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试论以资源定位的海洋功能区划   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
海洋资源具有多种功能,不同的利用者、不同部门在其利用上的矛盾冲突往往造成海洋资源的无序开发,甚至海洋生态系统的破坏.海洋功能区划是解决海洋资源利用冲突的有效手段之一,但是目前的海洋功能区划在认识和实践方法等方面还存在一些不足.本文以浙江省宁波市象山港的海洋功能区划为研究案例,坚持资源定位和公众参与等原则,根据象山港各个区段自然属性的差异将其划分为七个海区,并应用环境经济学的分析方法论证资源的最佳利用方式,从而确定了整个海域和七个分区的主导功能.以资源定位的海洋功能区划对于海洋资源的持续利用具有长远的指导性.  相似文献   
高速光纤通信系统中PMD的特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从理论上分析了高速光纤通信系统中PMD的特性,得出了由PMD导致的DGD(差分群时延)的机理。由于PMD是一个随机量而难以计算、测定,因而从谱域上给出了一种简单易行的测定PMD的实验方法。通过统计学分析法给出了输入脉冲宽度、输出脉冲宽度与系统PMD之间的关系。这种关系对于实际系统输入脉冲宽度的选择有理论指导意义。  相似文献   
为了解决虚拟企业中盟主企业和伙伴企业之间严重的委托-代理问题,提出采用控制权配置的方法,以此作为激励手段达到降低由不完全契约、信息不对称等因素引发的虚拟企业组织风险的目的.结合博弈论的相关理论构建了虚拟企业最优控制权结构配置的模型,分别求解了基于盟主企业效用最大化原则、伙伴企业效用最大化原则以及虚拟企业整体效用最大化原则下虚拟企业最优控制权的配置.结果表明,当盟主企业和伙伴企业在追求各自的最大化目标函数时,所获得的虚拟企业的最优控制权结构是不同的,且伙伴企业出让给盟主企业的控制权份额随着盟主企业的相对重要性的增加而增加.在此基础上讨论了相关参数的特性.  相似文献   
Vehicle Crashworthiness Simulation Based on Virtual Design of Auto-body   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Trafficaccidentshavebecomeseriousmenacesthat threatenpeopleandpropertyatanacceleratingrate,particularlyindevelopingcountriessuchasChina, Althoughthecarownershipislow,thenumberoffatalities intrafficaccidentsisrelativelyhigh.Sosafety,asoneof basicperformancesofautomobile,isattachedimportance byautomotivemanufacturersnow.In2000,CMVDR294 “Designregulationonoccupantprotectioninautomotive frontalimpact”promulgatedinP.R.Chinaisbeneficialto evaluatethepassivesafetyofautomotives. Thestructurali…  相似文献   
IntroductionThehandleoffabricshasbeenthesubjectofaverylargenumberofstudiesformorethan30years.FromthepioneeringworkofPierceinthe1930stomorerecenttechniques[1],manystudieshavesoughttorelatehandletospecificfabricmechanicalpropertiesandthroughthemtofiberproperties.Althoughsmoothness,softness,andstiffnessdeterminethephysicalandmechanicalbehaviorofafabricandthesubjectiveassessmentofqualitywhenitishandled,thesensationsperceivedfromthecontactofclothingwiththeskincangreatlyinfluenceouroverallstateofcom…  相似文献   
A sandwich photonic bandgap (PBG) structure is a novel PBG structure whose periodic lattice is buried in the middle of a substrate. Neither drilling nor suspending the substrate is required, and the integrity of the ground plane is maintained. This paper presents several modification techniques for sandwich PBG structure fabrication. The forbidden gap can be improved by adopting the chirping technique, applying the tapering technique, enlarging the periodic elements, adjusting the location of the periodic lattice in the substrate, and using different dielectric media H-shape elements. A finite difference time domain method is applied to analyze the structures. Deep and wide stopbands can be obtained using the modified sandwich structures. Experimental measurement results agree well with the theoretical analysis.  相似文献   
用电化学阻抗谱(EIS)和极化测量,研究了在含CO2的溶液中NaCl含量对API P105钢的电化学腐蚀行为的影响.结果表明,随着NaCl含量的增大,P105钢的腐蚀电位正移,抑制了腐蚀过程的阴阳极反应,降低了P105钢的腐蚀速率.分析表明,Cl在API P105钢表面的吸附为Temkin等温吸附.  相似文献   
The key to mass customizing effectively is postponingthe deco upling point of customer order in the supplynetwork. This paper focused on quantitative analysison postponement strategies of multiple decouplingpoints in mass customization to improve operating  相似文献   
Based on the requirements of applying information technology to reform the traditional fashion industry, the method of fashion merchandising management in some medium-sized enterprises is discussed. By analyzing the actual domestic fashion industry environment, ideal model that could quickly respond to the market's changes is proposed which includes naming brand, target-market position, circumstances analysis and popularity anticipation, brand concept and style setting, fashion design, fashion category component, and sale strategy.  相似文献   
A novel hyper-redundant manipulator named RT1 is designed and studied. The unique feature of RT1 is all degrees of freedom (DOF) are actuated with only one motor via special designed hinge bar universal joints. The mechanisms of RT1 are introduced in detail. Some experiments are carried out in order to test the movability and adaptability of the manipulator. RT1 is actuated by pulse string and acts discretely. The discrete working space of RT1 is described and the parameter optimization for kinematical redundancy resolution is studied also. The optimization criterion is altering the design parameter as little as possible during manipulator's motion from the initial position to the expected position. An optimization example is given that is realized with Matlab optimize tool-box.  相似文献   
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