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有关将弱DEA有效性用于预测的探讨   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
有关将弱DEA有效性用于预测的探讨⒇吴文江何静(武汉工业大学北京研究生部,北京100024)DiscusiononUsingWeakDEAEficiencyforForecastWuWenjiangHeJingAbstractThispaperpre...  相似文献   
本文从系统的底层要素出发,提出并证明了底层要素存在性、底层要素后果集并集的完全性以及它们在同一部分的充分必要条件,由此导出了系统结构模型分部的算法,实际应用进一步说明了这一方法的有效性。  相似文献   
本文首先介绍了以地理信息系统为基础的三峡工程决策支持系统集成指挥中心(原型)的系统设计.接着,对三峡工程施工和管理信息的可视查询的设计和开发进行了详细的讨论,并着重研究了它的地理实体描述模型、基于超文本的信息查询和可视会议的实现.  相似文献   
The chloroplast gene matK and the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of the nuclear ribosomal DNA from Schnabelia, a genus endemic to China, and 6 genera of Verbenaceae and 13 genera of Lamiaceae were sequenced. The phylogenetic signal and validity outgroups were measured and evaluated by means of the relatively apparent synapomorphy analysis (RASA). Independent and combined phylogenetic analyses for the matK and ITS sequences were performed using the maximum parsimony (MP), neighbor-joining (NJ) and maximum likelihood (ML) methods, indicating that Schnabelia oligophylla and Caryopteris terniflora form a sister-group relationship. The Caryopteris complex is not shown to be a monophyly because Trichostema, C. paniculata and C. forrestii are paraphyletic to the clade containing the remaining members of the complex. A monophyly of Ajugoideae proposed by Cantino et al., including 8 genera in this study, is strongly supported and the closest relatives of Schnabelia are in the Ajugoideae (Lamiaceae), especially near Caryopteris terniflora. The polygenetic analyses also showed that the genera of Lamiaceae and Verbenaceae sampled in this tudy are phylogenetically mixed and the genus Avicennia is distant to other genera of Verbenaceae. RASA and combined analysis can be used as effective approaches to determining the relationships among phylogenetically complex groups.  相似文献   
A library consisting of a series of O,O′-diaryzoyl-L-(–)-tartaric acids (2) was designed and synthesized. The substituent on the aromatic ring of 2 significantly affects the diastereomeric excess and efficiency of the resolution of racemic albuterol (1). Excellent resolving reagent 2a was selected for the resolution of rac-1 via the parallel approach. However, a family of three resolving reagents failed to improve the resolution efficiency of rac-1.  相似文献   
袁鹤  王宇 《松辽学刊》2007,28(1):45-46,48
本文给出了超代数上超对称超双导子的定义,并证明:具有非零超对称双导子的非平凡的素超代数一定是可换的.  相似文献   
针对基于工作流的进销存管理系统中存在的异常问题,提出了一个基于Agent的工作流异常处理模型,建立了异常监测、分析、处理机制,采用ECA规则建立了异常规则库,利用Agent的自学习性解决系统中出现的不可预测的异常,提高了系统的灵活性和可适应性,增强了系统处理异常的能力.  相似文献   
对Ag纳米线的熔化和过热作了研究,提出了一种经典热力学模型对Ag纳米线的过热机制作了阐述;当考虑到低能Ag/Ni界面的作用时,推导了过热的定量表达式,说明了过热与纳米线的半径和界面能有密切关系.  相似文献   
本文采用系列冲击试验,显微断口形貌和显微组织形貌观察,结合俄歇谱断口成分分析,研究了微量镓对中碳钢内磷在晶界偏聚的影响及其对钢的冲击性能的影响。试验结果表明,微量镓(含量在万分之几以上时)能够一定程度地阻止磷在晶界偏聚,(改变马氏体的形态)延缓回火过程;使得中碳钢不出现低温回火脆性,且具有较低的冷脆转折温度。  相似文献   
岩体爆破损伤具有时变累积特性,且爆破损伤增量大小是以本次爆破作用前岩体宏观力学参数水平为前提,据此对经典爆破损伤计算公式进行改进。工程应用情况表明:岩体爆破损伤经典算法的计算结果偏于保守,在一定程度上会阻碍爆破开挖效益最大化;爆破损伤改进算法可反映岩体内部孔洞、裂隙等缺陷在爆破动荷载作用下的闭合、密实现象,且更能体现岩体中声波速度的变化幅度,其工程应用效果良好。  相似文献   
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