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抗氧化石墨材料的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用一种新工艺——泥浆凝胶工艺制备了石墨材料抗氧化梯度膜,通过初级泥浆涂层和合理的实验参数控制,生成了致密的SiC涂层。通过X射线衍射对涂层进行晶相分析,用扫描电镜分析涂层的成分,证实涂层中SiC浓度呈梯度分布,因而缓和了涂层与基体间的热应力。氧化实验表明样品在1000℃下氧化300h、1400℃200h以及1600℃、20h样品质量没有任何损失。1400℃下经20个热循环试验后样品完好无损  相似文献   
A series of hydrogen-containing a-Si:H/SiO2 multilayers with different a-Si:H sublayer thickness were fabricated by layer-by-layer deposition and in situ plasma oxidation in a plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition system (PECVD). Optical induced blue emission from the samples was observed by the naked eye at room temperature, which has never been reported in the luminescence study of Si/SiO2 multilayers up to now. Both the photoluminescence (PL) peak and the absorption edge show a blue shift as the a-Si:H sublayer thickness decreases. The origin of the blue emission and the effect of hydrogen are discussed.  相似文献   
The divisional process and systematic position of the marine scuticociliate Dexiotrichides pangi are studied. Based on both stomatogenetic data and 18S rDNA gene sequences, the phylogeny and morphogenetic characteristics of this taxon, and of other related genera, are analyzed and discussed. Both the divisionary events and the molecular biological data indicate that this speciesgenus, together with certain other genera in the Dexiotricha-complex, occupies an intermediate position between the tetrahymenids and the “typical” scuticociliate, which suggests that the Dexiotricha-like taxa should be excluded from the “true” scuticociliates. As a further contribution, the process of stomatogenesis in D. pangi can be summarized as follows: (1) The oral primordia in the opisthe are formed only by the proliferation of basal bodies in the scutica field, which subsequently develop into three membranelles, while the new paroral membrane seems to be generated by the sub-anterior portion of somatic kinety 1 (the 1st postoral intercalary kinety). The latter character exhibits a mode similar to Tetrahymena. (2) In the proter the parental membranelles are retained and remain unchanged throughout the entire division process; only the old paroral membrane is disassembled and differentiated into the anlage, which then gives rise to the new paroral membrane and the scutica of the proter. The 18S rRNA gene sequence reported here is the first one for a ciliate in the Dexiotricha-complex.  相似文献   
韩向辉  马丽 《科学之友》2008,(1):104-105
针对目前我国商业银行开展个人黄金业务的现状,分析欠发达地区商业银行开办个人黄金业务的重要性和必要性,提出欠发达地区商业银行开办个人黄金业务和逐步深入拓展的具体策略。  相似文献   
用碳酸氢钠溶液浸提石灰性土壤测定有效磷含量时,起脱色作用的无磷活性炭对PO4^3-离子有明显的吸附作用,使测定结果偏低,文章通过实验证明了活性炭对PO4^3-离子的吸附作用,并提出了相应的解决方法。  相似文献   
马茹燕 《科学之友》2008,(4):120-122
环境与人类的生存、发展息息相关,通过介绍全球环境污染状况,探讨如何利用化学教学的特点对学生实施环保教育。  相似文献   
储藏枸杞薰蒸剂和保鲜剂的研究初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为防治枸杞储藏期印度谷螟(Plodia inter punctella),以磷化铝为熏蒸剂,通过有效剂量和最小安全剂量的试验结果表明,对25 kg枸杞干果使用0.016 g ω=56%的磷化铝就可达到7 d内杀死100%印度谷螟幼虫和卵的防治效果.筛选出代号504中的100号双吸剂作为小包装枸杞(0.25~0.5 kg)的保鲜剂.研究结果为提高生产安全和降低成本提供了依据.  相似文献   
运用层次分析法,构建了区域PSEE系统科学发展评价指标体系,并对宁夏PSEE系统1990-2006年的发展动态进行了定量评价.结果表明.2006年的科学发展指数为0.36,全面发展指数为0.46,协调发展指数为0.24,可持续发展指数为0.37,分剐比1990年提高了61%、50%和114%.依据评价等级标准,2006年科学发展指数为稍低等级,全面发展指教为中下等级,协调发展指数为较低等级,可持续发展指数为稍低等级,与发展目标还有很大的差距.据此,提出了快速发展新材料产业、加快发展县域经济、加强生态环境保护和建设等发展对策.  相似文献   
考虑了一类带扰动的无限容量的流体排队模型.假设系统的服务速率是线性的,扰动由布朗运动和与过程有关的函数模拟,从而模型的容量过程满足一个随机微分方程.作为衡量排队模型的重要指标,得到了此流体模型容量过程的期望值,以及首中时的拉普拉斯变换和期望.  相似文献   
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