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Carbon fiber(CF)/cellulose(CLS) composite papers were prepared by papermaking techniques and hot-melting fibers were used for modification. The mechanical properties of the obtained composite papers with different CF,CLS and hot-melting fiber ratios were studied and further discussed. It is observed that,for both CF/CLS composite papers and those modified by hot-melting fibers,the normal stress firstly increases and then declines with the addition of carbon fibers. The results also show that with the addition of hot-melting fibers,the modified papers exhibit enhanced mechanical performance compared to CF/CLS composite papers. Through SEM characterization,it is confirmed that the improvement of mechanical properties attributes to the reinforcement of adhesive binding at the fiber overlap nodes. Also,through four-probe method,the resistivity and the electrical performance of the modified and unmodified papers were characterized and the result shows that the hot-melting fiber modification brings no harm to the electrical properties.  相似文献   
借助CitespaceⅢ对选自WoS的人工智能心理学研究文献进行知识图谱探析,结合自动聚类视图与议题标签展现了人工智能心理学领域的6个知识聚类:#0人工智能解决问题议题;#1人工与人类认知共性议题;#2人工智能学习议题;#3人工智能脑科学议题;#4人工智能环境认知议题;#5人工智能表征议题。在深入探究各聚类的核心与热点知识的基础上分析了人工智能心理学发展的各阶段特征:1.上世纪50年代图灵和米勒等人对机器认知与学习等概念的猜想与初探;2.70-90年代纽厄尔、西蒙和莱尔德等人基于模块记忆与层级分析对人工智能信息处理模型的系统性构建;3.本世纪初基于神经生理学的降维数据认知理论的发展;4.当下人工智能贝叶斯大脑与深度学习理论的兴起。  相似文献   
Immune cell-based therapies, such as chimeric antigen receptor T cells (CAR T) therapies and dendritic cell (DC) vaccines are producing tremendous opportunities...  相似文献   
Photocatalytic reduction of carbon monoxide (CO) is a promising route to the production of high-value chemicals and fuels,as a supplement to high energy-input F...  相似文献   
共轭帽分子分割法研究蛋白质的电荷密度   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
共轭帽分子分割(MFCC)法将蛋白质处理为一系列加了适当的共轭帽的单个的氨基酸片断,各片段的物理量可以用量化软件算出,整个蛋白质的物理量由各片段的物理量组合而得到.本文将加MFCC法应用于生物大分子的研究,得到了现在抗肿瘤研究中具有重要意义的p53蛋白的电荷密度和静电势.  相似文献   
在对目前网络地图及其界面设计相关研究进行调研与分析的基础上,发现已有的网络地图界面设计缺乏对用户因素的考虑.本文引入可用性工程及设计方法,将其与网络地图界面设计的各个方面相结合,探讨了基于可用性工程思想的网络地图界面设计的过程与方法.以南京师范大学校园网络地图界面设计为例,按照可用性工程的设计思路,设计了针对不同用户功能需求的校园网络地图界面.  相似文献   
Confined low dimensional charges with high density such as two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) at interfaces and charged domain walls in ferroelectrics show gre...  相似文献   
Spiking neural network,inspired by the human brain,consisting of spiking neurons and plastic synapses,is a promising solution for highly efficient data processi...  相似文献   
Apolipoprotein CIII (ApoCIII) not only serves as an inhibitor of triglyceride hydrolysis but also participates in diabetes-related pathological events such as hyperactivation of voltage-gated Ca2+ (CaV) channels in the pancreatic β cell. However, nothing is known about the molecular mechanisms whereby ApoCIII hyperactivates β cell CaV channels. We now demonstrate that ApoCIII increased CaV1 channel open probability and density. ApoCIII enhanced whole-cell Ca2+ currents and the CaV1 channel blocker nimodipine completely abrogated this enhancement. The effect of ApoCIII was not influenced by individual inhibition of PKA, PKC, or Src. However, combined inhibition of PKA, PKC, and Src counteracted the effect of ApoCIII, similar results obtained by coinhibition of PKA and Src. Moreover, knockdown of β1 integrin or scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) prevented ApoCIII from hyperactivating β cell CaV channels. These data reveal that ApoCIII hyperactivates β cell CaV1 channels through SR-BI/β1 integrin-dependent coactivation of PKA and Src.  相似文献   
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are heterogeneous likely consisting of subpopulations with various therapeutic potentials. Here we attempted to acquire a subset of MSCs with enhanced effect in wound healing. We found that human placental MSCs expressing platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) receptor (PDGFR)-β exhibited greater proliferation rates and generated more colony-forming unit-fibroblast (CFU-F), compared to PDGFR-β? MSCs. Notably, PDGFR-β+ MSCs expressed higher levels of pro-angiogenic factors such as Ang1, Ang2, VEGF, bFGF and PDGF. When 106 GFP-expressing MSCs were topically applied into excisional wounds in mice, PDGFR-β+ MSCs actively incorporated into the wound tissue, resulting in enhanced engraftment (3.92 ± 0.31 × 105 remained in wound by 7 days) and accelerated wound closure; meanwhile, PDGFR-β? MSCs tended to remain on the top of the wound bed with significantly fewer cells (2.46 ± 0.26 × 105) engrafted into the wound, suggesting enhanced chemotactic migration and engraftment of PDGFR-β+ MSCs into the wound. Real-Time PCR and immunostain analyses revealed that the expression of PDGF-B was upregulated after wounding; transwell migration assay showed that PDGFR-β+ MSCs migrated eightfold more than PDGFR-β? MSCs toward PDGF-BB. Intriguingly, PDGFR-β+ MSC-treated wounds showed significantly enhanced angiogenesis compared to PDGFR-β? MSC- or vehicle-treated wounds. Thus, our results indicate that PDGFR-β identifies a subset of MSCs with enhanced chemotactic migration to wound injury and effect in promoting angiogenesis and wound healing, implying a greater therapeutic potential for certain diseases.  相似文献   
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