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microRNAs (miRNAs) function as genetic rheostats to control gene output. Based on their role as modulators, it has been postulated that miRNAs canalize development and provide genetic robustness. Here, we uncover a previously unidentified regulatory layer of chemokine signaling by miRNAs that confers genetic robustness on primordial germ cell (PGC) migration. In zebrafish, PGCs are guided to the gonad by the ligand Sdf1a, which is regulated by the sequestration receptor Cxcr7b. We find that miR-430 regulates sdf1a and cxcr7 mRNAs. Using target protectors, we demonstrate that miR-430-mediated regulation of endogenous sdf1a (also known as cxcl12a) and cxcr7b (i) facilitates dynamic expression of sdf1a by clearing its mRNA from previous expression domains, (ii) modulates the levels of the decoy receptor Cxcr7b to avoid excessive depletion of Sdf1a and (iii) buffers against variation in gene dosage of chemokine signaling components to ensure accurate PGC migration. Our results indicate that losing miRNA-mediated regulation can expose otherwise buffered genetic lesions leading to developmental defects.  相似文献   
Greasewood ( Sarcobatus ) is a succulent-leaved, halophytic shrub of North American origin. The genus comprises 2 species: Sarcobatus baileyi and Sarcobatus vermiculatus. Sarcobatus vermiculatus is common throughout much of western North America, but S. baileyi is much more limited in distribution and was previously thought to be endemic to Nevada. Here we document and describe a S. baileyi population in eastern California, comparing its morphology and ecology to an adjacent S. vermiculatus population. Morphologically, S. baileyi is smaller in stature but produces larger seeds; however, fewer S. baileyi seeds germinated and survived a 20-day laboratory incubation compared to seeds of S. vermiculatus. Sarcobatus baileyi has higher leaf Na concentrations and operates at much lower plant water potentials than S. vermiculatus under field conditions; however, no significant differences were observed between the 2 species in long-term water-use efficiency as measured by leaf δ13C. Leaf Na concentrations were very low in both species. Overall, these species differ greatly in a number of traits that are consistent with the upland, nonphreatophytic character of S. baileyi, which is in stark contrast to the phreatophytic character of S. vermiculatus. Both species, however, are very salt tolerant and have low leaf N concentrations, indicating the low nutrient availability and the potentially high salinity of their extreme habitats. Further investigation of comparable desert ridge environments should be conducted to determine the extent of S. baileyi in eastern California, and common garden comparisons of the 2 species should be conducted to compare their ecophysiological traits. El ";greasewood” ( Sarcobatus ) es un arbusto halofítico de origen norteamericano con hojas suculentas. El género consta de dos especies: Sarcobatus baileyi y Sarcobatus vermiculatus. Aunque S. vermiculatus es común en gran parte del oeste de Norteamerica, S. baileyi tiene una distribución mucho más limitada. Se pensaba anteriormente que S. baileyi era endémico a Nevada, pero aquí documentamos y describimos una población en el este de California, comparando su morfología y ecología con las de una población adyacente de S. vermiculatus. Morfológicamente, S. baileyi es más pequeña de altura, pero produce semillas más grandes. Sin embargo, menos semillas de S. baileyi germinaron y sobrevivieron a una incubación en laboratorio de 20 días, comparado con S. vermiculatus. Sarcobatus baileyi opera con potenciales de agua mucho más bajos que los de S. vermiculatus en condiciones de campo y tiene mayores concentraciones de Na en sus hojas. No obstante, no se observaron diferencias significativas en la eficiencia del uso de agua a largo plazo, medida en términos de δ13C entre las 2 especies. Las concentraciones de N en las hojas fueron muy bajas en ambas especies. En general, estas especies difieren mucho en varios rasgos que son consistentes con el carácter no freatofítico de S. baileyi de tierras altas, el cual contrasta claramente con el carácter freatofítico de S. vermiculatus. Ambas especies, sin embargo, son bastante tolerantes a la sal y tienen concentraciones bajas de N en hojas, lo cual indica la baja disponibilidad de nutrientes y la potencial alta salinidad en sus hábitats extremos. Investigaciones adicionales en ambientes comparables de bordes desérticos deberán llevarse a cabo para determinar la extensión S. baileyi en el este de California, además de comparaciones de las dos especies en jardín para comparar sus rasgos ecofisiológicos.  相似文献   
