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He You Dong Yunlong & Wang GuohongInstitute of Information Fusion Naval Aeronautical Engineering Institute Yantai P. R. China 《系统工程与电子技术(英文版)》2005,16(2)
1.INTRODUCTION Inpractice,radarsoftenoperateasynchronouslyandpro videdataatdifferentrateswithdifferentcommunication timedelays,thustheproblemofdatafusioninradarnet workingsystemisasynchronousinsteadofsynchronous. However,theresearchinthefieldofdatafusionfocuses onthesynchronousproblems,andthemeasurementsof differentsensorsarealwayspredictedatthesametimefor updatingKalmanfiltersynchronously.Thisapproachis complicatedforengineering,anditwillreducethedata ratesofthesystem,atthesametimethee… 相似文献
何琦 《江苏大学学报(自然科学版)》1998,(6)
介绍了特种加工技术在修整金属结合剂超硬磨料砂轮中的应用.特种加工修整技术针对金属结合剂和磨料的不同特性,对结合剂进行蚀除,有效地提高了金属结合剂超硬磨料砂轮的修整效率和质量,具有较好的应用前景. 相似文献
何敬民 《清华大学学报(自然科学版)》1992,(4)
给出了一个改进的背包公钥密码系统。和原系统一样,作者利用中国剩余定理 (孙子定理)构造背包,但同时将某些随机选取的秘密量加到和乘到各背包分量上(以前构造背包密码系统从未用到加法).因而大大提高了系统安全性。 相似文献
1.INTaODUCTIONThemultilayerfeedforwardneuralnetworks(MFNN)hasbeenwidelyappliedinmanyfieldssuchaspatternrecognition,nonlinearoptimization,systemidentificationandcontrol.Thesimpleback-propagation(BP)learningalgorithmisusuallyadoptedtoupdateitsweights.TheBPalgorithm,however,suffersdrawbacksofslowconvergenceandunpredictablesolutionsduringlearning.Althoughmailyapproachessuchasvariablestepsize,conjugategradient,pseudo-Newtonmethods[4]andothermethods[3,10],havebeendevelopedtoovercometheproble… 相似文献
This paper mainly studies the strong convergence properties for weighted sums of extended negatively dependent(END, for short) random variables. Some sufficient conditions to prove the strong law of large numbers for weighted sums of END random variables are provided. In particular, the authors obtain the weighted version of Kolmogorov type strong law of large numbers for END random variables as a product. The results that the authors obtained generalize the corresponding ones for independent ra... 相似文献
<正>To detect the deformation of the tunnel structure based on image sensor networks is the advanced study and application of spatial sensor technology.For the vertical settlement of metro tunnel caused by internal and external stress after its long period operation,the overall scheme and measuring principle of tunnel deformation detection system is introduced. The image data acquisition and processing of detection target are achieved by the cooperative work of image sensor,ARM embedded system.RS485 communication achieves the data transmission between ARM memory and host computer.The database system in station platform analyses the detection data and obtains the deformation state of tunnel inner wall,which makes it possible to early-warn the tunnel deformation and take preventive measures in time. 相似文献
中国传统文化的成功论讲究天时、地利、人和,我国古代战争中常指占有这几种优势的一方,其胜算就大.现在在世界顶级篮球联赛的NBA、我国的CBA及欧洲的各种篮球联赛,组织者都是从这几方面着手,来激发主场运动员的潜能,发挥球队的主场优势,从而夺取比赛的胜利.本文运用文献资料法,通过分析天时、地利、人和在篮球主场比赛中的具体体现,旨在进一步提高我们对主场优势的认识. 相似文献
针对电气信息类专业数学系列课程教学中存在的一些问题,通过开展翻转课堂式教学强化课前预习与课堂讨论环节,在数学概念的讲解中灵活运用迁移教学方法,建设典型案例驱动课堂教学,将对抽象数学知识的理解转化为工程应用问题,从而激发学生对数学课程的学习兴趣,提高学生运用数学知识解决复杂工程问题的能力,在多门数学课程的教学实践中取得了良好的教学效果. 相似文献
一种通用的城市道路交通流微观仿真系统的研究 总被引:21,自引:5,他引:21
交通流仿真是研究交通问题的有效工具,本文采用复合概率、模糊逻辑等方法建立了描述交通流中不确定性因素、车辆的到达,在路段上行驶以及通过路口的微观仿真模型,并利用面向对象的方法设计实现了于种基于上述模型的通用城市交通流微观仿真系统,比较真实地再现了车辆在道路网络的行驶过程。 相似文献