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Spatial heterogeneity in visually similar sites under Utah juniper canopy in Colorado National Monument was examined. Sample sites were arranged in a transect 24 m long, such that distances between samples were 0.013 m, 0.03 m, 1.0 m, 12 m, and 24 m. Twenty-five taxa of algae were observed, mostly belonging to Cyanophyta. Algal density varied by more than an order of magnitude within the 46 samples examined. The coefficients of variation for each distance class were very similar, demonstrating that algal patchiness can be as significant on a scale less than 0.013 m as it is on a scale of 24 m. Goodall's random pairing analysis of spatial pattern supported this conclusion by indicating that the minimal area for sampling soil algal crust populations at this site was equal to or less than 0.013 m. Because of the microscale heterogeneity in algal communities in this study, we recommend that future researchers take composite samples if they wish to quantify algae of microbiotic crusts.  相似文献   
Lichens are common components of microbiotic soil crusts. A total of 34 species from 17 genera are reported from soil crust communities throughout the Intermountain Area. Distribution of terricolous lichens is determined by various physical and biological factors: physical and chemical characteristics of the soil, moisture regimes, temperature, insolation, and development and composition of the vascular plant community. Some species demonstrate a broad ecological amplitude while others have a more restricted distribution. All growth forms are represented; however, the vast majority of soil crust lichens are squamulose (minutely foliose). Fruticose species are least abundant. In exposed, middle-elevation sites vagrant (detached) species are common. This paper describes and discusses terricolous lichen communities of desert habitats of the intermountain western United States. Effects of various human-related activities including grazing, wildfire, air pollution, and recreation vehicles on soil crust lichens are discussed. Gypsoplaca macrophylla (Zahlbr.) Timdal, a rare squamulose lichen which occurs on gypsifersous soils, was recently collected in Emery County, Utah, and is reported as new to the state.  相似文献   
The White-faced Ibis ( Plegadis chihi ) is a California state and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service species of special management concern. We studied White-faced Ibis breeding ecology from May through July 1995 on Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in the upper Klamath Basin of California. A total of 2029 pairs nested in 3 colonies exclusively in early-successional hardstem bulrush ( Scirpus acutus ). Nest initiation dates ranged from 10 May to 12 June, and mean clutch size was 3.16. Reproductive success averaged 87% apparent nest success ( n = 115), 82% hatchability, 97% whole and partial brood survival, and 2.39 fledglings per successful nest. Mayfield estimates of nest survival were 79.1% during the laying and incubation period and 95% during the nestling period. Overall nest success as estimated by the Mayfield method was 75.4%. Our estimates of nest success are some of the highest reported anywhere in the literature for White-faced Ibis. Therefore, Lower Klamath NWR may maintain preferred White-faced Ibis breeding habitats in years of otherwise poor habitat conditions across the Intermountain West.  相似文献   
Orconectes virilis (northern crayfish) were collected from 67 sites in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and far-western Ontario, Canada, and yielded 2 species of branchiobdellidans, Cambarincola vitreus and Cambarincola chirocephalus. This is the first report of branchiobdellidans in the Prairie Provinces. Cambarincola vitreus was distributed across the study area, but C. chirocephalus appeared to be restricted to southeastern Saskatchewan, southern Manitoba, and the site in western Ontario. Neither branchiobdellidan species was observed on crayfish in the Beaver River or the South Saskatchewan River and associated tributaries upstream (west) of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, despite multiple sampling at these locations.  相似文献   
Thirty-one stonefly species representing eight families were collected during the March 1987 to May 1990 study period. Genera represented by more than one species included Capnia, Utacapnia, Taenionema, Suwallia, Triznaka, Isogenoides, and Isoperla . Peak species richness was recorded on or near the summer solstice in 1988 and 1989. Climatic differences between years were reflected in nymphal development and emergence phenology of most species. New or important corroborative life history data are presented for 11 stonefly species of this assemblage. The hyporheic nymphal development of most cholroperlid species limited the number of early instars sampled and our capacity to interpret voltinism. Limited nymphal data suggested a univoltine-slow cycle for Plumiperla diversa (Frison). Adults of Suwallia pallidula (Banks) and S. wardi (Banks) were present for an extended summer period, but the bulk of their respective emergence times was temporally separated. Isogenoides zionensis Hanson, Pteronarcella badia (Hagen), and Pteronarcys californica Newport were all shown for the first time to have a 9-10 mo egg diapauses, and all three species have a semivoltine life cycle. Skwala Americana (Klápalek) and Isoperla fulva Claassen were further confirmed to have univoltine-slow cycles. Univoltine-fast and univoltine-slow life cycles are reported for the first time in I. phalerata and I. quinquepunctata , respectively. Regression analysis revealed that six of the eight abunduant species had extended emergence patterns (slopes of < 5%/d), while only two had synchronous patterns. Warmer spring and summer temperatures in 1989 increased the slopes for five of the eight species studied, but did not change their synchrony designation. Nine of 11 abundant species advanced their median emergence date in 1989 over 1988. This and the higher slope values are consistent with a hurried nymphal development and narrower emergence period due to the warmer thermal regime of 1989.  相似文献   
