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岛尾敏雄是日本有名的战后派作家之一。《死の棘》是他历时17年完成的一部以家庭生活经历为题材的长篇小说。一直以来,这部小说被当成私小说进行论述、分析。虽然这是一部描写家庭生活的作品,但是第二次世界大战结束前夕,作者作为特攻队队长的战争经历却与这部作品的创作背景息息相关,通过作者与战争经历和南岛的关系,可以将其作为战争文学来解读。  相似文献   
通过实验分别检测了高炉渣珠的堆积密度、粒度分布、化学侵蚀性、筒压强度和表观特性.结果表明,堆积密度随粒径的增加先增加后减小,0.3~1mm粒径范围内渣珠堆积密度最大,并且渣珠粒径主要集中在0.30~1.0mm之间,成珠率较高;渣珠不耐酸,在同一侵蚀溶液中,粒径较大的渣珠的抗侵蚀能力强于粒径较小的渣珠;粒径越小,渣珠筒压强度越大,渣珠承受压力的能力越强;高炉渣珠表面光滑平整,呈圆球状,粒径大小均匀;由于渣珠气淬的冷却速率较快,渣珠非晶相含量较高,当渣珠粒径<0.30mm时,XRD曲线变为馒头峰,基本不再有晶相析出,矿相变为非晶相.  相似文献   
提出了一种基于广义变换矩阵的机械零件三维模型骨架匹配方法。骨架中两骨架点间的连线称为骨架枝,借鉴机器人学中广义连杆之间关系的表示方法,将骨架枝看成若干个连杆,在骨架点处建立固定坐标系及骨架枝坐标系,采用广义变换矩阵表示骨架枝。将广义变换矩阵转化成向量,引用统计学中的相关性度量方法,通过计算2个向量的皮尔逊相关系数得到2个广义变换矩阵的相似度,即得到2个骨架枝的相似度。搜索相匹配的骨架枝并计算整个骨架的相似度。通过实例验证和实验分析,表明该算法具有较快的检索速度和较高的准确度。  相似文献   
为了研究冻融循环和氯盐侵蚀两种因素对钢筋与混凝土粘结性能的影响,本文设计了光圆钢筋和螺纹钢筋两种钢筋混凝土试件,对其在三种不同冻融次数(15次、25次、50次)和三种不同浓度(3.5%、7%、10%)氯盐溶液条件下进行试验,探讨钢筋混凝土试件试验后的粘结性能退化规律。结果表明:光圆钢筋试件表现为拔出破坏,螺纹钢筋试件表现为劈裂破坏,当冻融循环次数较少时,钢筋与混凝土之间的粘结性能随着氯盐侵蚀程度的增加略有提高,当冻融循环次数大于等于25次时,粘结性能随氯盐浓度的增加而变差,冻融破坏程度不同,钢筋与混凝土粘结性能随氯盐浓度大小变化的敏感程度不同。最后根据试验结果拟合出冻融氯盐侵蚀后试件的粘结强度—滑移本构关系。  相似文献   
为研究微生物在不同宽度、深度的裂缝尺寸下对混凝土强度的修复效果,选用巴氏芽孢杆菌为裂缝修复剂,在宽度为0.75,1.0,1.25 mm及深度为15,30,45,60,75,90 mm的不同裂缝下对混凝土进行修复,通过混凝土抗压试验,测出未修复和修复的试块抗压强度.结果表明:(1)微生物在不同裂缝尺寸下的修复对混凝土强度都有提升作用;(2)裂缝深度对混凝土修复强度的影响更大;(3)在同一裂缝宽度下,修复效果出现了先上升后降低的趋势,在深度为30 mm和45 mm的时候,修复效果最佳.  相似文献   
To solve the problem of low permeability and lower extraction rates of high-mud ores, a surfactant was added as a penetrant to the pregnant leaching solution during column leaching tests. On the basis of the theories of physical chemistry and seepage flow mechanics, the mechanism by which seepage is enhanced under the effects of the surfactant was analyzed. The results show that the action modes of the surfactant were divided into four aspects: changing the wettability of the ore, reducing the viscosity of the leaching solution, adsorbing onto the surface of ore, and enhancing the permeability effect. The findings of column leaching tests demonstrated that permeability was substantially improved by the surfactant. In the later period of leaching, the permeability coefficient was two times higher than that of the control group. Meanwhile, the ore extraction rate increased by approximately 10%. During the leaching process, the surface tension of the solution did not substantially change, and that of the solution with surfactant increased slightly. The kinetics analysis of ore column leaching illustrated that the leaching processes were controlled by both internal diffusion(principal factor) and chemical reaction.  相似文献   
针对使用低速相机连续采集高时间精度图像序列的需求,系统地研究了3种典型相机触发模式(硬件触发模式、软件触发模式、连续采集模式)下,低速相机采集图像序列时间精度、误差的大小以及误差规律.基于高精度时间光编码技术,对各种触发模式下采集的单张图像进行时间编码,从而获得了采集每张图像的准确时间,计算不同触发方式下得到的图像采集时间间隔与标准时间间隔之间的误差(走时误差).实验结果表明:软件触发的图像序列精度较差,走时误差值为32.2 ms,硬件触发与连续采集模式下图像序列的时间精度高,走时误差值均分布在±0.1 ms范围内,稳定性好.对于对时间精度要求较高的实验,在实验过程中应尽量选取精准的触发模式,即硬件触发模式或连续采集模式.   相似文献   
