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Min JH  Pavletich NP 《Nature》2007,449(7162):570-575
Mutations in the nucleotide excision repair (NER) pathway can cause the xeroderma pigmentosum skin cancer predisposition syndrome. NER lesions are limited to one DNA strand, but otherwise they are chemically and structurally diverse, being caused by a wide variety of genotoxic chemicals and ultraviolet radiation. The xeroderma pigmentosum C (XPC) protein has a central role in initiating global-genome NER by recognizing the lesion and recruiting downstream factors. Here we present the crystal structure of the yeast XPC orthologue Rad4 bound to DNA containing a cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer (CPD) lesion. The structure shows that Rad4 inserts a beta-hairpin through the DNA duplex, causing the two damaged base pairs to flip out of the double helix. The expelled nucleotides of the undamaged strand are recognized by Rad4, whereas the two CPD-linked nucleotides become disordered. These findings indicate that the lesions recognized by Rad4/XPC thermodynamically destabilize the Watson-Crick double helix in a manner that facilitates the flipping-out of two base pairs.  相似文献   
The intestinal epithelium is the most rapidly self-renewing tissue in adult mammals. It is currently believed that four to six crypt stem cells reside at the +4 position immediately above the Paneth cells in the small intestine; colon stem cells remain undefined. Lgr5 (leucine-rich-repeat-containing G-protein-coupled receptor 5, also known as Gpr49) was selected from a panel of intestinal Wnt target genes for its restricted crypt expression. Here, using two knock-in alleles, we reveal exclusive expression of Lgr5 in cycling columnar cells at the crypt base. In addition, Lgr5 was expressed in rare cells in several other tissues. Using an inducible Cre knock-in allele and the Rosa26-lacZ reporter strain, lineage-tracing experiments were performed in adult mice. The Lgr5-positive crypt base columnar cell generated all epithelial lineages over a 60-day period, suggesting that it represents the stem cell of the small intestine and colon. The expression pattern of Lgr5 suggests that it marks stem cells in multiple adult tissues and cancers.  相似文献   
Plantenberg JH  de Groot PC  Harmans CJ  Mooij JE 《Nature》2007,447(7146):836-839
Quantum computation requires quantum logic gates that use the interaction within pairs of quantum bits (qubits) to perform conditional operations. Superconducting qubits may offer an attractive route towards scalable quantum computing. In previous experiments on coupled superconducting qubits, conditional gate behaviour and entanglement were demonstrated. Here we demonstrate selective execution of the complete set of four different controlled-NOT (CNOT) quantum logic gates, by applying microwave pulses of appropriate frequency to a single pair of coupled flux qubits. All two-qubit computational basis states and their superpositions are used as input, while two independent single-shot SQUID detectors measure the output state, including qubit-qubit correlations. We determined the gate's truth table by directly measuring the state transfer amplitudes and by acquiring the relevant quantum phase shift using a Ramsey-like interference experiment. The four conditional gates result from the symmetry of the qubits in the pair: either qubit can assume the role of control or target, and the gate action can be conditioned on either the 0-state or the 1-state. These gates are now sufficiently characterized to be used in quantum algorithms, and together form an efficient set of versatile building blocks.  相似文献   
Blood pressure is a heritable trait influenced by several biological pathways and responsive to environmental stimuli. Over one billion people worldwide have hypertension (≥140?mm?Hg systolic blood pressure or ≥90?mm?Hg diastolic blood pressure). Even small increments in blood pressure are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events. This genome-wide association study of systolic and diastolic blood pressure, which used a multi-stage design in 200,000 individuals of European descent, identified sixteen novel loci: six of these loci contain genes previously known or suspected to regulate blood pressure (GUCY1A3-GUCY1B3, NPR3-C5orf23, ADM, FURIN-FES, GOSR2, GNAS-EDN3); the other ten provide new clues to blood pressure physiology. A genetic risk score based on 29 genome-wide significant variants was associated with hypertension, left ventricular wall thickness, stroke and coronary artery disease, but not kidney disease or kidney function. We also observed associations with blood pressure in East Asian, South Asian and African ancestry individuals. Our findings provide new insights into the genetics and biology of blood pressure, and suggest potential novel therapeutic pathways for cardiovascular disease prevention.  相似文献   
