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Two consecutive magnetic flux ropes, separated by less than 30 s (△t 〈 30 s), are observed within one magnetic reconnection diffusion region without strong guide field in the Earth's magnetotail by Cluster multispacecraft. The flux ropes are characterized by bipolar signatures of the south-north magnetic field component Bz accompanied with strong core magnetic field By, intense current J and density depletions inside of them. In spite of the small but non-trivial global scale negative guide field (-By), there exists a directional change of the core fields of two flux ropes, i.e., -By for the first one, and +By for the second one. The directions of the core fields are the same as the ambient cross-tail magnetic field component (By) just outside of flux ropes. Therefore, we suggest that the core field of flux ropes is formed by compression of the local preexisting By and that the directional change of core field is due to the change of local preexisting By. Such a change in ambient By might be caused by some microscale physics.  相似文献   
文章研究了中小企业在信息技术飞速发展,经济全球化的大背景下,如何进行以电子商务为代表的新经济市场运作模式,并在此基础上提出中小企业选择ASP合作方的评价指标体系.  相似文献   
作者指出了如何采用正确的检测手段和评估方法,提供更安全的服务,确保桥梁的高质量运营.  相似文献   
多Agent协作求解是分布武人工智能要研究的基本问题.分析了指挥Agent的结构特点,并基于指挥Agent概念提出一个新的协作模型,该模型利用指挥Agent对多Agent系统进行全局协作分配,协作申请分级处理,解决了传统协作模型中存在的模型与应用领域中有关只适用于静态环境的问题.  相似文献   
以宁夏盐池县为例,采用偶遇抽样法随机取得30份有效问卷.在对数据进行统计整理的基础上,分析了禁牧前与禁牧后畜牧业成本的差异.结果表明,禁牧前畜牧业成本为60.68元/只(山羊)或61.68元/只(绵羊),禁牧后则达到了204.17元/只;禁牧后劳动力投入费用增加了123.47%,集中体现在饲喂用工投入加大;禁牧后饲草料的投入增加了309.68%,主要由圈养后饲草来源变化引起;禁牧前在圈舍、机械购买方面投入很少,禁牧后机械购买率达到64.29%,禁牧前不存在附加投入,而禁牧后普遍存在.禁牧后畜牧业成本增加,提高了畜牧业的门槛,在一定程度上使部分农户放弃畜牧业,不利于畜牧业的发展,由此提出必须调整畜牧业结构,改良品种,提高养殖效率等建议.  相似文献   
Chen  Haitao  Song  Shenmin 《系统科学与复杂性》2019,32(6):1597-1629
This paper addresses the attitude tracking control problem of a rigid spacecraft in the presence of the modeling uncertainty, external disturbance, and saturated control input by designing two robust attitude tracking controllers. The basic controller is formulated using an integral sliding mode surface which is continuous and provides an asymptotic convergence rate for the closed-loop system. In this case, only the external disturbance with the prior information is considered. Then, to provide a finite time convergence rate and further improve the robustness of the control system under the unknown system uncertainty containing both the modeling uncertainty and external disturbance,a novel integral terminal sliding mode surface(ITSMS) is designed and associated with the continuous adaptive control method. Besides, a command filter is utilized to deal with the immeasurability problem within the proposed ITSMS and an auxiliary system to counteract the input saturation problem. Digital simulations are presented to verify the effectiveness of the proposed controllers.  相似文献   
Aqueous zinc-based batteries (ZBBs) have great potential as commercial energy storage devices.However,the poor cycling stability of zinc anode under high areal ...  相似文献   
本文介绍了一种新型的磁头飞行姿态测试系统,其基本原理为激光多谱勒测量原理。通过简单的切换,可对磁头的面内运动姿态和面外运动(法向)姿态及头盘间隙进行动态非接触测量。  相似文献   
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