A numerical study of stress distribution and fatigue behavior in terms of the effect of voids adjacent to inclusions was conducted with finite element modeling simulations under different assumptions.Fatigue mechanisms were also analyzed accordingly.The results showed that the effects of inclusions on fatigue life will distinctly decrease if the mechanical properties are close to those of the steel matrix.For the inclusions,which are tightly bonded with the steel matrix,when the Young’s modulus is larger than that of the steel matrix,the stress will concentrate inside the inclusion;otherwise,the stress will concentrate in the steel matrix.If voids exist on the interface between inclusions and the steel matrix,their effects on the fatigue process differ with their positions relative to the inclusions.The void on one side of an inclusion perpendicular to the fatigue loading direction will aggravate the effect of inclusions on fatigue behavior and lead to a sharp stress concentration.The void on the top of inclusion along the fatigue loading direction will accelerate the debonding between the inclusion and steel matrix.  相似文献   
Several special mechanical properties, such as dilatancy and compressibility, of cemented paste backfill (CPB) are controlled by its internal microstructure and evolution. The mesoscopic structure changes of CPB during the development process were investigated. On the basis of the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and mechanical test results of CPB, the particle size information of CPB was extracted, and a two-dimensional particle flow code (PFC) model of CPB was established to analyze the evolution rule of mesoscopic parameters during CPB development. The embedded FISH language in PFC was used to develop a program for establishing a PFC model on the basis of the SEM results. The mesoscopic parameters of CPB samples at different curing times, such as coordination number (Cn), contact force chain, and rose diagram, were obtained by recording and loading and used to analyze the intrinsic relationship between mesoscopic parameter variations and macroscopic mechanical response during CPB development. It is of considerable significance to establish the physical model of CPB using the PFC to reveal the mesoscopic structure of CPB.  相似文献   
针对有无车轮低风阻电动汽车模型进行数值计算,并通过对两种模型是气动力、表面压力、速度场等计算结果对比,评估了有无车轮对低风阻车型气动特性的影响。研究表明:车轮的存在使得整车气动阻力增大63.8%,其中各部件的贡献从大到小依次为前轮室、车身前部、背部、车底(负贡献)、后轮室;而升力增大一倍多,主要来源于车底的贡献;流场结果显示车轮对车身的气动作用体现在车轮带来的全局阻塞和局部尾迹两种效应的综合影响;后轮及后轮导流罩产生的尾迹会导致低阻车尾部涡环强度增强,回流区长度减小,背压降低。综合气动阻力、升力、压力分布和流场对比分析,明确了车轮的存在会给低风阻车型带来较大的气动特性变化。  相似文献   
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