An integrated semiconductor device enabling non-optical genome sequencing   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The seminal importance of DNA sequencing to the life sciences, biotechnology and medicine has driven the search for more scalable and lower-cost solutions. Here we describe a DNA sequencing technology in which scalable, low-cost semiconductor manufacturing techniques are used to make an integrated circuit able to directly perform non-optical DNA sequencing of genomes. Sequence data are obtained by directly sensing the ions produced by template-directed DNA polymerase synthesis using all-natural nucleotides on this massively parallel semiconductor-sensing device or ion chip. The ion chip contains ion-sensitive, field-effect transistor-based sensors in perfect register with 1.2 million wells, which provide confinement and allow parallel, simultaneous detection of independent sequencing reactions. Use of the most widely used technology for constructing integrated circuits, the complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) process, allows for low-cost, large-scale production and scaling of the device to higher densities and larger array sizes. We show the performance of the system by sequencing three bacterial genomes, its robustness and scalability by producing ion chips with up to 10 times as many sensors and sequencing a human genome.  相似文献   
When an extrasolar planet passes in front of (transits) its star, its radius can be measured from the decrease in starlight and its orbital period from the time between transits. Multiple planets transiting the same star reveal much more: period ratios determine stability and dynamics, mutual gravitational interactions reflect planet masses and orbital shapes, and the fraction of transiting planets observed as multiples has implications for the planarity of planetary systems. But few stars have more than one known transiting planet, and none has more than three. Here we report Kepler spacecraft observations of a single Sun-like star, which we call Kepler-11, that reveal six transiting planets, five with orbital periods between 10 and 47?days and a sixth planet with a longer period. The five inner planets are among the smallest for which mass and size have both been measured, and these measurements imply substantial envelopes of light gases. The degree of coplanarity and proximity of the planetary orbits imply energy dissipation near the end of planet formation.  相似文献   
Atmospheric aerosols exert an important influence on climate through their effects on stratiform cloud albedo and lifetime and the invigoration of convective storms. Model calculations suggest that almost half of the global cloud condensation nuclei in the atmospheric boundary layer may originate from the nucleation of aerosols from trace condensable vapours, although the sensitivity of the number of cloud condensation nuclei to changes of nucleation rate may be small. Despite extensive research, fundamental questions remain about the nucleation rate of sulphuric acid particles and the mechanisms responsible, including the roles of galactic cosmic rays and other chemical species such as ammonia. Here we present the first results from the CLOUD experiment at CERN. We find that atmospherically relevant ammonia mixing ratios of 100 parts per trillion by volume, or less, increase the nucleation rate of sulphuric acid particles more than 100-1,000-fold. Time-resolved molecular measurements reveal that nucleation proceeds by a base-stabilization mechanism involving the stepwise accretion of ammonia molecules. Ions increase the nucleation rate by an additional factor of between two and more than ten at ground-level galactic-cosmic-ray intensities, provided that the nucleation rate lies below the limiting ion-pair production rate. We find that ion-induced binary nucleation of H(2)SO(4)-H(2)O can occur in the mid-troposphere but is negligible in the boundary layer. However, even with the large enhancements in rate due to ammonia and ions, atmospheric concentrations of ammonia and sulphuric acid are insufficient to account for observed boundary-layer nucleation.  相似文献   
青藏高原土地利用与覆被变化的时空特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
青藏高原土地利用与土地覆被变化(LUCC)研究是区域土地科学与全球变化科学研究的重要内容,也是保障高原生态安全屏障功能稳定与提升的科学基础.本文通过对已有LUCC数据与成果的再分析,研究了高原整体LUCC时空特征、典型区LUCC的时空过程及典型类型的变化过程与机制.结果表明:青藏高原土地利用与土地覆被结构稳定,一级地类变化面积比例低于7%,并以单次变化为主,土地覆被状况总体改善.近年来高寒草地覆被状况整体好转、局部退化,林地恢复良好,耕地基本稳定,建设用地显著扩张,裸地轻微减少.人口较为密集的河湟谷地与"一江两河"地区,建设用地、耕地、人工林地等增加明显;藏北高原和三江源等牧区,超载过牧和生态建设的作用均有体现;珠穆朗玛峰国家级自然保护地区土地覆被类型多样、变化复杂,并表现出对气候变化和人类活动有较强的敏感性.高原土地变化研究中还存在现有数据产品数量不足、精度不高,土地利用变化过程及其环境效应认识不够深入等问题,需要加强野外监测和遥感技术的结合,关注LULC在不同时空尺度下的变化特征,同时注重土地利用与土地覆被类型转化和类内渐变,使高原LUCC研究更好地服务于高原生态安全屏障建设和区域可持续发展.  相似文献   
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