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A broker in an open e-marketplace enables buyers and sellers to do business with each other. Although a broker plays an important role in e-marketplaces, theory and guidelines for matching between buyers and sellers in multi-attribute exchanges are limited. Therefore, a challenge for a broker’s responsibility is how to maximize a buyer’s total satisfaction degree as its goals under the consideration of trade-off between a buyer’s buying quantity and price paid to a seller, and other attributes. To solve this challenge, this paper proposes an economic model-based matching approach between a buyer’s requirements and a seller’s offers. The major contributions of this paper are that (i) a broker can model a seller’s price policy as per a buyer’s buying quantity through communication between a broker and a seller; (ii) due to each buyer’s different quantity demand, a broker models a buyer’s satisfaction degree as per a buyer’s buying quantity based on communication between a broker and a buyer; and (iii) to carry out a broker’s matching processes, an objective function and a set of constraints are generated to help a broker to maximize a buyer’s total satisfaction degree. Experimental results demonstrate the good performance of the proposed approach.  相似文献   
This paper addresses the problem of multi-objective coalition formation for task allocation. In disaster rescue, due to the dynamics of environments, heterogeneity and complexity of tasks as well as limited available agents, it is hard for the single-objective and single (task)-to-single (agent) task allocation approaches to handle task allocation in such circumstances. To this end, two multi-objective coalition formation for task allocation models are proposed for disaster rescues in this paper. First, through coalition formation, the proposed models enable agents to cooperatively perform complex tasks that cannot be completed by single agent. In addition, through adjusting the weights of multiple task allocation objectives, the proposed models can employ the linear programming to generate more adaptive task allocation plans, which can satisfy different task allocation requirements in disaster rescue. Finally, through employing the multi-stage task allocation mechanism of the dynamic programming, the proposed models can handle the dynamics of tasks and agents in disaster environments. Experimental results indicate that the proposed models have good performance on coalition formation for task allocation in disaster environments, which can generate suitable task allocation plans according to various objectives of task allocation.  相似文献   
By far, the researches on how to distribute blood products among different departments in hospital have not been further studied, though the problem of blood shortage and wastage that caused by improper blood allocation is severe, which may endanger patient’s lives and impose considerable costs on hospitals. In order to solve this problem, this paper mainly studies on how to distribute the blood items among different departments within a hospital and investigates the allocation approach with the novel management method by centralizing the inventory of several different departments. By integrating the blood inventory requirements of some departments, the hospital could reduce the rate of blood shortage and wastage effectively, release the pressure of the occupancy of resources and reduce the bullwhip effect of blood products. This paper illustrates the centralization principle in hospital and formulates the mixed integer programming model to work out the optimal allocation network scheme and the optimal inventory setting for every department. And the results of the numerical example demonstrate that this centralization method could considerably reduce blood shortage and wastage in hospital by about 72% and 90% respectively. Furthermore, it could decrease the total cost by about 108,540 RMB a month on blood supply chain management in the hospital and improve the effect of some certain surgeries by transfusing the fresh blood to patients.  相似文献   
With increasing demand diversification and short product lifecycles, industries now encounter challenges of demand uncertainty. The Japanese seru production system has received increased attention owing to its high efficiency and flexibility. In this paper, the problem of seru production system formation under uncertain demand is researched. A multi-objective optimization model for a seru production system formation problem is developed to minimize the cost and maximize the service level of the system. The purpose of this paper is to formulate a robust production system that can respond efficiently to the stochastic demand. Sample average approximation (SAA) is used to approximate the expected objective of the stochastic programming. The non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA-II) is improved to solve the multi-objective optimization model. Numerical experiments are conducted to test the tradeoff between cost and service level, and how the performance of the seru production system varies with the number of product types, mean and deviation of product volume, and skill-level-based cost.  相似文献   