The Shoshone sculpin ( Cottus greenei ) is found only in springs of the Thousand Springs formation along the Snake River in Idaho. In 1983 a small population of Shoshone sculpin was introduced into an unnamed spring in the Thousand Springs formation in an attempt to increase the range of the species. Previously, the only sculpin in that spring was the mottled sculpin ( Cottus bairdi ). The Shoshone sculpin was able to establish itself and become the predominant fish within 8 years.  相似文献   
We report observations on reproductive phenology, fecundity, and sporocarp morphology for a population of the semiaquatic fern Marsilea mollis B.L. Rob. & Fernald in southern Arizona and document the parasitic relationships of 2 insects collected with the plants. The recently described weevil Notiodes sporocarpicus O&rsquo;Brien (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) utilizes the fern&rsquo;s sporocarp as a brood chamber, only the second documented instance of this form of parasitism in the United States. The wasp Lyrcus maculatus (Gahan) (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) is a parasitoid of the weevil in this system.  相似文献   
Two subspecies of Colorado chipmunk (state threatened and federal species of concern) occur in southern New MeXico: Tamias quadrivittatus australis in the Organ Mountains and T. q. oscuraensis in the Oscura Mountains. We developed a GIS model of potentially suitable habitat based on vegetation and elevation features, evaluated site classifications of the GIS model, and determined vegetation and terrain features associated with chipmunk occurrence. We compared GIS model classifications with actual vegetation and elevation features measured at 37 sites. At 60 sites we measured 18 habitat variables regarding slope, aspect, tree species, shrub species, and ground cover. We used logistic regression to analyze habitat variables associated with chipmunk presence/absence. All (100%) 37 sample sites (28 predicted suitable, 9 predicted unsuitable) were classified correctly by the GIS model regarding elevation and vegetation. For 28 sites predicted suitable by the GIS model, 18 sites (64%) appeared visually suitable based on habitat variables selected from logistic regression analyses, of which 10 sites (36%) were specifically predicted as suitable habitat via logistic regression. We detected chipmunks at 70% of sites deemed suitable via the logistic regression models. Shrub cover, tree density, plant proximity, presence of logs, and presence of rock outcrop were retained in the logistic model for the Oscura Mountains; litter, shrub cover, and grass cover were retained in the logistic model for the Organ Mountains. Evaluation of predictive models illustrates the need for multi-stage analyses to best judge performance. Microhabitat analyses indicate prospective needs for different management strategies between the subspecies. Sensitivities of each population of the Colorado chipmunk to natural and prescribed fire suggest that partial burnings of areas inhabited by Colorado chipmunks in southern New Mexico may be beneficial. These partial burnings may later help avoid a fire that could substantially reduce habitat of chipmunks over a mountain range.  相似文献   
Asynchronous reproduction is a common phenomenon in high-elevation populations of lizards from Central México. Sperm storage in the reproductive tract of females is the mechanism for making oocyte fertilization possible. Our study addresses questions related to functional oviductal sperm storage of females mating on different dates throughout the reproductive season. A population of Sceloporus mucronatus with copulation in the summer and ovulation in the fall was chosen for this experiment. Eleven females that copulated in the field during June and 13 females that copulated in captivity during August were maintained in the laboratory until parturition. The number of pregnant females and the litter sizes produced in each experimental group were indicative of the viability of the stored sperm. Sperm stored in the reproductive tract of females were able to fertilize eggs after 4 months. No significant differences were found in the number of pregnant females between the 2 experimental groups nor in the litter sizes that they produced. We found that the amount of time sperm were held in the female reproductive tract (ca. 3 months) had no effect on the capacity of sperm to fertilize eggs. Histological examination of 8 oviducts collected before the mating season eliminated the possibility of sperm storage from one year to the next. In this system, sperm retention could have evolved as a response mechanism to deal with the asynchrony between sexes in the reproductive cycles. However, we cannot rule out alternative hypotheses.  相似文献   
Carbon isotope discrimination (Δ) was measured for leaves of Atriplex confertifolia along a salinity gradient in northern Utah. Over this gradient, the variation of Δ values was high for a C 4 species, and the Δ values were positively correlated with salinity in both years of study. Of the possible explanations for this patter, the Δ results are consistent with the notion that salinity induces an increase in the bundle sheath leakiness of these C 4 plants.  相似文献   
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