked with the India-East Antarctica continents in Early Neoproterozoic rather than between western Laurentia and eastern Australia.  相似文献   
This paper presents a 40000-year-long high-resolution mangrove record from sediments of Core 18300, 18302 and 18323 on the continental shelf of the southern South China Sea and reconstructs the coastline changes on Sunda Shelf since the last 40000 years. In the period Marine Isotope 3, the old Sunda Shelf had low sea level, and it was partly exposed. Flourishing vegetations grew on the exposed old land. Mangroves developed along the coastline. On the Last Glacial Maximum, the sea level dropped greatly, coastline moved from inner shelf to outer shelf, the Old Sunda Land exposed further, and the lowering sea level induced the gradual disappearing of mangroves from the inner Sunda Shelf to the outer Sunda Shelf. And pioneer vegetation ferns covered the broadly exposed old land immediately. At the time of the last Deglaciation, sea level rose greatly, the coastline moved to the sea and the Sunda Shelf was drown again. Mangroves were emergent again from outer shelf to inner shelf and developed quickly.  相似文献   
论艺术设计之性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
艺术设计在我国的兴起是随着我国建设发展,及改革开放,在自己民族工艺设计的基础上,并结合吸收外国设计思想和理念逐渐发展起来的。艺术设计是个综合性很强的专业,有其历史发展文化根源和其学科的交叉性,在专业的建设和教学的实践过程中,应该加强和注意专业的特殊性,有针对性的对专业的性质和特点进行分析,让设计人员对艺术设计自身有更明确的了解,以便很好把握艺术设计自身之规律和实质。  相似文献   
作为语音信号处理领域一项基本、关键的技术,基音检测在语音信号处理中扮演着重要的角色,一直是语音信号处理的一个研究热点.首先对传统的基于短时自相关函数法的基音检测进行了研究;在此基础上提出了一种能同时检测一段语音信号基音周期的方法,有效地克服了传统基音检测算法只能检测一帧语音信号基音的缺点.进行了实验仿真,结果表明通过去野点,中值平滑等后处理的基于段的基音检测算法比传统的基于帧的基音检测算法具有更好的抗噪性.  相似文献   
基于专用芯片的高速实时FFT系统实现研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
研究了基于专用芯片的高速实时FFT系统的点数和精度问题,分析了统一的FFT算法与FFT专用芯片的级联问题;定标算法与FFT专用芯片的精度问题,提出了一种高速实时FFT系统的实现方案和性能测试方法,并根据实测数据讨论了FFT系统的精度。  相似文献   
Using the isotopic diluting and thermal ionization mass spectrometric (TIMS) technique, the U-series dating procedure was established on the basis of measurement of national standard GBW04412. With this highly precise technique the Holocene corals from the South China Sea were dated. Comparison between this method and α-spectrometry was made. The results show that a thriving period of corals in the South China Sea appeared at 6 800-5 800 a BP, during which the paleosea level was the higher than at present in the Holocene.  相似文献   
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