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苎麻以其纤维细长,强力高,吸湿、散湿、吸热,散热快而被公认为是一种品质优良的纺织原料.本文精选了几种目前我国种植的主要品种,借助于德国罗伊特林根应用研究所的先进技术对选定的品种作了全面测试.不同地区苎麻的油脂及半纤维素含量差异与木质素及总胶含量差异呈相同趋势.湖南省所产苎麻具有较高的油脂、半纤维素、木质素及总胶质含量.四川麻的油脂、半纤维素、木质素及胶质总含量则相应较低.山地麻含较高的果胶,半纤维素和总胶量.湖区麻的油脂,木质素及水溶物则含量较高.三季麻的果胶含量较高,其余化学成分及总含胶量则最低.  相似文献   
A spelling device for the paralysed   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
Leonhard K  Stiegler A  Neupert W  Langer T 《Nature》1999,398(6725):348-351
The AAA domain, a conserved Walker-type ATPase module, is a feature of members of the AAA family of proteins, which are involved in many cellular processes, including vesicular transport, organelle biogenesis, microtubule rearrangement and protein degradation. The function of the AAA domain, however, has not been explained. Membrane-anchored AAA proteases of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells comprise a subfamily of AAA proteins that have metal-dependent peptidase activity and mediate the degradation of non-assembled membrane proteins. Inactivation of an orthologue of this protease family in humans causes neurodegeneration in hereditary spastic paraplegia. Here we investigate the AAA domain of the yeast protein Yme1, a subunit of the iota-AAA protease located in the inner membrane of mitochondria. We show that Yme1 senses the folding state of solvent-exposed domains and specifically degrades unfolded membrane proteins. Substrate recognition and binding are mediated by the amino-terminal region of the AAA domain. The purified AAA domain of Yme1 binds unfolded polypeptides and suppresses their aggregation. Our results indicate that the AAA domain of Ymel has a chaperone-like activity and suggest that the AAA domains of other AAA proteins may have a similar function.  相似文献   
Molecular basis of triclosan activity   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
p63 is a p53 homologue required for limb and epidermal morphogenesis   总被引:100,自引:0,他引:100  
Mills AA  Zheng B  Wang XJ  Vogel H  Roop DR  Bradley A 《Nature》1999,398(6729):708-713
Stable propagation of synchronous spiking in cortical neural networks   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
Diesmann M  Gewaltig MO  Aertsen A 《Nature》1999,402(6761):529-533
The classical view of neural coding has emphasized the importance of information carried by the rate at which neurons discharge action potentials. More recent proposals that information may be carried by precise spike timing have been challenged by the assumption that these neurons operate in a noisy fashion--presumably reflecting fluctuations in synaptic input and, thus, incapable of transmitting signals with millisecond fidelity. Here we show that precisely synchronized action potentials can propagate within a model of cortical network activity that recapitulates many of the features of biological systems. An attractor, yielding a stable spiking precision in the (sub)millisecond range, governs the dynamics of synchronization. Our results indicate that a combinatorial neural code, based on rapid associations of groups of neurons co-ordinating their activity at the single spike level, is possible within a cortical-like network.  相似文献   
Sequence and analysis of chromosome 2 of the plant Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis) is unique among plant model organisms in having a small genome (130-140 Mb), excellent physical and genetic maps, and little repetitive DNA. Here we report the sequence of chromosome 2 from the Columbia ecotype in two gap-free assemblies (contigs) of 3.6 and 16 megabases (Mb). The latter represents the longest published stretch of uninterrupted DNA sequence assembled from any organism to date. Chromosome 2 represents 15% of the genome and encodes 4,037 genes, 49% of which have no predicted function. Roughly 250 tandem gene duplications were found in addition to large-scale duplications of about 0.5 and 4.5 Mb between chromosomes 2 and 1 and between chromosomes 2 and 4, respectively. Sequencing of nearly 2 Mb within the genetically defined centromere revealed a low density of recognizable genes, and a high density and diverse range of vestigial and presumably inactive mobile elements. More unexpected is what appears to be a recent insertion of a continuous stretch of 75% of the mitochondrial genome into chromosome 2.  相似文献   
转塔式锚泊系统的动力分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
采用时域分析方法计算转塔式锚泊系统的动力响应问题,并对系泊在水深350m的常规的转塔式锚泊系统进行了分析研究.计算结果与响应模型试验进行了比较,两者吻合较好.在此基础上,对系泊在水深400m和1200m的常规及具有浮筒的转塔式锚泊系统在各种环境条件作用下的运动和受力进行了分析研究,提出了对深海转塔式锚泊系统应注意的问题,这对深海石油开采装置的研究具有一定的实用意义  相似文献   
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