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Growth of juvenile American lobsters, Homarus americanus , raised in four semiopen culture systems, with daily water exchange rates ranging from 29 percent to 3.3 percent, was compared with growth in a completely closed system. Animals were fed a formulated pelleted ration, water quality factors were measured daily, and changes in concentration of nitrate, orthophosphate, and total organic carbon were monitored. Results of two 90-day trials indicate that growth increased in the system with the lower water exchange rates. Maximum growth occurred in the closed system.  相似文献   
The utilization of the stinger and the predatory technique of the scorpion, Paruroctonus boreus, was studied under laboratory conditions. During the study, 83 feedings were observed. Age of the scorpions and the percentage of prey stung by them were used to classify the scorpions into groups. The scorpions aged 13–61 days always stung prey. After 62 days the scorpions began to selectively utilize the stinger. Utilization declined until it reached 30 percent in the adult stage. The stinger is apparently necessary for prey capture only in the early life stages.    相似文献   
The reproductive cycle in Belding ground squirrels was studied in the Sierra Nevada Mountains at two locations, one at 2,100 m elevation, the other at 3,000 m. Adults emerged from hibernation completely prepared physiologically for reproduction. Males tended to emerge slightly ahead of females and yearlings tended to emerge later than adults. Yearling females were fertile but produced smaller litters than adults, 4.48 vs. 6.31. Yearling males were infertile. They exhibited a slight seasonal cycle in testicular growth but did not reach sexual maturity. Testicular growth and spermatogenesis were incipient in many adults and in yearlings prior to hibernation.    相似文献   
We assessed the influence of water depth, extent of unobstructed view, and human disturbance features on use of roost sites by Sandhill Cranes along the Platte River, Nebraska, during spring migratory stopover. Aerial photos taken near dawn were used to determine areas of flock use and habitat availability in four sample reaches, and measurements were made on the ground at flock roost areas. In general, depths of 1-13 cm were used by sandhill cranes in greater proportion than those available. Exposed sandbars and depths >20 cm were avoided, while depths of 14-19 cm were used in proportion to their availability. Sites 11-50 m from the nearest visual obstruction were used significantly greater than their availability, while sites 0-4 and >50 m from visual obstructions were avoided. Sandhill Cranes avoided sites near paved roads, gravel roads, single dwellings, and bridges when selecting roost sites; however, they did not appear to be disturbed by private roads, groups of residential buildings, gravel pits, railroads, or electrical transmission lines.  相似文献   
Wood, leaf, and floral anatomy of Vanclevea stylosa is compared with that of several possibly related species in the genera Acamptopappus, Eastwoodia, Grindelia, Haplopappus, and Petradoria. Although V. stylosa was originally described as a Grindelia, it is clearly distinct from that genus. Of the taxa studied, it is most closely allied to Haplopappus salincinus and H. scopulorum. The taxonomy, morphology, and distribution of the monotypic Vanclevea are detailed, and known exsiccatae are listed.  相似文献   
  Fertilized ova of razorback sucker, Xyrauchen texanus, were adhesive for 3 to 4 hours after fertilization. Cleavage was completed at 24 hours, gastrulation occurred at 34 hours, and blood circulation was established at 117 hours. Hatching occurred from 5.2 to 5.5 days after fertilization. Larvae were from 6.8 to 7.3 mm TL at hatching. Yolk was assimilated at 13 days (10 mm TL). All fins were formed and had ossified rays at 64 days (27 mm TL). The unique nuchal keel appeared about 200 days after fertilization.  相似文献   
The Shoshone sculpin ( Cottus greenei ) is found only in springs of the Thousand Springs formation along the Snake River in Idaho. In 1983 a small population of Shoshone sculpin was introduced into an unnamed spring in the Thousand Springs formation in an attempt to increase the range of the species. Previously, the only sculpin in that spring was the mottled sculpin ( Cottus bairdi ). The Shoshone sculpin was able to establish itself and become the predominant fish within 8 years.  相似文献   
Specimens of Oxytropis in the herbaria of The Natural History Museum and Royal Botanic Garden were examined to interpret their role in nomenclature. This is the first attempt at a systematic overview of specimens so important in understanding the genus as it occurs in North America. The review of specimens at BM and K during the present research has resulted in realignment of names of some of the taxa. Oxytropis campestris var. gracils (A. Nelson) Barneby is recognized herein as being predated by O. campestris var. spicata Hook., O. sericea var. spicata (Hook.) Barneby is replaced by O. sericea var. speciosa (Torr. & A. Gray) Welsh comb. nov., and O. campestris var. terrae-novae (Fern.) Barneby is superseded by O. campestris var. minor (Hook.) Welsh comb. nov. One new taxon is proposed: Oxytropis deflexa (Pall.) DC. var. pulcherrima Welsh & A. Huber, var. nov. Lectotypes are designated for the following taxa: Astragalus retroflexus Pall. Oxytropis artica R. Br., O. artica var. α subumbellata Hook., O. arctica var. β uniflora Hook. O. campestris var. β sepciosa Torr & A. Gray, O. campestris var. ξ melanocephala Hook., O. campestris var. δ spincata Hook., O. multiceps var. minor A. Gray, O. splendens Douglas ex Hook., O. splendens β richardsonii Hook., O. uralensis β subsucculenta Hook., and O. uralensis γ minor Hook.  相似文献   
In October 1991 we recorded all black-tailed prairie dog ( Cynomys ludovicianus ) colonies and cattle points in a 1248-km 2 study area in southwest North Dakota and southeast Montana. Cattle point attractants were defined as fabricated water tanks and long-term supplemental feed sites. We found that a signivicant number of prairie dog colonies encompassed or adjoined cattle point attractants ( p < .001). Prairie dog colonies associated with cattle point attractants were a mean distance of 1.0 km from the next nearest town. The existence of cattle point attractants may encourage prairie dog colonization. Conversely, refraining from using long-term cattle point attractants can discourage prairie dog colonization.  相似文献   
Vegetation characteristics of 15 sagebrush community types identified on the Humboldt National Forest, northeastern Nevada, are described. A total of 218 plant species were found over the 372 relatively undisturbed rangeland communities sampled. The dominant plant families encountered were the Asteraceae (45 taxa), Poaceae (32 taxa), Scrophulariaceae (14 taxa), and the Fabaceae (12 taxa). Average annual dry weight production of the community types ranged from about 400 kg/ha/yr on types with Artemisia nova as the dominant sagebrush species to 1,200 kg/ha/yr on some A. tridentata ssp. vaseyana community types. A general increase in species richness and vegetation plus litter ground cover was observed within community types as the dominant sagebrush species changed from A. nova to A. arbuscula to A. longiloba to A. tridentata spp. tridentata to A. tridentata ssp. vaseyana . Major differences in plant species production and constancy exist between the sagebrush community types studied.  相似文献   
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