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Science和Nature代表了国际最高水平的综合性学术期刊,本文对2008年中国大陆科研机构在这两个学术期刊及其Nature的系列子刊发表论文情况进行了统计分析。结果表明,中国大陆科研机构在上述期刊发表论文的能力稳步上升,但自主发表论文能力并没有得到明显的提高。  相似文献   
研究具有连续分布时滞的非线性中立型双曲微分方程/t[p(t)/t〔u(x,t) ∑from i=1 to l (λi(t)u(x,t-τi)〕]=a(t)Δu(x,t) ∑ from k=1 to s ak(t)Δu(x,t-ρk(t))-∫ abq(x,t,ξ)f[u(x,g(t,ξ))]dσ(ξ),(x,t)∈Ω×[0, ∞≡G的振动性问题,利用Riccati变换和Philos的积分平均方法,获得该方程边值问题一切解在G内振动的几个充分条件,推广并改进了文[1]和[6]中相应的结果.  相似文献   
Terrace dating as an archive of the run-through of the Sanmen Gorges   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Analysis of morphological properties in the Sanmen Gorges region of the Yellow River shows that four river terraces have been developed at the entrance to the gorges. Commonly, thick aeolian loess-paleosol sequence was deposited on the terraces, which makes it easy to date the terraces. The dating of paleomagnetic, loess-paleosol sequence matching and thermoluminescence show that terraces T2, T3 and T4 were formed 0.129 Ma, 0.625 Ma and 0.865 Ma ago, respectively. The formation of these terraces in this region indicates that the Yellow River has experienced four intensive downcutting events during the last 0.9 Ma. The Yellow River cut through the Sanmen Gorges and inpoured into the East China Sea no later than 0.865 Ma.  相似文献   
OpenMP中隐式数据并行编译策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了实现OpenMPFortranAPI2.0中通过WORKSHARE语句提供的对隐式数据并行的支持,提出了计算划分原则、计算划分算法以及实现方案。还给出了针对编译中产生的冗余同步以及相容的DO循环等情况的优化技术。将实现方案与EFC(Intel产品编译器)进行了对比测试。结果表明,该并行编译策略有效地实现了对隐式数据并行的支持。所述优化技术能够提高并行程序执行效率:消除冗余同步对于负载不平衡的情况所提高的效率与各线程最小总等待时间成正比;合并循环体能提高7%左右的效率。  相似文献   
Dating and genesis of the upper Weihe River terraces in Longxi basin,China   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Seven terraces along the Weihe River in Longxi basin have been investigated. These terraces all consist of archetypal duality in structure, namely the floodplain deposits and the layer of gravels overlaid by varying thickness of the loess. By resorting to various dating approaches such as palaeomagnetic, optically stimulated luminescenece (OSL), 14C and loess-paleosol sequence, we provide preliminary timing of these seven terraces along upper Weihe River. Analysis on sedimentation characteristics and dating of these terraces showed that seven terraces may be jointly generated by tectonic uplifts and climatic changes. Tectonic uplifts may accommodate initial river incision, and climatic change may be responsible for processes of subsequent channel widening and aggradation. Aggradation normally occurs during glacial periods, in contrast to down-cuttings during transitions from glacial to interglacial period. Moreover, on the basis of the timings and heights of these terraces, we infer that the long-term rate of river incision was determined to be 0.2 m/kyr during the last 870 kyr, which differs from other river incision rates. This discrepancy may reflect spatio-temporal differentiation of tectonic activities in the Qinling orogenic belt during the Pleistocene.  相似文献   
刘小鹏  贺飞  周辉  墨宏山 《中国基础科学》2006,8(4):42-45,F0003
科研成果的表现形式之一就是在Nature和Science等具有国际影响力的期刊上发表学术论文。2001—2005年中国大陆科研机构以第一著作单位身份在Nature和Science上共发表107篇论文,其中包括11篇Article论文和2篇Review论文,有28篇论文完全由国内科研机构完成。与1996—2000年期间相比,中国大陆科研机构在Nature和Science上发表的论文数有了大幅增长。  相似文献   
新修订的《中华人民共和国科学技术进步法》提出要宽容失败。如何宽容失败就成为一个大家讨论的问题。一种观点认为,要淡化评估标准,使研究项目最终都能通过。我认为,这是一种不可取的方法,是一种不尊重科学的方法.也不能起到鼓励原始创新的作用。在科技评价中如何做到宽容失败,我认为应该关注以下几个方面。  相似文献   
概括分析了低压宽温低阻抗工作电解液的基本要求与研制途径,系统研究了以马来酸氢铵,马来酸四乙基氢铵为液质,乙二醇和γ-丁内酯为混合溶剂的2种新型工作电解液的基础性能。  相似文献   
合成生物学已经成为世界科学研究的前沿之一,本文从文献计量学的角度分析了国际合成生物学的发展趋势、研究热点、优势机构、领军人物等,总结了目前合成生物学发展所面临的挑战,并对今后的发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   
储能系统越来越多地应用于电力系统,其与风电配合可以减少风机出力的波动性,因此有必要对风电储能联合调度。提出了一种考虑CO_2排放成本的风电储能联合调度优化模型。首先说明了CO_2排放成本。然后建立了以火电机组成本费用、排放成本、火电机组启停成本、风机成本、电池成本最小为目标,考虑有功功率平衡约束、风机出力约束、火电机组启停约束、电池储能充放电约束等条件的优化模型。接着利用非线性遗传算法对本文所建模型进行求解。最后在IEE30节点中进行仿真分析,说明了所提方法的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   
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