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冲击式水轮机水斗内非定常自由水膜的流动非常复杂,至今还没有足够精确的数值方法来模拟这种流动.文中分析了非定常水膜流的流动机理,根据N-S方程推导出了水斗表面流体粒子在转动坐标系中的相对运动控制微分方程,依据控制微分方程编写出了数值解析软件并对水斗内的水膜流动进行了数值模拟,定量地得到了某模型水轮机水斗内部流动的速度场、能量场.对比一系列水膜流态分布,数值解析得到的结果与试验观测结果基本相吻合,最优工况下的水力效率与模型试验数据的误差为0.33%. 相似文献
阐述了用计算流体动力学CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics)技术研究水轮机导水机构二重叶栅内部流场性能变化的方法,研究了不同工况流场的速度、压力及二重叶栅能量损失的变化规律,数值解析结果与实验结果吻合。研究表明,导水机构内部流场的变化直接影响到转轮进口流动条件和水轮机运行的稳定性,数值解析结果对优化设计及安全运行具有指导作用。 相似文献
Martensitic stabilization caused by deformation in a TiNi shape memory alloy was studied. Special attention was paid to the deformed microstructures to identify the cause of martensitic stabilization. Martensitic stabilization was demonstrated by differential scanning calorimetry for the tensioned TiNi shape memory alloy. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that antiphase boundaries were formed because of the fourfold dissociation of [110]B19’ super lattice dislocations and were preserved after reverse transformation due to the lattice correspondence. Martensitic stabilization was attributed to dislocations induced by deformation, which reduced the ordering degree of the microstructure, spoiled the reverse path from martensite to parent phase compared with thermoelastic transformation, and imposed resistance on phase transformation through the stress field. 相似文献
Collapse ratios of buildings due to the 1995 Kobe earthquake and interference between S-wave and the second surface wave at basin edge 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
ZHAOZhixin XUJiren RyujiKubota WakizawaYasuhiko KajikawaSyozo 《科学通报(英文版)》2004,49(2):189-195
The distribution characteristics of collapse ratios of buildings in Kobe city due to the 1995 M7.2 Hyogo-ken Nanbu, Japan (Kobe) earthquake and the interferenres due to SH or P-SV and the second surface waves propagating in heterogeneous medium are discussed in this paper by using numerical simulation technique of wave equation. The staggered grid real value fast Fourier transform differentiation (SGRFFTD) is used in the pseudospectral method of ground motion simulations because of its speed, high stability and accuracy. The results show that the maximum amplitude of simulated acceleration waveforms on the ground coincides well with the complicated distributions of collapse ratios of buildings. The peak collapse ratio of buildings away from the earthquake fault also coincides well with the peak ground acceleration. The spatial interference process is analyzed by using the snap shots of seismic wave propagation. The peak ground acceleration is probably caused by the interferences due to the second surfare wave transmitting from the bedrock to sedimentary basin and the upward body wave. Analyses of the interference process show that seismic velocity structure and geologic structure strongly influence the distribution of the maximum amplitude of acceleration waveforms. Interferences occurring near the basin boundary are probably the cause of the peak collapse ratio of buildings away from the fault. Therefore it is necessary to analyze wave propagations and interference process using numerical simulation strategy for studies on the seismic disasters. 相似文献
Sato T Katagiri K Gohbara A Inoue K Ogonuki N Ogura A Kubota Y Ogawa T 《Nature》2011,471(7339):504-507
Spermatogenesis is one of the most complex and longest processes of sequential cell proliferation and differentiation in the body, taking more than a month from spermatogonial stem cells, through meiosis, to sperm formation. The whole process, therefore, has never been reproduced in vitro in mammals, nor in any other species with a very few exceptions in some particular types of fish. Here we show that neonatal mouse testes which contain only gonocytes or primitive spermatogonia as germ cells can produce spermatids and sperm in vitro with serum-free culture media. Spermatogenesis was maintained over 2?months in tissue fragments positioned at the gas-liquid interphase. The obtained spermatids and sperm resulted in healthy and reproductively competent offspring through microinsemination. In addition, neonatal testis tissues were cryopreserved and, after thawing, showed complete spermatogenesis in vitro. Our organ culture method could be applicable through further refinements to a variety of mammalian species, which will serve as a platform for future clinical application as well as mechanistic understanding of spermatogenesis. 相似文献
Aberrant patterns of X chromosome inactivation in bovine clones 总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24
CFD法研究多喷嘴冲击式水轮机的射流干涉 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
为提高冲击式水轮机的比转速和出力,通常采用增加喷嘴数的办法,然而增加喷嘴数会引起射流干涉,降低水轮机的水力效率.文中研究了射流干涉的产生机理,通过计算相邻两射流之间的动画单元数、水斗接受最后一滴射流的动画单元数、发生射流漏损时无效射流恰与水斗分离的动画单元数以及两相邻射流相交的动画单元数,提出了相邻两射流间发生干涉的判别式.利用所提出的判别式预测了不同喷嘴数和水斗数时冲击式水轮机的射流干涉情况,所得结果证明了判别式的有效性. 相似文献
采用动画解析法将冲击式水轮机旋转水斗内部的非定常流动进行时间和空间离散,在各离散的动画单元用拉格朗日法计算流体粒子的运动,模拟了非定常自由水膜流.对同一水斗,将第二射流的流动解析结果与对应的第一射流流态结果相叠加,就可根据叠加的水膜流态判断旋转水斗内的射流干涉现象.文中解析得到了旋转水斗内的射流干涉现象,并将其与模型试验照片的干涉现象进行了比较,确认发生了几乎相同的水膜流干涉. 相似文献
陈树榆 《中国科学技术大学学报》1998,28(1):122-127
选取广西宋代兴安严关窑的瓷器标本,检测它们的物理性质、化学组成和显微结构,并与中国宋代名青瓷进行比较.化学分析结果表明:瓷胎富二氧化硅,具有中国南方古瓷的特点.瓷釉中含氧化钙较高,属石灰釉.显微结构观察到部分古瓷釉层中存在液相分离结构.从而探讨了严关窑宋瓷使用的原料、瓷釉配料及工艺技术. 相似文献