We measure and predict states of Activation and Happiness using a body sensing application connected to smartwatches. Through the sensors of commercially available smartwatches we collect individual mood states and correlate them with body sensing data such as acceleration, heart rate, light level data, and location, through the GPS sensor built into the smartphone connected to the smartwatch. We polled users on the smartwatch for seven weeks four times per day asking for their mood state. We found that both Happiness and Activation are negatively correlated with heart beats and with the levels of light. People tend to be happier when they are moving more intensely and are feeling less activated during weekends. We also found that people with a lower Conscientiousness and Neuroticism and higher Agreeableness tend to be happy more frequently. In addition, more Activation can be predicted by lower Openness to experience and higher Agreeableness and Conscientiousness. Lastly, we find that tracking people’s geographical coordinates might play an important role in predicting Happiness and Activation. The methodology we propose is a first step towards building an automated mood tracking system, to be used for better teamwork and in combination with social network analysis studies.  相似文献   
With the rapid growth of online shopping platforms, more and more customers intend to share their shopping experience and product reviews on the Internet. Both large quantity and various forms of online reviews bring difficulties for potential consumers to summary all the heterogenous reviews for reference. This paper proposes a new ranking method through online reviews based on different aspects of the alternative products, which combines both objective and subjective sentiment values. Firstly, weights of these aspects are determined with LDA topic model to calculate the objective sentiment value of the product. During this process, the realistic meaning of each aspect is also summarized. Then, consumers’ personalized preferences are taken into consideration while calculating total scores of alternative products. Meanwhile, comparative superiority between every two products also contributes to their final scores. Therefore, a directed graph model is constructed and the final score of each product is computed by improved PageRank algorithm. Finally, a case study is given to illustrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method. The result demonstrates that while considering only objective sentiment values of the product, the ranking result obtained by our proposed method has a strong correlation with the actual sales orders. On the other hand, if consumers express subjective preferences towards a certain aspect, the final ranking is also consistent with the actual performance of alternative products. It provides a new research idea for online customer review mining and personalized recommendation.  相似文献   
针对雷达导引头机电结构组成复杂、性能指标测试数据信息利用率不足、使用传统基于数据驱动的状态预测方法精度不高的问题,借鉴相关向量机(relevance vector machine,RVM)和Dempster-Shafer (D-S)证据理论,提出了一种基于证据融合和改进局域RVM的状态预测方法。首先,对标准RVM回归模型进行改进,通过构建方差高斯核函数(variance Gauss kernel function, VGKF)来提高核函数的全局性能和泛化能力;然后通过借鉴混沌序列局域预测法中邻近点个数的选取方法,利用Hannan-Quinn (H-Q)准则对训练空间预测嵌入维数进行优化,避免了主观选取的盲目性,完成了改进局域相关向量机模型(local relevance vector machine, LRVM)的构建;最后,利用具有近似退化规律的同源装备测试数据对LRVM进行了改进,通过D-S证据理论对两种模型的预测结果进行了融合,建立了联合局域相关向量机(united local relevance vector machine, U-LRVM)模型。通过对导引头相关参数的实例预测,验证了该方法的可行性和优越性。  相似文献   
利用排队论探讨多层拦截巡航导弹的问题   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以多层拦截巡航导弹为军事背景 ,建立了相应的排队论模型。通过此模型可以对多层拦截的效果进行评估 ,从而使整体拦截效果达到最优。此方法切实、有效 ,对研究多层拦截的兵力配置及拦截效率 ,提供了理论支持 ,具有指导意义。  相似文献   
Universe, ecosystem, social system, etc. are evolving systems. The evolving processes of thesesystems have gradual small changes and rapid drastic changes with uncertainties under the constraintsof environment. Systems, as a whole, are evolving toward complexity, diversity and variety withfluctuations and jumps. New order emerges from "mutations". The evolution is bothchance-dependent and path-dependent. In this paper three basics: entropy, information and noise areemphasized with regard to system evolution which is a field that can give people wisdom to solvesystem problems with domain knowledge.  相似文献   
Two heuristics, the max-min approach and the Nakagawa and Nakashima method, are consideredfor the redundancy allocation problem with series-parallel structure. The max-min approach canformulate the problem as an integer linear programming problem instead of an integer nonlinearproblem. This paper presents a comparison between those methods from the standpoint of solutionquality and computational complexity. The experimental results show that the max-min approach issuperior to the Nakagawa and Nakashima method in terms of solution quality in small-scale problems,but analysis of computational complexity shows that the max-min approach is inferior to other greedyheuristics.  相似文献   
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