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Reese C  Heise F  Mayer A 《Nature》2005,436(7049):410-414
The question concerning whether all membranes fuse according to the same mechanism has yet to be answered satisfactorily. During fusion of model membranes or viruses, membranes dock, the outer membrane leaflets mix (termed hemifusion), and finally the fusion pore opens and the contents mix. Viral fusion proteins consist of a membrane-disturbing 'fusion peptide' and a helical bundle that pin the membranes together. Although SNARE (soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor) complexes form helical bundles with similar topology, it is unknown whether SNARE-dependent fusion events on intracellular membranes proceed through a hemifusion state. Here we identify the first hemifusion state for SNARE-dependent fusion of native membranes, and place it into a sequence of molecular events: formation of helical bundles by SNAREs precedes hemifusion; further progression to pore opening requires additional peptides. Thus, SNARE-dependent fusion may proceed along the same pathway as viral fusion: both use a docking mechanism via helical bundles and additional peptides to destabilize the membrane and efficiently induce lipid mixing. Our results suggest that a common lipidic intermediate may underlie all fusion reactions of lipid bilayers.  相似文献   
对基于监控系统中彩色图像的人脸检测与定位方法进行了探讨,利用颜色对方向的不敏感来减少人脸区域的搜索范围,将颜色空间与Hough变换相结合实现人脸定位.首先在颜色空间YCbCr上建立肤色模型,并对肤色区域进行初步检测,然后利用自适应模糊Hough变换检测瞳孔所在的圆心,从而实现对人脸区域的精确定位.在Georgia Tech彩色人脸数据库上的实验结果表明:该方法能够较好地检测肤色偏黄的人脸,并且在人眼的定位阶段平均用时为0.1秒,满足数字监控中实时性的要求.  相似文献   
通过问卷调查发现,现代青年对体育项目的喜爱中反映出的相对应的体育文化类型,首先是在休闲的生活方式的锻炼中有所追求展示技艺的体育项目,在此基础上分析足球运动项目不被现代青年所钟爱的原因为:社会发展的必然趋势;足球自身的特点限制了它的大众化传播;我国足球事业发展缺乏大众化策略.最后相应给出了一些对策.  相似文献   
每学期初的两次体育课,称为身体素质引导课较为适当.目前,这类课型存在着“运动负荷安排不合理“、“练习顺序安排不适当“等问题;改进的方法是:分析问题存在的根本原因,提高教师素质,强化教学管理.  相似文献   
提出了一种对超声散射信号分析的新方法———WD倒谱法 .利用该方法对人体正常肾和肾肿瘤组织的回波信号进行分析 ,与用AR倒谱法所得结果进行了比较 .结果表明 ,两种肾组织散射子的平均间距明显不同 ,WD倒谱比AR倒谱更能反映软组织的微观结构特征 ,说明WD倒谱是软组织超声散射信号分析与软组织散射子平均间距定征的一种有效方法  相似文献   
针对有限单元法计算精度受网格密度制约的问题,提出一种求任意复杂杆系静、动力学问题精确解的方法.该方法基于节点分析法,逐个节点列位移相容方程和内力平衡方程,以谱系数作为未知数,杆件变形和截面内力则采用相应问题的精确解来描述.用代数符号化的方式,对方程系数矩阵的组建过程进行了详细描述,为通用程序编制提供依据.对建模过程中的分布式载荷和铰接接头的处理方法进行了探讨并给出处理方法.通过平面钢架屈曲分析和空间管路谐响应分析,证实所提方法具有计算精度高、划分单元数少的特点,特别适合于需要精确解的场合.  相似文献   
足球传入我国至今已经一百多年,同时它伴随着西方足球思想对我国的现代化足球进程的影响,冲击着我国五千多年的传统人生价值观念.而近年来,我国学者对足球的研究逐渐转向了文化层面的研究上,它将对我国足球发展风格的定位起着重要积极作用.  相似文献   
We analyzed attributes from 23 nests (10 renests) and 46 brood locations of radio-marked Chukars ( Alectoris chukar ) in the lower Salmon River canyon of west central Idaho in 1995 and 1996. Nesting effort was 100%, apparent nest success was 45%, and estimated time from destruction or abandonment of a nest to initiation of laying a subsequent nest averaged 13 ± 5 days s x . Average clutch size for 1st nests (14.5 ± 1.0) was greater ( P = 0.017) than renests (10.4 ± 1.1). Cover types used by nesting Chukars included grass/forb (48% of nests), rock (43%), and shrub (9%), whereas the most common structure used for nests was rock outcrop (57%). Chukars did not use yellow starthistle ( Centaurea solstitialis ) habitats differently from what was expected ( P = 0.08) for nesting, but birds with broods selected areas with less starthistle ( P < 0.001). Chukar broods, which averaged 12.0 ± 1.1 chicks, used shrub and grass/forb cover types approximately equally (43% and 47% of locations, respectively) but rock habitats infrequently (11%).  相似文献   
During 1999 and 2000 we trapped and radio-marked 156 Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse ( Tympanuchus phasianellus columbianus ) on leks in Conservation Reserve Program (CRP, n = 73) and mine reclamation (MR, n = 83) lands in northwestern Colorado. Median spring--fall home range sizes using the 95% fixed kernal and minimum convex polygon estimators for 54 grouse were 86 ha and 61 ha, respectively. Median fixed kernal home range size did not differ between males (79 ha) and females (87 ha). Home ranges of grouse associated with CRP (112 ha) were larger than those of grouse in MR (75 ha). Directional orientation of movements from leks of capture to wintering areas was nonrandom, and there was a positive elevation gain (median = 102 m) associated with these movements. Movements did not differ between grouse captured in CRP and MR for any season but did differ between genders for the spring--fall period. Males exhibited stronger fidelity and less variation in their movements than females; 96% of males compared with only 77% of females remained within 2.0 km of their lek of capture from spring through fall. Ninety percent of females nested within 2.5 km of their lek of capture. During winter all grouse were found farther (median = 21.5 km) from lek sites than in any other season. Males remained on the breeding range longer in the fall and returned earlier in the spring than females even though they wintered similar distances away (median males = 21.5 km, median females = 21.4 km). Our findings support the 2.0-km radius used in the Habitat Suitability Index model for Columbian Sharptailed Grouse to assess nest and brood-rearing cover around leks, but not the 6.5-km radius used to evaluate winter cover.  相似文献   
以甲基丙烯酸甲酯接枝聚丙烯(PP-g-MMA)为硅灰石(W)填充聚丙烯(PP)复合材料(PP/W)的界面相容剂,研究了W粒径对聚丙烯/硅灰石(PP/PP-g-MMA/W)复合体系力学性能和非等温结晶行为的影响.用Avrami方程、Ozawa、Mo、和Kissinger方法分析了复合材料非等温结晶曲线,得到n、Kc、α、F(T)、TP、T1/2和△E等参数.结果表明,W粒径对n和α影响不大;在W异相成核、W粒径和增容荆共同作用下,W粒径为400目和800目的试样,K较大,F(T)、t1/2较小,TP较高,形成的晶粒较完善、细小,提高了复合材料的塑性和韧性,特别是800目的试样塑性和韧性最好.  相似文献   
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