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目前,美、日、欧等发达国家及发展中国家都纷纷制订或即将制订本国或本地区的知识产权战略,本文就知识产权战略的主要内容、战略选择谈几点个人看法,仅供参考。  相似文献   
记述发现于神农架的二种新蚕蛾:波纹钩蚕蛾Mustilia undulosa Yang et Mao,神农如钩蚕蛾Mustilizans shennong Yang et Mao,附图12幅,与近缘种详加比较。并略湖北省蚕蛾科概况及有关的分类问题。  相似文献   
文章阐述了四川省汉源县脚鸡坪花岗石矿产出的地质特征,重点对矿区矿石的商品品色及矿石石材质量作了地质经济评价.其物理性能达到了美国石业研究所对花岗石材的指标要求。  相似文献   
Windows2000中的计算机网络新技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对新一代操作系统Windows2000中的网络新技术进行了论述和介绍,其中包括动态主机配置协议DHCP,自动专用IP地址APIPA技术,动态与静态主机名称解析方式,路由和远程访问服务RRAS的改善,Internet认证服务IAS,对ATM和VPN等技术的支持,本文对相关人员了解和应用Windows2000构建Internet/Intranet网络均有参考价值。  相似文献   
砼裂纹分析及防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
砼工程中出现裂纹是典型的质量通病,砼裂纹不仅减少砼结构的使用寿命,而且给人们一种观外上的危险感,实践证明,只要严格按施工规范施工,抓好每一道工序质量,完全可以避免砼裂纹的产生,论述了砼裂纹产生的原因和机理,提出了有效的防治措施。  相似文献   
In this study, composite briquettes were prepared using gravity dust and converter sludge as the main materials; these briquettes were subsequently reduced in a tube furnace at 1000-1300℃ for 5-30 min under a nitrogen atmosphere. The effects of reaction temperature, reaction time, and carbon content on the metallization and dezincification ratios of the composite briquettes were studied. The reduced composite briquettes were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The results show that the gravity dust and converter sludge are combined into the composite briquettes and a reasonable combination not only improves the performance of the composite briquettes, but also leads to the reduction with no or little reductant and flux. As the reaction temperature is increased and the reaction time is extended, the metallization and dezincification ratios of the composite briquettes increase gradually. When the composite briquettes are roasted at 1300℃ for 30 min, the metallization ratio and dezincification ratio reaches 91.35% and 99.25%, respectively, indicating that most of the iron oxide is reduced and the zinc is almost completely removed. The carbon content is observed to exert a lesser effect on the reduction process; as the C/O molar ratio increases, the metallization and dezincification ratios first increase and then decrease.  相似文献   
西藏高原自然环境独特性对经济社会发展有特殊要求,符合主体功能定位及方向是支撑国家生态安全战略的基础.以藏北高原重点生态功能区为例,采用情景分析法,基于草畜平衡与主体功能关系,由生态系统服务功能向生产生活层面,逐步分析减载增服、结构平衡、增加收入、人口迁移等4种情景.结果表明:120年来人口规模、城镇化率、工业化率和非农产值比例等指标不断提高,国土开发强度由0.142‰缓慢升至0.269‰,生态脆弱性等生态环境指标处于高位,主体功能属性判别值A在限制开发阈值内,产业与就业结构偏离度较高,其中一产由-0.31降至-0.69,牧区劳动力隐形失业严重.人口迁移处于净流入状态,重点生态功能核心区迁移活跃程度加大、边界扩大.2在草场负荷、人口规模由1648万与50.32万分别调至理论阈值1382万与38.12万、城镇化率由29.77%增至54.48%、一产产业与就业结构偏离度由-0.69升至均衡(0)条件下,预计2014—2020年间:减畜生态补偿资金需要1.83亿,一产比值由16.24%下降至7.76%,人口净迁出率由5.32%逐年增至34.93%,人均纯收入翻番过程中牧业比例由58.44%下降至19.56%,国土开发强度由0.269‰降至0.169‰.  相似文献   
机械固定结合面刚度特性建模   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对机械结合面G-W接触模型和M-B接触模型存在的不足,基于分形理论,提出一种能描述2粗糙面接触的配对几何粗糙特性的法向刚度力学模型.该模型在几何尺寸上独立,给出了结合面面压与刚度的解析解,能有效求解结合面配对接触的法向刚度.根据应变能相等的原则,把结合面法向刚度和切向刚度折合成连续体的材料属性,建立了描述结合面特性的虚拟材料模型,试验证明了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   
14C measurement of forest soils in Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Shen  Chengde  Liu  Dongsheng  Peng  Shaolin  Sun  Yanmin  Jiang  Mantao  Yi  Weixi  Xing  Changping  Gao  Quanzhou  Li  Zhi’an  Zhou  Guoyi 《科学通报(英文版)》1999,44(3):251-251
Organic carbon in forest soils of Qingyunsi and Wukesong profiles can be divided into fast and slow components. Δ 14C values of these profiles decrease with increasing of depth. The Δ 14C values in 30-40 cm depth interval of Wukesong profile are decreasing sharply until a very low value, showing that a strong geological environment change occurred about 1 560 years ago. The 14C apparent ages of Wukesong profile show that the coniferous and broad-leaf mixed forests around Wukesong profile have been developing since 425 a BP, which is consistent with historical documents. The penetrating depths of "bomb 14C" in Qingyunsi and Wukesong profiles are 10 and 20 cm, respectively.  相似文献   
利用VB语言开发出一套多媒体教室设备快速反馈系统,为上课教师和多媒体管理人员之间搭建了一个平台,实现了设备出现问题可以快速反馈到设备管理人员,经过使用,效果良好,达到设计目标。  相似文献   
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