In this study, I examined the composition of managed ponderosa pine ( Pinus ponderosa ) forests used by nesting White-headed Woodpeckers ( Picoides albolarvatus ) along the eastern slope of the Cascade Range in Washington. I sampled trees and snags using the point-centered quarter method to assess species composition, tree and snag density, and stand basal area in 16 forest stands containing White-headed Woodpecker nests. All stands had a history of timber management and 2 had been burned and salvage-logged. Mean live-tree density (≥10.16 cm dbh) was 182.3 trees · ha –1 (SE = 13.52), mean snag density (≥10.16 cm dbh) was 11.5 snags · ha –1 (SE = 1.92), and mean stand basal area was 17.2 m 2 · ha –1 (SE = 1.58). Ponderosa pine had the highest importance value (mean = 220.9, SE = 17.25) of any tree species in all but 2 stands. Mean dbh of ponderosa pines was 33.0 cm (SE = 0.26) and ranged from 26.1 to 50.2 cm within stands. Mean density of ponderosa pine was greatest in the 20.3–30.5 cm dbh size class and lowest in the 50.8–61.0 cm and >61.0 cm dbh size classes. Tree density was up to 5.3 times greater than densities believed to be typical of ponderosa pine forests prior to fire suppression. Snag densities were within the range estimated for historical dry forests of the eastern Cascades, yet only 50% of all snags sampled had a dbh >25.4 cm. Although White-headed Woodpeckers are considered strongly associated with old-growth ponderosa pine, my results suggest that they may be more adaptable to using forests dominated by smaller diameter trees. En este estudio, examiné la composición de los bosques manejados de pino ponderosa ( Pinus ponderosa ), utilizados para anidamiento por el pájaro carpintero cabeciblanco ( Picoides albolarvatus ), a lo largo de la vertiente oriental de la cordillera Cascade del Estado de Washington. Muestreé árboles vivos y muertos usando el método de cuadrantes al punto central en 16 rodales con nidos del pájaro carpintero cabeciblanco para evaluar la composición de especies, la densidad de árboles vivos y muertos y el área basal del rodal. Todas las áreas tenían una historia de manejo maderable y 2 habían sido quemadas y taladas para recuperar madera. La densidad promedio de árboles vivos (≥10.16 cm DAP) fue 182.3 árboles · ha –1 (DE = 13.52), la densidad promedio de árboles muertos (≥10.16 cm DAP) fue 11.5 árboles muertos · ha –1 (DE = 1.92) y el área basal promedio de los rodales fue 17.2 m 2 · ha –1 (DE = 1.58). El pino ponderosa tuvo el valor de importancia más alto (promedio = 220.9, DE = 17.25) de las especies de árboles en todos, menos 2 rodales. El DAP promedio de los pinos ponderosa fue 33.0 cm (DE = 0.26) y variaba de 26.1 a 50.2 cm dentro de rodales. La densidad promedio del pino ponderosa fue la mayor en la clase de 20.3–30.5 cm DAP y menor de las clases de 50.8–61.0 cm y >61.0 cm DAP. La densidad de árboles fue hasta 5.3 veces mayor que las consideradas típicas para bosques de pino ponderosa antes de la intervención para prevenir incendios. Las densidades de árboles muertos estuvo dentro del rango estimado para los bosques secos históricos del oriente de la cordillera Cascade, no obstante sólo 50% de los árboles muertos muestreados tuvieron un DAP >25.4 cm. Aunque se considera que los pájaros carpinteros cabeciblancos están estrechamente asociados con bosques primarios de pino ponderosa, mis resultados sugieren que podrían ser más adaptados a usar bosques donde predominan árboles de diámetro menor.  相似文献   
Grazed and ungrazed sites were examined in a semiarid woodland in eastern Australia to determine relationships within various types of cryptogams, and the role of cryptogams in pasture dynamics, infiltration, and water erosion. Strong relationships were found between vascular plant cover and cover of cryptogams for nine rangeland sites over an 18-month period. In the absence of vascular plants, sites with low cover of cryptogams were dominated by algae. The presence of a cryptogamic crust had no significant effect on infiltration at ungrazed sites but significantly increased infiltration at some grazed sites. Splash erosion was very low on soils with at least 50% cryptogam cover. Below this level splash erosion increased markedly, along with the proportion of fine sediments lost.  相似文献   
Winter habitat use and food habits of Blue Grouse ( Dendragapus obscurus ) were studied in an isolated Utah desert mountain range that contained little typical Douglas-fir ( Pseudotsuga menziesii ) winter habitat. Habitat use was concentrated in the Douglas-fir and pinyon ( Pinus edulis )-juniper ( Juniperus spp. ) habitat. Douglas-fir and pinyon pine were the most consumed foods. Other foods that represented >15% of the composition of an individual fecal sample were limber pine ( Pinus flexilis ), mahogany ( Cercocarpus ledifoliu ), juniper, and an Anteunaria-Cirsium type. The breadth in winter diet indicates that Blue Grouse may successfully occupy other habitats when typical winter habitat is scarce.  相似文献   
