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Considering a one-supplier and two-retailer supply chain setting in which the supplier makes contacts with retailers in sequence based on FCFS(first–come–first-service) principle, the authors investigate the marginal effect of extra-gain guilty fairness concerns of supply chain members on the contract design, supply chain's profit and profit distribution. When the supplier considers distributional fairness of loss aversion and extra-gain guilty, extra-gain guilty concern reduces the optimal wholesale and retail price, and improves supply chain performance. When the first or the second retailer considers distributional fairness and peer-induced fairness, extra-gain guilty concerns decrease the optimal wholesale and retail price but increase the profit of all supply chain members only when the level of loss aversion is large enough and the level of extra-gain guilty is less than 1/2. However, when the level of loss aversion is small and the level of extra-gain guilty is less than 1/2, extra-gain guilty has no influence on supply chain performance. The analysis reveals that the supply chain performance can be further improved by considering fairness of extra-gain guilty.  相似文献   
Hybrid systems are dynamical systems with interacting discrete computation and continuous physical processes, which have become more common, more indispensable, and more complicated in our modern life. Particularly, many of them are safety-critical, and therefore are required to meet a critical safety standard. Invariant generation plays a central role in the verification and synthesis of hybrid systems. In the previous work, the fourth author and his coauthors gave a necessary and sufficient condition for a semi-algebraic set being an invariant of a polynomial autonomous dynamical system, which gave a confirmative answer to the open problem. In addition, based on which a complete algorithm for generating all semi-algebraic invariants of a given polynomial autonomous hybrid system with the given shape was proposed. This paper considers how to extend their work to non-autonomous dynamical and hybrid systems. Non-autonomous dynamical and hybrid systems are with inputs, which are very common in practice; in contrast, autonomous ones are without inputs. Furthermore, the authors present a sound and complete algorithm to verify semi-algebraic invariants for non-autonomous polynomial hybrid systems. Based on which, the authors propose a sound and complete algorithm to generate all invariants with a pre-defined template.  相似文献   
To study the effect of cooperative advertising on the supply chain of deteriorating items, this paper establishes a Stackelberg game model for a two-echelon deteriorating items supply chain composed of one manufacturer and one retailer under a given support program with an exogenous participation rate. The manufacturer as the leader determines the wholesale price and production rate, and the retailer as the follower determines the retail price and advertising strategies. The strategies of the players under the decentralized scenario and the centralized scenario are respectively characterized. Numerical simulations and sensitivity analysis are conducted to gain some managerial insights. It is shown that the pricing, advertising and production strategies are negatively correlated to deteriorating coefficient, and both the profit and the channel efficiency decrease with deteriorating coefficient; The interaction between price, advertising investment and production rate results in a higher retail price of the centralized channel compared to that of the decentralized channel; Implementing the cooperative advertising program does improve the performance of the supply chain in some cases and the participation rate roughly at 0.5 is most preferable, but it is also possible to distort incentive and damage the channel performance when the participation rate reaches a relatively high level.  相似文献   
根据集对分析的基本原理,结合基于误差大小的集对分析组合预测,给出了基于误差方向的集对分析组合预测和基于模型性能的集对分析组合预测;针对基于误差大小的集对分析组合预测建模过程中,从关联度的确定到组合权重的计算过程相对复杂、难以理解,推导简化了组合预测权重计算过程;针对集对分析中同一度为0时导致组合预测模型信息丢失的问题,提出了一种基于折扣的同一度、差异度、对立度转换处理方法。最后算例说明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   
This paper analyzes the queuing problem that was experienced during the Shanghai World Expo of2010.The queuing problem will be discussed at three levels.The three levels include the physical,psychological,and social aspects of the queuing problem.The collective behavior of visitors is studied through analyzing the information from the different sources,such as,the network of electronic eyes,the evaluation platform based on mobile phone system and the Internet.A hybrid information network technology is implemented.Based on the Wuli-Shili-Renli(WSR) system methodology,a new theoretical analysis framework for the queuing problem is proposed.  相似文献   
Only in the presence of sidelobe jamming(SLJ),can the conventional adaptive monopulse technique null the jamming effectively and maintain the monopulse angle estimation accuracy simultaneously.While mainlobe jamming(MLJ) exists,the mainlobe of adaptive pattern will subject to serious distortion,which results in a failure of detecting and tracking targets by monopulse technique.Therefore,a monopulse angle estimation algorithm based on combining sum-difference beam and auxiliary beam is presented.This algorithm utilizes both high gain difference beams and high gain auxiliary beams for cancelling the mainlobe jammer and multiple sidelobe jammers(SLJs) while keeping an adaptive monopulse ratio.Theoretical analysis and simulation results indicate that the serious invalidation of monopulse technique in MLJ and SLJs scenarios is resolved well,which improves the monopulse angle accuracy greatly.Furthermore,the proposed algorithm is of simple implementation and low computational complexity.  相似文献   
In order to avoid the system performance deterioration caused by the wireless fading channel and imperfect channel estimation in cognitive radio networks, the spectrum sharing problem with the consideration of feedback control information from the primary user is analyzed. An improved spectrum sharing algorithm based on the combination of the feedback control information and the optimization algorithm is proposed. The relaxation method is used to achieve the approximate spectrum sharing model, and the spectrum sharing strategy that satisfies the individual outage probability constraints can be obtained iteratively with the observed outage probability. Simulation results show that the proposed spectrum sharing algorithm can achieve the spectrum sharing strategy that satisfies the outage probability constraints and reduce the average outage probability without causing maximum transmission rate reduction of the secondary user.  相似文献   
线性规划是管理决策领域中常用的基本工具之一,我们开发了一个建立线性规划模型的专家系统原型LPES。该系统用户界面友好,面向实际生产和商业规划领域,采用规则-框架相结合的复合知识表示形式,实现了数值计算与符号处理的有机结合。本文着重介绍了其知识库系统并通过一个例子简要说明了模型综合的思想。  相似文献   
本文从最优化方法的观点出发,提出了一种新的图象位移估计算法。它对一定时间间隔内两次采样得到的图象进行运算,用最陡梯度下降法直接迭代出图象位移的估计值。本文还对算法的性能进行了详细的分析,得出估计方差与信噪比、图象相关函数等参数之间的定量关系式,以及由于坐标量化引起的算法对图象特性的限制条件。理论分析和实验表明,该算法具有较强的抗干扰能力和计算量少等优点,可应用于成象跟踪和图象编码等领域。  相似文献   
Shi  Yuke  Zhang  Wei  Liu  Aiyi  Li  Qizhai 《系统科学与复杂性》2023,36(1):393-411

Distance-based regression model, as a nonparametric multivariate method, has been widely used to detect the association between variations in a distance or dissimilarity matrix for outcomes and predictor variables of interest in genetic association studies, genomic analyses, and many other research areas. Based on it, a pseudo-F statistic which partitions the variation in distance matrices is often constructed to achieve the aim. To the best of our knowledge, the statistical properties of the pseudo-F statistic has not yet been well established in the literature. To fill this gap, the authors study the asymptotic null distribution of the pseudo-F statistic and show that it is asymptotically equivalent to a mixture of chi-squared random variables. Given that the pseudo-F test statistic has unsatisfactory power when the correlations of the response variables are large, the authors propose a square-root F-type test statistic which replaces the similarity matrix with its square root. The asymptotic null distribution of the new test statistic and power of both tests are also investigated. Simulation studies are conducted to validate the asymptotic distributions of the tests and demonstrate that the proposed test has more robust power than the pseudo-F test. Both test statistics are exemplified with a gene expression dataset for a prostate cancer pathway.

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