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Hemagglutinin-neuramidinase (HN), a Newcastle disease virus-derived protein, not only mediates receptor recognition but also possesses neuraminidase (NA) activity, the ability to cleave a component of those receptors, N-acetylneuraminic acid (NAcneu, sialic acid). It is known that this protein in mammalian species, including human beings, has interesting anti-neoplastic as well as immune stimulating properties. To explore the use of the HN gene in cancer gene therapy, we constructed a recombi-nant fowlpox virus expressing the HN protein (vFV-HN) and compared the anti-tumor activity of the recombinant virus with that of wild-type fowlpox virus (FPV) in vivo and in vitro. Here we found that although B16 cells were somewhat resistant to the basal cytotoxic effect of wild-type fowlpox virus, infection with vFV-HN caused a pronounced cytotoxic effect and, the survival of tumor-bearing mice immunized with vFV-HN was significantly increased compared with the survival of mice immunized with the FPV alone. Furthermore, the immunization of mice with vFV-HN elicited a B16 tumor-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response and clonal expansion of both CD4 and CD8 T cell populations in vivo. In addition, T cells from lymph nodes of mice vaccinated with vFV-HN secreted high levels of the Th1 cytokine IL-2 and IFN-γ, indicating that the regression of tumor cells is related to a Th1-type dominant immune response. These results demonstrate that vaccination with vFV-HN may be a potential strategy for cancer gene therapy.  相似文献   
讨论了一类拟线性抛物方程柯西问题与初边值问题解的耗竭现象,给出了解在有限时刻出现耗竭的条件,并对耗竭时刻的上限进行了估计。  相似文献   
鉴于传统的水位读数方法误差大,成本高,需要一种精确、实时、鲁棒的智能水位检测算法来高效读取水位,为此提出了一种基于计算机视觉的水位检测算法以满足实际需求。首先对拍摄到的图像进行预处理和边缘检测以找出水尺位置,并通过仿射变换对水尺进行矫正。通过两种策略在水尺区域找到水尺关键字的位置,即关键字处理。然后对边缘特征进行投影并检测出水面位置。最后根据关键字处理结果和边缘特征计算得到水面高度。大量实验和实地测试的结果表明:所提算法在基于计算机视觉的水位检测、水尺读数等领域具有理论和应用的双重价值。  相似文献   
Having reviewed the major classification systems proposed by various scholars across the world, it is found thatindica andjaponica underO. sativa L. are two major directions thoroughly differentiated from the Asian cultivated rice, forming the framework of the classification structure. A system withindica andjaponica as the only two subspecies is therefore reiterated. There are various ways to determine the indica-japonica identity of hybrid rice, but the “combined morphological trait index” (CMT index) method is more efficient and easier to handle, although the isozyme analysis, molecular marker analysis and grain quality assay methods are also feasible.  相似文献   
本文从解决模型不确定性的角度研究了控制系统仿真问题。首先,讨论了把模型不确定性引入控制系统仿真的必要性,然后阐述了一种全新的观点:控制系统仿真应该是鲁棒辨识与鲁棒控制的有机结合  相似文献   
我国教育投资对国民收入的影响分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文利用互汇(Cointegration)分析和Granger因果检验方法研究了1950-1988年期间,我国教育投资和国民收入之间的相互关系,研究结果证实在1950-1988年期间,我国国民收入与国家对教育的投资之间存在着长期稳定的关系,且教育投资与国民收入间存在着互为因果的因果关系.这两项结论从实证分析方面肯定了教育投资在我国经济增长中的作用.  相似文献   
本文分析了采用系统集成思想设计的SDLC协议通信控制器的工作原理及系统要求,在自顶向下的设计原则下,提出了该通信控制器ASIC的设计原理,阐明了该ASIC在系统应用中的巨大优越性.  相似文献   
针对电子干扰日趋恶化的形势,文中专门研究了干扰条件下双基地系统如何利用数据融合实现对运动目标的三维跟踪问题。根据电子干扰“无-弱-强”的变化规律。文中提出了一种最大限度地利用两站测量数据信息量的“分段跟踪技术”、不仅提高了无、弱干扰时的跟踪精度,而且为强干扰条件下应用SOPLAT技术保持对目标的跟踪创造了有利条件。文中从理论。实际两个角度出发,分别研究了两种测量模式接收站采用的跟踪算法,通过典型航迹的计算机仿真.对基于数据融合算法的分段跟踪技术在理想观测精度和实际情况下的跟踪精度做了分析比较。  相似文献   
本文从系统的底层要素出发,提出并证明了底层要素存在性、底层要素后果集并集的完全性以及它们在同一部分的充分必要条件,由此导出了系统结构模型分部的算法,实际应用进一步说明了这一方法的有效性。  相似文献   
用聚丙烯酰胺垂直板凝胶电泳技术和特异性组织化学染色的方法,对黑龙江省的3种蝮蛇:乌苏里蝮(Gloydius ussuriensis)、岩栖蝮(G.saxatilis)和中介蝮(G.intermedius)的心脏、肝脏、肌肉和肾赃4种组织的乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)同工酶和酯酶(EST)同工酶进行电泳分析.结果表明,3种蝮蛇的相同组织问酶谱有显著不同,同种蝮蛇的不同组织间酶谱的差异也很显著,这两种酶具有种间差异性和组织特异性.  相似文献   
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