Variation in kit fox ( Vulpes macrotis ) population parameters can be influenced by vegetative cover and the distribution and abundance of other predator and prey species. Dramatic changes to Great Basin Desert habitats, which can potentially impact mammalian species, have occurred in some areas in Utah. We examined kit fox demographics and prey populations from 1999 to 2001 on Dugway Proving Ground (DPG), a U.S. Army facility in Utah, and compared some parameters to historical levels (1956–1958, 1966–1969). Adult survival rates were fairly consistent between 1999 and 2000 and between 1999 and 2001; however, survival was greater in 2001 than in 2000. Reproductive rates ranged from 1.0 to 3.8 pups per female in 1999–2000 and were similar to historical numbers (1.0–4.2 pups per female). We found a decrease in pre-whelping kit fox density from the 1960s (0.12 foxes ? km –2 ) to 1999–2001 (0.04 foxes ? km –2 ); however, densities were similar between the current study and the 1950s (0.08 foxes ? km –2 ). Using 9 years of data, we found density dependence between reproductive rates of the current year and annual fox density from the previous year. Using 7 years of data, we found a slight correlation between kit fox annual density and a 1-year lag in leporid abundance, even though leporid abundance was lower during the present study than it was historically. Compared to historical levels, current small mammal abundance and species composition has changed in several habitats. Kit fox breeding density and annual density were inversely correlated with coyote ( Canis latrans ) density. Changes to the landscape at DPG, especially due to invasion of cheatgrass ( Bromus tectorum ) and addition of artificial water sources, have caused a change in available kit fox habitat and prey species, and have increased the abundance of coyotes, the kit fox's major competitor.  相似文献   
We studied the breeding system and flower visitors of White River penstemon, a rare endemic from the Uintah Basin of eastern Utah and western Colorado. Bagging treatments and hand-pollination treatments showed that Penstemon scariosus var. albifluvis has a mixed mating system: while some seeds and fruits are produced through selfpollination (both autogamy and geitonogamy), significantly more are produced when flowers are cross-pollinated. The primary flower visitors, and likely pollinators, were several species of native twig- and ground-nesting bees in the families Apidae, Halictidae, and Megachilidae. We found no differences in fruit or seed production between open-pollinated controls and hand-outcrossed flowers, suggesting that pollinator visits were sufficient to maximize female reproductive success. Management plans to conserve White River penstemon must recognize that full reproductive success of this rare plant taxon relies on a suite of pollinating bees, and that the species richness and abundances of bee visitors should be maintained.  相似文献   
The herbaceous understory stratum contains most of the plant diversity in ponderosa pine ( Pinus ponderosa P. & C. Lawson var. scopulorum Engelm.) forests of the American Southwest and provides critical food and habitat for many wildlife species. During the last century, this stratum has been affected by livestock grazing and by increased dominance of overstory trees. We sampled a unique grazing exclosure to examine the relative importance of long-term livestock grazing (grazed or ungrazed) and habitat (park or tree) on the understory community. We sampled 3 plots of 192 contiguous quadrats (each quadrat 0.5 m 2 ) in each of the 4 treatment combinations, for a total of 2304 quadrats. Species-area curves were generated by aggregating quadrats into nonoverlapping areas at grain sizes of 0.5 to 576 m 2 . The effects of habitat and grazing on species density were evident at very different scales. Species density was higher in park than tree plots at scales ≤32 m 2 but did not differ between habitats at larger scales. Species density differed minimally between grazed and ungrazed treatments at small grains, but grazed plots contained more species than ungrazed plots at larger grains. Grazing treatments differed at smaller grains (to 4–8 m 2 ) than did habitats (to 32 m 2 ), with respect to density of native species and graminoids. Grazed plots had more exotic species than ungrazed plots at all grain sizes, though few exotics were present. Twenty-two species were identified as indicator species associated with habitats and/or grazing treatments. Evaluations of plant community response to treatments would be improved by accounting for the grain at which data have been collected and analyzed and by identifying indicator species associated with various treatments. These data would enable more-informed conservation and management decisions.  相似文献   
The floristic composition of Navajo National Monument is presented. The flora of the monument consists of 293 species of vascular plants, representing 177 genera and 66 families. The species are scattered throughout 12 plant communities found within the monument. The flora is dominated by forbs (60 percent), followed by shrubs (16 percent), grasses (12 percent) and trees (5 percent). Betatakin canyon exhibits the greatest floristic richness with 223 species being represented and 123 species found only in that area. This is due primarily to two factors: (1) the greater variety of habitats available in the area, and (2) the much longer time the area has been protected from grazing and other manmade disturbance.  相似文献   
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